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France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

It is the beacon of democracy . In U.K. there are rules against religious racial discrimination and would fall under the terms of bullying of a child .

What has it got to do with others how a child would like to dress / undress .
That's why you have such things:



Making speeches about democracy,freedom and individual choice means making your country culturually similar to a country that is not like that?
How are you conflating the two?

How can you make speechs about democracy, freedom of speech, choice and dress and then turn around and say actually we are just going to talk about it and in reality we are going to force you to dress in a way that we choosh

The fundamental problem is, that in the west or large portions of it Christianity has collapsed, they don't go to church, they don't implement any values, culture and their children are growing up in a pit without principles or morals

Your girls are being taught to essentially be promiscuous, go through a "Ho phase" sleep with as many men as they can, have fun

It's having knock on consequences for society

Marriage is collapsing
Divorce rates are sky rocketing
The tradition family is falling apart

In the midst of this you have Muslims and more then anyone else they have stronger faith, principles and a system that they try to live to and by in large peacefully and quietly

Part of that is raising children with faith, principles and morals

Now most Muslims have NO ISSUES with Being productive members of society, learning the language, and understanding local culture

What they have a problem is in a supposed free democratic society, where individual freedom is supposedly enshrined in law, them being told how to dress and act and how to raise their children

The example of promiscuous gender der confused white or at least western children is in front of us
We see it and we don't like it

We want our children to be raised differently, with faith and values

And the STATE is trying to step in to stop us from raising our children and trying to make them as confused and debauched as general kids, trying to shove this lgbt open crap down their throats

It's annoying, trying to raise good, faithful children is difficult enough without the state stepping in to cause problems because the children aren't whoreish enough for them

But like I said it's a poor plan, it often spurs Muslim families and communities to react with even more religious devotion and fervour
How are you conflating the two?

How can you make speechs about democracy, freedom of speech, choice and dress and then turn around and say actually we are just going to talk about it and in reality we are going to force you to dress in a way that we choosh

The fundamental problem is, that in the west or large portions of it Christianity has collapsed, they don't go to church, they don't implement any values, culture and their children are growing up in a pit without principles or morals

Your girls are being taught to essentially be promiscuous, go through a "Ho phase" sleep with as many men as they can, have fun

It's having knock on consequences for society

Marriage is collapsing
Divorce rates are sky rocketing
The tradition family is falling apart

In the midst of this you have Muslims and more then anyone else they have stronger faith, principles and a system that they try to live to and by in large peacefully and quietly

Part of that is raising children with faith, principles and morals

Now most Muslims have NO ISSUES with Being productive members of society, learning the language, and understanding local culture

What they have a problem is in a supposed free democratic society, where individual freedom is supposedly enshrined in law, them being told how to dress and act and how to raise their children

The example of promiscuous gender der confused white or at least western children is in front of us
We see it and we don't like it

We want our children to be raised differently, with faith and values

And the STATE is trying to step in to stop us from raising our children and trying to make them as confused and debauched as general kids, trying to shove this lgbt open crap down their throats

It's annoying, trying to raise good, faithful children is difficult enough without the state stepping in to cause problems because the children aren't whoreish enough for them

But like I said it's a poor plan, it often spurs Muslim families and communities to react with even more religious devotion and fervour
Simple solution:

Stay in Muslim countries?
You are totally mind-wrecked! Really it#s only disgusting and you know nothing but insults. Really, this country and culture bashing regardless of what other country must end.

Can you please stop trolling me

I have freedom of speech

Surely as a mod you have some moderating to do ? Or maybe even some Chinese planes to watch ?
People on PDF are like:

-Afghanistan enforced burqa? Their country,their rules! F*ck off!

-France wants to ban the abaya at schools? Racist white European westerners hate Islam and want to destroy every muslim country,colonialists,full of hate,how dare they!
Except the Islamists don't believe in freedom nor are they advocating for it in other places. However, countries like France profess in believing in freedom and the freedom of choice, yet they're enforcing a dress code, which is no different than the Islamists (except in how much is/isn't covered).

So, to the rest of us, it's clear that the yardstick isn't freedom in of itself, but French society's (or more specifically, the French elite's) arbitrary preferences. In other words, the French don't have it in them to walk their talk, and that isn't a great sign for the long-term health of freedom or secularism in France.
Britain is the example of morality in Europe?

Yes it is

They took over 1 million Pakistani and we are now over 3 million

They paid billions in return

And they also made from us their leaders

Rishi Sunak + Hamza Yusuf both my cousins
Except the Islamists don't believe in freedom nor are they advocating for it in other places. However, countries like France profess in believing in freedom and the freedom of choice, yet they're enforcing a dress code, which is no different than the Islamists (except in how much is/isn't covered).

So, to the rest of us, it's clear that the yardstick isn't freedom in of itself, but French society's (or more specifically, the French elite's) arbitrary preferences. In other words, the French don't have it in them to walk their talk, and that isn't a great sign for the long-term health of freedom or secularism in France.
Look,I'm against the dumb "expression of freedom" when it comes to stuff like certain magazines and the attitude the French politicians have about that. I'd also want a real Christian France like back in the days before the French Revolution,but I dislike this forced multiculturalism and this expansion of other religions on Christian Europe. Islam or Buddhism or Hinduism,I want Europe to remain Christian and with European culture.

Now,for me it's ridiculous when I see Muslims on PDF badmouthing France all the time,while they praise Britain which has basically the same "woke" culture,drunkards,slutty women,swinger couples and has supported the Americans in almost all their invasions of Muslim countries the last 30 years,

And especially when the same Muslims are Pakistanis and complain about France all the time and forget that Britain controlled all of the Indian subcontinent.
Can you please stop trolling me

I have freedom of speech

Surely as a mod you have some moderating to do ? Or maybe even some Chinese planes to watch ?

Indeed, no one can prevent you to act like a fool and post stupid stuff, and well, as you know I‘m not acting as a moderator and the only one who’s trolling us you. Yes for sure you can claim your right for free speech but that does not mean it is correct what are you saying in your twisted opinion.

I only find it amazing that you constantly insist to certain human and civil rights for yourself and in other countries while at the same time you are insulting, offense, lie and spread hate-speech.

@The Eagle
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I would have totally agreed with you, if France, in the last 100 years had not put themselves in pedestal and lectured other countries about freedom and equality.
Yes, this has some merit to it.
Except the Islamists don't believe in freedom nor are they advocating for it in other places. However, countries like France profess in believing in freedom and the freedom of choice, yet they're enforcing a dress code, which is no different than the Islamists (except in how much is/isn't covered).
So you are holding France and the West to a higher standard. Interesting
Simple solution:

Stay in Muslim countries?

Sure but you can't cry about a one sided presence

When white people leave the lands of the aboriginal people of the world, the Maori, the native Americans and give their lands back

I am sure migrants will leave Europe

Otherwise it's a joke, Europeans steal lands from other people then cry about migration of people from countries that more then often they occupied for years

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