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Freak Weather - 16 April 2019

Agreed. Pakistan should work with China in this regard and do more research and experimentation in this field. We should make proper research facilities in Pakistan for this purpose.

Based on my observation and study of this Geoengineering in UK, there has to be local source for targeting the weather. In UK this is done by frequency generators on the plane.

In Pakistan, this can be done via flights crossing the country or ground based systems.

Stratosphere aerosol injection (aluminium nanoparticles etc) can be done directly above Pakistan via masked international flights or in Afghanistan and India (depending on wind directions).

Then the frequency generator comes in play to target the storm.

This one targetted crops in areas heavy in agriculture. And the mode was a storm with hails. Chemical snow kills living plants upon contact. Maximum damage.

Climate change is real, if the world don't realize it soon things are going to get pretty bad for everyone.

It is already bad and it is intentional and weather is the new weapon.

China and Russia are pouring billions in to this technology. And China openly admits it's potential military use, one just needs to research.

So far China is the only country with a declared weather modification programme! Study the locations of Chinese deployments of the HAARP type antennas!!
It is already bad and it is intentional and weather is the new weapon.

China and Russia are pouring billions in to this technology. And China openly admits it's potential military use, one just needs to research.

So far China is the only country with a declared weather modification programme! Study the locations of Chinese deployments of the HAARP type antennas!!

How it is weaponized, every weapon starts with a positive applications. If there was indeed a weather weapon then we could easily solve our climate problems.

Cloud seeding was used by Americans to increase rainfall in vietnam, but that didn't increase the rain considerably.
This had been tried in many countries with only a small increase in rainfall.

Now, HAARP is a type of antenna used to study Ionosphere China has no plans to alter weather for military. This is a stupid conspiracy theory.
How it is weaponized, every weapon starts with a positive applications. If there was indeed a weather weapon then we could easily solve our climate problems.

Cloud seeding was used by Americans to increase rainfall in vietnam, but that didn't increase the rain considerably.
This had been tried in many countries with only a small increase in rainfall.

Now, HAARP is a type of antenna used to study Ionosphere China has no plans to alter weather for military. This is a stupid conspiracy theory.

As expected from someone with a closed mind and sheer inability to search without a bias.

Search China's Air River program!

Have you seen the planes spray the clear sky to such an extent that the Sun rays disappear?


Yeah, just got the news about 200,000 tonnes of crop devastated because of the weather and hundreds of houses got effected. Seriously bad situation, though I think government should have taken steps to minimize the damages. Wonder when some will from government come out to comment on the situation.
Instead of cooking conspiracy theories, Pakistanis should repent and seek forgiveness.. --- severe weather is one of the signs that ALLAH swt' is not pleased.
Yeah, just got the news about 200,000 tonnes of crop devastated because of the weather and hundreds of houses got effected. Seriously bad situation, though I think government should have taken steps to minimize the damages. Wonder when some will from government come out to comment on the situation.

It's war.

Attack we were expecting from India between 16-20 April is actually this attack from the other powers.

Far more damage than a few missiles.
Sounds plausible.... but I would like some confirmation from the powers that be
As expected from someone with a closed mind and sheer inability to search without a bias.

Search China's Air River program!

Have you seen the planes spray the clear sky to such an extent that the Sun rays disappear?
Having an open mind to conspiracy theory is not something I want.

Now, is there any evidence on HAARP being used as weather weapon? One credible news report, I'm open to facts, not BS.

I have never seen such a phenomenon, where planes spray stuff to make sun disappear. it's practically impossible, because the rainwater falling on one square mile is 60 million litres of water, imagine how much chemical should airplane carry to create huge clouds that could cover sun.

If you don't understand what I'm saying then don't quote me, this is enough conspiracy theory for one day.
Having an open mind to conspiracy theory is not something I want.

Now, is there any evidence on HAARP being used as weather weapon? One credible news report, I'm open to facts, not BS.

I have never seen such a phenomenon, where planes spray stuff to make sun disappear. it's practically impossible, because the rainwater falling on one square mile is 60 million litres of water, imagine how much chemical should airplane carry to create huge clouds that could cover sun.

If you don't understand what I'm saying then don't quote me, this is enough conspiracy theory for one day.

Stay out then.

I have never seen such a phenomenon, where planes spray stuff to make sun disappear. it's practically impossible,

Visit UK. You'll get to see it with your own eyes.

And see this (taken by me):


Started off like this (if you are not too blind to see the curve!):
And for what purpose it is done?

Don't tell me you're talking about cloud seeding.

Research aluminium poisoning and what it leads to.

And kindly do not detail the thread. It's for Pakistanis and raising awareness. Indians should stay the F out, pretty please with sugar on top.
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