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Featured France: Macron says Charlie Hebdo had right to publish Prophet Mohammed cartoons

Killing people over this(Charlie Hebdo attack) is stupidest thing you can do and is very counterproductive for Muslims. We are not and should not be like emotional teens having tantrums. Be mature and wise with your conduct.

Any such drawings or opinions do not affect us, nor the Prophet nor the Lord. The Lord even said even if we all followed the best man on earth it will not increase or add to his kingdomship/glory at all.

So leave French to do what they want, but at same time make it known if there is disturbed people who want to burn bridges with other cultures than it just means Muslim public opinion of France will become more negative and people will not want to do business with the French nor advance deeper cooperation with them. Muslims have other alternatives.

The French are only burning bridges here. The Islamic countries won't forget this. This is entirely their loss. It shows their hatred for Muslims which was never concealed.
France will suffer big time as a result of this statement. French troops and politicians in Libya, Mali, Nigeria, and Lebanon are no longer safe. Muslim protests will begin in Paris itself.

Mind is broken of French, it seems. They are still fighting Salahuddin for Al Aqsa it seems, stuck in a time loop.

All Muslim countries should divest from France and support Turkey in the Mediterranean.

Egypt, UAE relationships with French and its Greek frontman must be condemned.

I don't think they need to be threatened at all brother, keep in mind they are invited by Nigerian and Mali gov'ts as well as Lebanon. These kind of nations are not yet prepared to be more independent and require such ties with super powers to develop. They will need better leadership in first place to help themselves. Helping ourselves does not require us to fight anyone. We do not seek a fight nor problems with French people but we hold Prophet's to high standard and we believe in God and this is not part of culture to mock Prophets so if disturbed people in France gonna keep creating grudges for no reason than North African and African people will not look up to France and will find other alternatives.

Once they have proper leadership to develop their nations and run them efficiently. So in turn France will lose influence and no fight is needed. We also have many Muslims who don't respect our Prophet and don't follow his Sunnah nor his ways. Which is why corruption is sky high in Muslim world. Best thing we can do is have wise and mature and fair approach. We do demand respect but we also need to heavily improve ourselves and don't need fights with people. Of course our right to self defense remains there.
The French are only burning bridges here. The Islamic countries won't forget this. This is entirely their loss. It shows their hatred for Muslims which was never concealed.

Well I say let them do what they want, they will lose ability to influence public opinion in North Africa/Africa/Muslim world which is not good for them. That doesn't mean we need to rant like babies. I'm Muslim and I don't care if people hate Muslims, leave them be. I much more care about people in Muslim world not observing Islam sincerely. I'd rather focus on ourselves more than anything else. Since I actually want Muslim world improved.

There is no point for us to complain about non-Muslims if when we can complain to our Muslim leaders they don't address oppression, corruption, immorality, or anything else. So we can't play moral police if we aren't yet moral and ethical ourselves. And even then we shouldn't be moral police.

Obligation of Islam is to provide society for the believers and protect their right to worship God and protect Islamic lifestyle and make sure it influence our laws and decisions. In Muslim world we have right to worship but Islam is playing no role in anything else except in words. It's like it has been separated from us. Other than that obligation, we are not required to fix rest of world or force anything upon anyone.
I don't think they need to be threatened at all brother, keep in mind they are invited by Nigerian and Mali gov'ts as well as Lebanon. These kind of nations are not yet prepared to be more independent and require such ties with super powers to develop. They will need better leadership in first place to help themselves. Helping ourselves does not require us to fight anyone. We do not seek a fight nor problems with French people but we hold Prophet's to high standard and we believe in God and this is not part of culture to mock Prophets so if disturbed people in France gonna keep creating grudges for no reason than North African and African people will not look up to France and will find other alternatives.

Once they have proper leadership to develop their nations and run them efficiently. So in turn France will lose influence and no fight is needed. We also have many Muslims who don't respect our Prophet and don't follow his Sunnah nor his ways. Which is why corruption is sky high in Muslim world. Best thing we can do is have wise and mature and fair approach. We do demand respect but we also need to heavily improve ourselves and don't need fights with people. Of course our right to self defense remains there.

Do you realize why they are readily available to support Mali and especially Lebanon? Their intentions are not to help them become independent.
Killing people over this(Charlie Hebdo attack) is stupidest thing you can do and is very counterproductive for Muslims. We are not and should not be like emotional teens having tantrums. Be mature and wise with your conduct.

Any such drawings or opinions do not affect us, nor the Prophet nor the Lord. The Lord even said even if we all followed the best man on earth it will not increase or add to his kingdomship/glory at all.

So leave French to do what they want, but at same time make it known if there is disturbed people who want to burn bridges with other cultures than it just means Muslim public opinion of France will become more negative and people will not want to do business with the French nor advance deeper cooperation with them. Muslims have other alternatives.

Economic consequences are the way to go. This is the reason a new bloc is needed beyond OIC. We need to have an economic and defense alliance of like-minded nations.

I have no doubt that statements of both Erdoğan and Imran Khan will come in relation to these irresponsible comments and support of obscenity.
Do you realize why they are readily available to support Mali and especially Lebanon? Their intentions are not to help them become independent.

Already there are protests in Mali against French presence and unity growing in the country. Mali is a very devout and proud Islamic nation, they have had enough of French meddling.

Repercussions in Libya and Lebanon will be even more severe.
Do you realize why they are readily available to support Mali and especially Lebanon? Their intentions are not to help them become independent.

Of course, but Mali, Nigeria and Lebanon all invite them. To become independent nations you need good leadership in first place who will do what is necessary to develop their nations which in itself is long process. These nations and peoples don't have options right now. We are to blame for ineffective leaderships and nobody else.
Economic consequences are the way to go. This is the reason a new bloc is needed beyond OIC. We need to have an economic and defense alliance of like-minded nations.

I have no doubt that statements of both Erdoğan and Imran Khan will come in relation to these irresponsible comments and support of obscenity.

I disagree with you brother, I don't believe in representing Muslims as if we are an ethnic group. If we are going to make a bloc to advance interests of Muslim people than I don't believe in this. What if Muslims people become selfish and arrogant? What if they become powerful and oppressive one day? Should I still support that? Representing a large group of Muslims or whole Muslim people is a difficult task and will not work. So I would advise against any statements by Erdogan or Imran Khan.

This little stuff does not impact us or affect us. It affect French Muslims more than anything and French people reputation.

So I reiterate, we are in no position to complain about stuff like this when we don't uphold Islam, justice, and ethics amongst ourselves.
Of course, but Mali, Nigeria and Lebanon all invite them. To become independent nations you need good leadership in first place who will do what is necessary to develop their nations which in itself is long process. These nations and peoples don't have options right now. We are to blame for ineffective leaderships and nobody else.

They have all the options in the world. To willingly give away your control to someone is accepting defeat. The reason other countries are developed is because they went through these struggles themselves, there should be no hand holding, especially at the expense of other Muslim nations.
I disagree with you brother, I don't believe in representing Muslims as if we are an ethnic group. If we are going to make a bloc to advance interests of Muslim people than I don't believe in this. What if Muslims people become selfish and arrogant? What if they become powerful and oppressive one day? Should I still support that? Representing a large group of Muslims or whole Muslim people is a difficult task and will not work. So I would advise against any statements by Erdogan or Imran Khan.

This little stuff does not impact us or affect us. It affect French Muslims more than anything and French people reputation.

So I reiterate, we are in no position to complain about stuff like this when we don't uphold Islam, justice, and ethics amongst ourselves.

For Pakistan a new bloc is a necessity as OIC has totally failed in Kashmir. We have been backstabbed too many times.

Events like these necessitate a unified response, where all Muslim nations who are in agreement should pursue a common policy in regards to France, Sweden, Denmark, or any country which creates anti-Muslim drama in their nation.

Not too far back, Netherlands relented due to Imran Khan threatening economic action. This is a proven and effective method for dealing with countries which worship money and not God.
PM Imran Khan should take the lead on this. He should demand an apology from France or shut diplomatic relations in protest. He should then openly challenge other Muslim countries to do the same.

See who has the balls to take a stance.
Already there are protests in Mali against French presence and unity growing in the country. Mali is a very devout and proud Islamic nation, they have had enough of French meddling.

Repercussions in Libya and Lebanon will be even more severe.

As they should be but other African countries should serve as a warning. The French are a plague upon North Africa, and there abuses are notable. Lebanon should be first to wipe them out yet they are inviting them. The French don't give a rats a.. about Lebanon they want to be close to Turkey in Eastern Med to back up Greece. Once their gas is secured they will do to Lebanon what they've done to many along NA's west coast.
He is damn fool. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can bullshit anything. Any society has some taboos.

In China, you can't humiliate President Xi or Chairman Mao publicly. In Muslim society, you can't humiliate Prophet. This is fundamentally against their people belief and traditions.

The west are damn fools.

This why we call the French dirty frogs.
Double talking snakes
They have all the options in the world. To willingly give away your control to someone is accepting defeat. The reason other countries are developed is because they went through these struggles themselves, there should be no hand holding, especially at the expense of other Muslim nations.

No they do not, their flawed political systems take time to reform and they are economically handicapped. Their struggle gonna manifest itself differently from others. You can't fix this stuff over night.

For Pakistan a new bloc is a necessity as OIC has totally failed in Kashmir. We have been backstabbed too many times.

Events like these necessitate a unified response, where all Muslim nations who are in agreement should pursue a common policy in regards to France, Sweden, Denmark, or any country which creates anti-Muslim drama in their nation.

Not too far back, Netherlands relented due to Imran Khan threatening economic action. This is a proven and effective method for dealing with countries which worship money and not God.

I don't believe such political blocs should get involved in social issues like these. And we do not need to make them bigger than they are.

Political bloc in Muslim world not gonna work nor be effective as every country seek to advance their own interests even at expense of other Muslim nations. Assuming it is called an Islamic cooperation council. It's better to have multiple blocs within Muslim world if the purpose is to advance interests.

I have faith in God and believe he is the All Mighty and he is no way affected by corruption of his creation. Such things do not affect me and I'd rather focus on implementing justice and obeying the Lord in our Muslim world rather than worrying about what is happening in Europe with some newspaper or organizations.

RIGHT NOW is time to fix ourselves and establish ourselves. We are very lacking in our meeting our obligations towards our Lord and our people. Once you do that, you will be in position of strength and can influence world for the better.
we have made it clear we won't accept it

so they are responsible for their actions

put your Hand in fire get burnt

head of the Scotland Yard said last month you cannot separate foreign policy from terrorism both are linked

Guess French have not figured that part out yet

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