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France To Deport Radical Imams

Arzamas 16

Mar 30, 2012
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Russian Federation
France will deport a number of radical foreign imams in the coming days, though Paris did not identify which preachers would have to leave the country.

France24 reports that French Interior Minister Manuel Valls announced the plan during an international conference on extremist movements held in Brussels on Tuesday. Valls described the decision as part of France's effort to fight "global Jihad."

"Several radical foreign preachers will be expelled in the coming days," Valls told the conference, according to Al Jazeera.

"I don't confuse this radical Islam with the Islam of France but there is a religious environment, there are Salafist groupings, who are involved in a political process, whose aim is to monopolise cultural associations, the schooling system," Valls added. "We will expel all these imams, all these foreign preachers who denigrate women, who hold views that run counter to our values and who say there is a need to combat France."

According to Le Monde, data collected by the Interior Ministry indicate that France expelled 166 Islamists, including 31 imams, from September 2001 until the end of 2011. Five Islamists were ordered to leave the country in April 2012 in the wake of the fatal shootings by Mohamed Merah in Toulouse and Montauban.

The newspaper explains that the first expulsion of an imam under the new administration dates back to October 2012, when Tunisian preacher Mohammed Hammami was accused of calling for "violent jihad," anti-semitism, and violence against women.

France To Deport Radical Imams
Belmokhtar was known as a “man of honor,” one of the western-financed jihadists who went to battle the Soviets and their communist allies in Afghanistan in the 1980’s and 90’s. He retuned to his native Algeria, minus an eye lost in combat, and, with his fellow “Afghani,” sought to overthrow Algeria’s western-backed military regime, a major oil and gas supplier to France.

In 1991, Algeria’s junta, bankrupt of ideas, allowed a free election. Big mistake. Algeria’s Islamists won the first round parliamentary vote. The military panicked. Backed by France and the US, Algeria’s military crushed the Islamic movement and arrested its leaders.

Belmokhtar’s men, imposed draconian sharia law on the north. Mali’s southerners called on former colonial master France for help.

Two months ago, President Francois Hollande declared France would not again intervene in Africa. Since granting nominal independence in 1960 to the states that comprised former French West Africa, France has intervened militarily 50 times. French technicians, bankers and intelligence agents run most of West Africa from behind the scenes. There are 60,000 French in Algeria and west Africa, seen by Paris as its sphere of influence.

Niger is a major supplier of uranium to France’s nuclear industry which provides 80% of the nation’s power. French mining interests cover West Africa, which is also a key export market for French goods and arms.

After jihadists proclaimed they would nationalize Mali’s resources, Hollande turned from dove to hawk. French forces went into action behind a barrage of media propaganda about brutalities committed by the Islamists – just as French forces in Afghanistan were being driven out by Taliban fighters.

Hollande’s popularity ratings, driven down to 32% by France’s dire economic problems, tax hikes, and plant closings, soared to over 80%. Military adventures and patriotic flag-waving are always surefire remedies for politicians in trouble at home. Belmokhtar was declared the Osama bin Laden of the Sahara. Mali became a humanitarian mission lauded in the West. The US began quietly tiptoeing into the conflict.

Though a tempest in a teapot involving only a few thousand French troops, the Mali fracas threatens the unsteady French and US-backed regimes of resource-rich West Africa. Most particularly so Ivory Coast, Chad and Central African Republic, where 5,000 French soldiers and aircraft are based. An Islamist uprising in oil-rich Nigeria is growing fast, a major worry for Washington, whose regional energy resources are under threat.

This is what i get from This

France will instal a number of radical foreign imams in the coming days, though Paris did not identify which preachers would have to leave the country for This job.;)
Only way they think that they can stop spreading of Islam all over the world.....................Shame for them, defaming the whole Muslim world................
Excellent, people who can't respect the constitution of a nation should be kicked out. :tup:
Yea,as french army is also being kicked by afghan people in Afghanistan, because its not according to their(Afghan) constitution ...............on batch has already kicked last year,after killing innocent people.........:yahoo:
Why don't we deport the Hurriyat honchos and the fake imam of Kashmir to Mars? :taz:

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