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France to deploy 65,000 police officers to maintain order on Saturday


What's the substance that police fires on protestors ? I assume this is not tear gas, as police has no masks and protestors seems to be not effected by it.


What's the substance that police fires on protestors ? I assume this is not tear gas, as police has no masks and protestors seems to be not effected by it.

These are well tear gas. Most tear gas grenades used for riot control in France contain 7 active capsules of 10g of CS powder.

According to a police commissioner "We had in front of us protesters often equipped with gas masks or protection that seemed not to be affected by tear gas".

As for why police has no masks it's an interesting question. Actually,many in the video you posted were equipped with them,but these were Gendarmes. Majority of them were systematically equipped with them,however that didn't seem to be the case with units from the national police. Wonder why.
It seems things are going to get grim again, Belgain office of foreign affairs has called to not go to Paris at all in the weekend among other countries.
It really seems that Macrons recent consessions really didn't stop anything or even slowed anything.

Foreigners put on alert over French fuel protests
Date created : 07/12/2018 - 19:18


Several countries warned their nationals to stay away from any 'yellow vest' demonstrations in Paris for fear of violence Several countries warned their nationals to stay away from any 'yellow vest' demonstrations in Paris for fear of violence AFP

Paris (AFP)

Foreigners were put on alert for possible violence during Saturday's French fuel protests, particularly in Paris, with some embassies warning their nationals to stay well away.

The US embassy issued a detailed travel alert detailing where the protests were expected in Paris Saturday.

"Demonstrations may become violent, resulting in damage to property, including overturning vehicles and setting them on fire," said the embassy statement.

"Police responses may include water cannons and/or tear gas."

The alert counselled Americans to keep a low profile, avoid crowds and to move vehicles away from places where demonstrations were expected.

A statement from Britain's Foreign Office also warned that Saturday's demonstrations could turn violent.

"Motorists travelling through France may also experience delays or blockages caused by demonstrators at motorway toll booths," it added.

"In all cases, you should avoid any demonstrations if at all possible and follow the advice of the local authorities." It gave similar advice for expected demonstrations in Brussels.

Belgium meanwhile advised its nationals to postpone any trips to Paris if at all possible.

If they were in Paris, they should avoid tourist sites and leave any vehicles in underground parking.

"Don't get involved in any discussions or other polemics," it said. "Do not resist the police."

French officials have in any case already announced the closure of major tourist sites in Paris including museums and art galleries -- and told shopkeepers on and around the Champs-Elysees to stay shut on Saturday.

Spain's foreign ministry advised its nationals in Paris to keep an eye on news coverage and to flee any clashes.

In the event they got caught up in any violence, they should get away from it as soon as possible without stopping to take photos or film footage.

Portugal advised its nationals in Paris not to go out if they could avoid it.

The Dutch, German, Italian and Turkish authorities all warned of possible violence, particularly in Paris, and advised their nationals to stay away from any demonstrations.

This weekend around 8,000 police officers will be on duty in Paris -- 5,000 more than last weekend when rioters caused extensive damage at the Arc de Triomphe and around the Champs-Elysees.

A dozen armoured vehicles will also be deployed in the capital for the first time.

It seems things are going to get grim again, Belgain office of foreign affairs has called to not go to Paris at all in the weekend among other countries.
It really seems that Macrons recent consessions really didn't stop anything or even slowed anything.

Foreigners put on alert over French fuel protests
Date created : 07/12/2018 - 19:18


Several countries warned their nationals to stay away from any 'yellow vest' demonstrations in Paris for fear of violence Several countries warned their nationals to stay away from any 'yellow vest' demonstrations in Paris for fear of violence AFP

Paris (AFP)

Foreigners were put on alert for possible violence during Saturday's French fuel protests, particularly in Paris, with some embassies warning their nationals to stay well away.

The US embassy issued a detailed travel alert detailing where the protests were expected in Paris Saturday.

"Demonstrations may become violent, resulting in damage to property, including overturning vehicles and setting them on fire," said the embassy statement.

"Police responses may include water cannons and/or tear gas."

The alert counselled Americans to keep a low profile, avoid crowds and to move vehicles away from places where demonstrations were expected.

A statement from Britain's Foreign Office also warned that Saturday's demonstrations could turn violent.

"Motorists travelling through France may also experience delays or blockages caused by demonstrators at motorway toll booths," it added.

"In all cases, you should avoid any demonstrations if at all possible and follow the advice of the local authorities." It gave similar advice for expected demonstrations in Brussels.

Belgium meanwhile advised its nationals to postpone any trips to Paris if at all possible.

If they were in Paris, they should avoid tourist sites and leave any vehicles in underground parking.

"Don't get involved in any discussions or other polemics," it said. "Do not resist the police."

French officials have in any case already announced the closure of major tourist sites in Paris including museums and art galleries -- and told shopkeepers on and around the Champs-Elysees to stay shut on Saturday.

Spain's foreign ministry advised its nationals in Paris to keep an eye on news coverage and to flee any clashes.

In the event they got caught up in any violence, they should get away from it as soon as possible without stopping to take photos or film footage.

Portugal advised its nationals in Paris not to go out if they could avoid it.

The Dutch, German, Italian and Turkish authorities all warned of possible violence, particularly in Paris, and advised their nationals to stay away from any demonstrations.

This weekend around 8,000 police officers will be on duty in Paris -- 5,000 more than last weekend when rioters caused extensive damage at the Arc de Triomphe and around the Champs-Elysees.

A dozen armoured vehicles will also be deployed in the capital for the first time.


That's what you expect when people were fooled and made small concessions all over these years,nowadays they expect nothing from small concessions. They expect real immediate change or nothing,no temporary solutions.

As for tomorrow as I said,the government and intelligence services are extremely alarmists about the demonstrations of tomorrow all over the country but especially in Paris. They fear thousands of radicalised people coming to the capital to literally destroy everything and even kill. (yes)

Security forces have been instructed to directly engage with the protestors,things could get even more violent than last week. Hope though common sense will prevail.
UN Security Council should hold an emergency session on this matter, US should call for this meeting after giving moral support to the anti-government protesters, Nikki Haley should put France's regime on notice.
UN Security Council should hold an emergency session on this matter, US should call for this meeting after giving moral support to the anti-government protesters, Nikki Haley should put France's regime on notice.

And Iran, China and Russia will prevent us from helping them.
Like third world country, mass protest over oil prices.

French Revolution v2.0!

Democracy v2.0 is born!!!

Go ahead, No one is going to stop the American liberators from liberating the French people for the third time.

I think CIA should make a plan to start WW3, where Germany re-invade France and the rest of the Europe.

While in Middle East, Saudi Arabia attack Iran. And the Turkey took the opportunity to take over entries Middle East to re-establish Seljuk and Ottoman Empire.

In East Asia, China attempt to unite entire East Asia, but not satisfied, and try to invade SE Asia as well.

India and Pakistan, nuking each other.

All Drug Cartels in Middle and South America are rebelling and trying to establish their own countries.

In Africa, Ebola epidemic is out of control, killed almost entire populations.
Last edited:
Like third world country, mass protest over oil prices.

French Revolution v2.0!

Democracy v2.0 is born!!!

I think CIA should make a plan to start WW3, where Germany re-invade France and the rest of the Europe.

While in Middle East, Saudi Arabia attack Iran. And the Turkey took the opportunity to take over entries Middle East to re-establish Seljuk and Ottoman Empire.

In East Asia, China attempt to unite entire East Asia, but not satisfied, and try to invade SE Asia as well.

India and Pakistan, nuking each other.

All Drug Cartels in Middle and South America are rebelling and trying to establish their own countries.

In Africa, Ebola epidemic is out of control, killed almost entire populations.
The US keep provoking other countries endlessly. It hopes they retaliate and the situation will escalate real quick so it will justify the war, the real war which will drag the entire world. The US hopes it will end up unscratched while Europe and Asia rumbled just like WW1&2, then yeah USA again will be the sole superpower. This is MAGA all about.
UN Security Council should hold an emergency session on this matter, US should call for this meeting after giving moral support to the anti-government protesters, Nikki Haley should put France's regime on notice.
And leaders of Iran, Russia and China should invest billions in the coup d'etat and support democratical changing of the corrupt regime through street riot, mostly made by neonazi squadrons.
Some sporadic incidents reported in Paris but nothing much serious yet. Some tear gas fired and more than 550 arrests were made. Lots of materials were seized and some police charges reported. Things are pretty calm as of now. @Cell_DbZ




And leaders of Iran, Russia and China should invest billions in the coup d'etat and support democratical changing of the corrupt regime through street riot, mostly made by neonazi squadrons.
Be the better man
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