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Featured France: Macron says Charlie Hebdo had right to publish Prophet Mohammed cartoons

This cunt i thought was idiot but know he is a phd holder in fools subject his days are numberd ALLAH is more powerfull he will defend his beloved PROPHET MOHAMMAD P. B. U. H
He already gave an example for China. Do you find your example to be more convenient or it helps your agenda more?

Read through the lines. Everytime someone insult Islam or Muslims, why do you think Indian Hindus become so happy?

They feel like it will justify their mass-rape, arson, and murder of Indian Muslims and Occupied Kashmiris.

After talking weeks about supposed Shia-Hindu alliance, Modi sent his own army to shoot at Shia Muharram processions in Kashmir. Few years back they defiled a Shia madrassa in the valley, desecrating Quran e Pak, and stomping shoes on the musalla.

The Indians will do anything to harm Muslims and Islam, that is why they have no right to rule over Muslims.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @Verve @Morpheus @21st Century Vampire @masterchief_mirza @Dalit
You are spot on,
each country has it's own rules.

As example, you can't force China to pray to any prophet or god - they have already given ample proofs of their disdain to any form of religion.

I like your point about, 'their country, their rules'.
Am sure it applies to France and host of other countries, just like it applies to countries you mentioned.
Agreed but there r a universal rule islam is not a country but itself in it a world of faith knowledge etc there are some human pnoms you cannot make fun of any one who is above country politics etc
Agreed but there r a universal rule islam is not a country but itself in it a world of faith knowledge etc there are some human pnoms you cannot make fun of any one who is above country politics etc

If they mock Muslims and Islam, don't expect business with us. Simple.

Countries like France and India will simply die off if Muslims collectively cut economic ties with them.
The usual sanctimonious self-entitled French people lecturing from their throne of hypocrisy on what "freedom" means. Meanwhile, get fined for wearing a burkha, arrested for whispering the word "Zionist", and ordered to "reform" in exchange for "humanitarian" aid.

Either preach freedom and actually practice it, or don't do either. That's why I struggle with these loud and attention-seeking grand old democracies. France wouldn't need to announce its "secular, free and democratic values" every five minutes if it truly believed that other nations bought any of this b.s.
This cunt i thought was idiot but know he is a phd holder in fools subject his days are numberd ALLAH is more powerfull he will defend his beloved PROPHET MOHAMMAD P. B. U. H
Prophet needs defending? From a cartoon?
Why even bother , just dont buy the paper.
Reading about this from wiki, The Quran does not explicitly forbid images of Muhammad but there are a few hadith (supplemental teachings) that have explicitly prohibited Muslims from creating visual depictions of figures. -
If the above is true;
Isn't this only applicable to Muslims who actually follow Quran and hadiths, why would these rules be applicable to nonbelievers. I am sure Charlie Hebdo guys are not following Islam so how are they violating anything?

Islam also forbids Alcohol, pork iirc, are you going to take offense if Non-Islamic people drink booze or eat Pork?
Uae will buy everything we boycott

Before Allah swt, we are responsible alone. It doesn't matter what your neighbor does.

Protesting the insulting depictions of Prophet Muhammad swt is our right as Muslims, and the right of Hazoor Pak saws on us.

We are even commanded as per Quran to boycott those who insult our religion, murder our people, drive them from their homes, and spread injustice throughout the world.
Agreed but there r a universal rule islam is not a country but itself in it a world of faith knowledge etc there are some human pnoms you cannot make fun of any one who is above country politics etc

Some countries believe their rules i,e constitutional guaranteed rights are greater than any religious text.
Some countries believe in co-existence of religion and constitutional rights
Some countries are Commies, who will destroy anything religion at will & couldn't care less.
some countries are theocracies, believe in religious texts being the ultimate truth, individual rights zilch.

Unless you have a formulae to make all countries laws the same (not sure what same means though) how can you begin to question France or any other country wanting to make laws that suits them?
Would you agree to other countries telling you what you should believe in & how you should behave?

FYI, few weeks back, there was an attempt to build a temple in Islamabad.
we all know what happened & the visuals of your people trampling all over it.

Wan to extrapolate the outrage we should feel for that, especially considering the wide-spread universal condemnation for this from your people for Charlie hebdo?
Looks like Sweden is doing their best to control the racists and prevent anarchy, good.

It is horrendous that these people came into Muslim neighborhoods to desecrate the Quran. The intention to incite is obvious.


Riots in Sweden after Quran burning by far-right activists
  • 4 days ago

The anti-Muslim Danish politician who was due to give a speech at the protest was banned from Sweden for two years. A year earlier, he burned a Quran wrapped in bacon.
Demonstrators burn tyres during a riot in the Rosengard neighbourhood of Malmo, Sweden on August 28, 2020.
Demonstrators burn tyres during a riot in the Rosengard neighbourhood of Malmo, Sweden on August 28, 2020. (TT News Agency - Third Party Source / Reuters)
Far-right activists burned a Quran in the southern Swedish city of Malmo, sparking riots and unrest after more than 300 people gathered to protest, police has said.
This came on Friday after an anti-Muslim Danish politician was blocked from attending the same rally and banned from entering Sweden for two years.
Smoke billows from the burning tyres, pallets and fireworks during a riot in the Rosengard neighbourhood of Malmo, Sweden August 28, 2020.
Smoke billows from the burning tyres, pallets and fireworks during a riot in the Rosengard neighbourhood of Malmo, Sweden August 28, 2020. (THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. / Reuters)
Rasmus Paludan, who leads the far-right Danish anti-immigration party Hard Line, was due to travel to Malmo to speak at that event, which was being held on the same day as the Muslim weekly Friday prayers.
Paludan last year attracted media attention and incited controversy for burning a Koran wrapped in bacon, a meat that is anathema for Muslims.

The protests in Malmo escalated into further violence as the evening wore on, according to police and local media.
Police officers walk near the burning tyres and pallets during a riot in the Rosengard neighbourhood of Malmo, Sweden August 28, 2020.
Police officers walk near the burning tyres and pallets during a riot in the Rosengard neighbourhood of Malmo, Sweden August 28, 2020. (TT News Agency, Third Party Source / Reuters)
Authorities pre-empted Paludan's arrival by announcing he had been banned from entering Sweden for two years. He was later arrested near Malmo.
Paludan later put up a scathing message on Facebook.
"Sent back and banned from Sweden for two years. However, rapists and murderers are always welcome!" he wrote.
Smoke billows from the burning tyres, pallets and fireworks during a riot in Malmo, Sweden August 28, 2020.
Smoke billows from the burning tyres, pallets and fireworks during a riot in Malmo, Sweden August 28, 2020. (TT News Agency, Third Party Source / Reuters)
"We suspect that he was going to break the law in Sweden," said Calle Persson, spokesman for the police in Malmo.
"There was also a risk that his behaviour ... would pose a threat to society."
But his supporters went ahead with the rally and three people were then arrested for inciting racial hatred.

Source: TRTWorld and agencies

Some countries believe their rules i,e constitutional guaranteed rights are greater than any religious text.
Some countries believe in co-existence of religion and constitutional rights
Some countries are Commies, who will destroy anything religion at will & couldn't care less.
some countries are theocracies, believe in religious texts being the ultimate truth, individual rights zilch.

Unless you have a formulae to make all countries laws the same (not sure what same means though) how can you begin to question France or any other country wanting to make laws that suits them?
Would you agree to other countries telling you what you should believe in & how you should behave?

FYI, few weeks back, there was an attempt to build a temple in Islamabad.
we all know what happened & the visuals of your people trampling all over it.

Wan to extrapolate the outrage we should feel for that, especially considering the wide-spread universal condemnation for this from your people for Charlie hebdo?
It isn't their rules, constitution, law or even rights... it is plain and simple projection, both on people living within their jurisdiction and without. It is imperialism and pacification and patronization... this blatant flagration into someone's safe spot. Basically, a policy of otherizing, judging and demeaning some...
But this is very deliberate... as we all know their holy cows...
This is because French feel threatened... more precisely their egos! They see the writing on the wall... if they allow all the colonized Africans and steadily increasing Muslim population, they see their demise, last century has not been very kind to arrogant French and for future the writing is on the wall!
This is not restricted to religion or politics it is on vivid display in sports as well.

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