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Freakonomics on India

Did you know about the point no. 13? :partay:

well we know it better but how r u different? for ur info incase u need some, west considers all south asians as indians. so u arent any different. :cheers::taz:

neways, 'education is a must' is evident today, coz u mite be suicidal.
uncle "under $2 dollars a day" riaz is back!!! that too with a BANG...now he will disappear for few days...
i dont think karan or deepak will even bother to argue with him!!!!
oh and i like the word INDOPHOBIA!!!!
Why did you forget to use the facts that are in favour of India ? Why the selective cherry picking ?

And why am I even asking Riaz to be neutral :rofl:

I have just one comment to make. The number of positives about India in this book easily out number the negatives. Selective reading and biased presentation = BS analysis.
I have just one comment to make. The number of positives about India in this book easily out number the negatives. Selective reading and biased presentation = BS analysis.

I see rural women empowerment in India by Cable TV as positive, not negative.

But please go ahead and share more positives about India from Superfreakonomics, and enlighten the members and readers of Pak Defense.

Cable television is present in over 16 million Pakistani households accounting for 68% of the population in 2009. I am not aware of any studies done on the impact of cable TV on rural women in Pakistan, but my guess is that trends similar to India's are empowering women in Pakistan's rural households with growing cable TV access.


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Here is Riaz Faq, I mean Riaz Haq at it again. He is like the ragpicker on the streets of Karachi. Painstakingly picking negative indicators about india in an article and posting it on his blog. And propagating a delusion that pakistan is better in everything. I can draw comparisons with Zaid. Both are scizophrenic clowns !!!:rofl::rofl:
For your benefit, I will highlight where we disagree.
I have just one comment to make. The number of positives about India in this book easily out number the negatives. Selective reading and biased presentation = BS analysis.
For your benefit, I will highlight where we disagree.
I have just one comment to make. The number of positives about India in this book easily out number the negatives. Selective reading and biased presentation = BS analysis.

You are repeating a statement without backing it up.

Let me say to you again what I said earlier in this thread:

I see rural women empowerment in India by Cable TV as positive, not negative.

But please go ahead and share more positives about India from Superfreakonomics, and enlighten the members and readers of Pak Defense.

Cable television is present in over 16 million Pakistani households accounting for 68% of the population in 2009. I am not aware of any studies done on the impact of cable TV on rural women in Pakistan, but my guess is that trends similar to India's are empowering women in Pakistan's rural households with growing cable TV access.

Haq's Musings: Superfreakonomics on Status of Indian Women
Sir Riaz , are you paid to carry out this institutionalised propaganda against India ? :azn:
same old story of india, its human rights and poverty.....

i dont understand how come people have so much time to gather such information and write blogs.....

i hope they focus into doing much better things.....for themselves and their country as well...
An example : Talking about India :
A number of monetary interventions have also been designed for Indian women. These include Apni Beti, Apna Dhan (“My Daughter, My Pride”), a project that pays rural women not to abort female babies; a vast micro-credit industry that makes small-business loans to women; and an array of charitable programs launched by a veritable alphabet soup of international aid agencies.

Unfortunately, most of these projects have proven complicated, costly, and, at best, nominally successful.

nominally successful is not the same as failure

My Browser issued a virus warning when i tried logging into your website :rolleyes:

Could you give a more credible source :D

My website has been tested and declared safe by the biggest security companies, including McAfee and Norton.

As to the credibility, all data is referenced to credible sources, and in this instance, the information is from Superfreakonomics by Levitt and Dubner. Go read it yourself.

Haq's Musings: Superfreakonomics on Status of Indian Women
An example : Talking about India :

nominally successful is not the same as failure


Where did I use the word "failure"?

Read my post again. Here's the exact quote from my post:

14. Indian laws to protect women are widely ignored. The government has tried monetary rewards to keep baby girls and supported microfinance for women. NGOs programs, smaller condoms, other projects have had limited success.
So far is rural development of India is concerned...an example of achievement.....

India to brief G-20 on its successful NREG scheme
Top officials from the US Department of Labour, organisers of the event, said the innovative 100-day rural employment guarantee scheme has been successful beyond the expectations of almost every one. "India has learnt and has refined the strategy. So there is a great deal of anticipation to hear from Minister Kharge about these policies, how they have worked, and are there lessons that are transferable to other countries at low and middle income levels," Deputy Under Secretary for International Affairs Sandra Polaski told foreign journalists.

"The employment minister from India, who is attending the conference, has been asked to speak about that as one of the key innovations that India has made, a policy which has been challenging to implement but at the end of the day very successful. I think successful beyond the expectations of almost everyone," Polaski told reporters. Labour and employment ministers from top 20 economies of the world are scheduled to attend the conference being convened at the instance of President Barack Obama. Recommendations of the conference would be submitted to the next G-20 Summit meeting in Toronto later this year.

"This meeting, as you know, comes at a time of tremendous challenge for workers in the G-20 countries. The prompt actions of many of our governments last year prevented a true global depression. The ILO, estimates that 20 million jobs were saved or created by collective stimulus plans and our social safety nets in 2009 and 2010," US Labour Secretary Hilda Solis said. The unemployment rates were still high, unacceptable in the US and across the globe, she said, adding there was the need for creating more jobs.

"I will take up this mandate, along with the other G-20 ministers, with the hope to accomplish two main goals. The first is to prepare a set of recommendations for measures that countries should consider in order to tackle the job crisis," she said. It would help to set the stage for a sustainable balanced recovery that would create good jobs for all those who want to work or are underemployed, the secretary added.

"The second goal is to develop an understanding among the ministers of the range of labour market conditions and challenges faced by the G-20 countries in order to build a foundation for future discussion and cooperation, so we can in fact learn from each other's experiences," Solis said.

Recommendations and strategies would allow greater progress on employment in each of the countries and at the global level, she said, adding this was a historic opportunity to come up with a concrete set of recommendations. While all the countries are to be represented by their Labour and Employment Ministers, those from France, Germany, Britain and the European Commission were unable to attend because of the current air-travel disturbances.

"However all of the countries that are not able to make it either had already sent senior officials who were in place, vice-ministers or under-secretaries who carry the relevant portfolios. And in other cases, they are sending their ambassadors to the US to represent the country," Polaski said. It was a meeting for the ministers to discuss, among other topics, how they can be sure that the crisis does not lead to a lowering of working conditions and how it does not lead to violations of labour laws, she added.


This is going to be yet another success story of India.We,Indians believe in letting our actions speak....
The old man is doing a great job though,showing concern for Indians while his own country is in fire..Anyways I cant help thinking that his concern goes a bit too far...
As for Mr.Riaz Haq,I have a quote for him...

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."--
--William James
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