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France is arming India to teeth

Every time I communicate with you, I feel so happy.
Because, it reminds me of the stupidity prevalence across the border, all you guys know what to do is spread fantasies and lies.
Either that, or you are completely ignorant.

Clearly, even after openly siding and getting support from the Soviets. Americans were low key helping Indians. Meanwhile, Pakistan was busy being a block of its own.

What does this even mean?
Are you saying, that while you were swearing and bad mouthing the West, including the Americans, you were also taking handouts, is this what they call being
ungrateful, disloyal, deceiving, dishonest, fraudulent, hypocritical, insincere, untruthful, deceptive and two-faced.
So you are admitting, that all of the above descriptions are natural Indian traits, well done, my son, glad you lot have started to recognise yourselves.

No wonder, our countries do not get along, Pakistan has survived and developed despite the odds, all you lot can do is cry, cry and keep crying, good riddance.

You guys seriously need to read your history down to the dot. Until Pakistan tested the Nuke, you were the most sought after destination for western nations, be it an investment or sharing technologies. You were the first country in Asia to send sounding rockets, you had American tourists coming in. In fact a few decades back you were more like a Persia having some of the best industries in the region.

Are you seriously this dense, how can you contradict yourself within the same statement, how can someone be so dumb. In the first paragraph, you said Pakistan was all alone "being a block of its own", here you are saying Pakistan was being chased with all the attention and goodies, is this a classic example of being a two-faced so and so.

At independence, Pakistan had no industry at all, minimal communication infrastructure, no governing institutions that make a nation state, nothing. About 700 university students in the entire country.
No one shared anything with us, we took what was required, from where we could get it, and, still we developed ourselves. Despite the odds, we have come far.

At independence, India gained everything the British had left, a mature modern ship building industry that took root in early 19th century,
armament factories under continuous operation from the late 19th century,
first steel plant that was operational from early 1900's, and steel production of over a million tons if I remember correctly,
its nuclear authority was set up in 1945,
a fully functioning nation state with all the state institutions in place, you had all the advantages.

And, yet here you are crying and b.tching about everything, still begging the Russians, Europeans and the Americans to save you from China and Pakistan, still begging for weapons, technology and money and investment.

We had nothing, but, still gained what was required for our strength, you had everything, and you are still crying. Shame.

In reality, Pakistan had a free ride from the west up until both of us tested Nukes. Our so-called free ride started only in 2000. Despite all this, you're the largest receiver of US aid in the last two decades, it's 8 times that of what India got. Half of it was when we had lower per capita income than Pakistan.

Free ride?
Do you not read? do you not get tired of being wrong? do you not think before saying something in public?
Stick to talking with you mummy and daddy, and please stop wasting my time.

Where do you think you got your IIT institutions, they were developed with American help, your nuclear program has its genesis from technological freebees from the West, You were given nearly a billion dollars worth of weapons when you went crying and begging to the Americans and the British in 1962. As I said above, you had all the freebees, and you were two-faced and still are.

Pakistan never had freebees, we made transactions, they refused to give us anything free, that's why we had to get our armament factories from the Chinese, they refused us steel technology so we paid for it and got it from the Russians, if the west gave us anything, we gave plenty in return. Fight against communism, destruction of the USSR, there are so many examples, all you did was behave like deceptive two-faced beggars.

So, stop spreading your hate, lies and fantasies, and learn to have a proper discussion based on facts.

As for aid,
Americans spoon-fed you, a lot more then Pakistan ever got. That's not including all the aid from the Europeans and Japanese that was given to you. What an ungrateful lot.

The link below also shows that even today, India is still the largest aid recipient in the world.
Pakistan is not even in the top 15th, while being the 5th largest country in the world. The world keeps spoon-feeding you and all you lot can do is be ungrateful. Shame.


Countries receiving US assistance 1946-2012.jpg
What does this even mean?
Are you saying, that while you were swearing and bad mouthing the West, including the Americans, you were also taking handouts, is this what they call being
ungrateful, disloyal, deceiving, dishonest, fraudulent, hypocritical, insincere, untruthful, deceptive and two-faced.
So you are admitting, that all of the above descriptions are natural Indian traits, well done, my son, glad you lot have started to recognise yourselves.

No wonder, our countries do not get along, Pakistan has survived and developed despite the odds, all you lot can do is cry, cry and keep crying, good riddance.
Intelligence may be directly proportional to the ability to grasp sarcasm. Look at the rant lol. What I meant is, until the Soviet Union broke up, India was seen by the west as a supporter of the Soviet Union. In 62 it was the Soviet veto that worked against UNSC resolution. Indian PM did not see eye to eye with the Americans, it was only during the second Clinton administration US policy began to shift in India's favour. So, your argument that India was favourite of the west since 47 is a stupid, illogical and misconceived notion.

If you still pretend to not believe it and think India is the favourite of the west since 1947, here's the list of Veto in UNSC, see how many times the Soviet Union used its veto for India.

Why US send warships during Bangladesh liberation to threaten India? Because west wazzz supporting India.

I'll read your claim again and again just for the laughs
Either that, or you are completely ignorant.
It seems like you are.
Are you seriously this dense, how can you contradict yourself within the same statement, how can someone be so dumb. In the first paragraph, you said Pakistan was all alone "being a block of its own", here you are saying Pakistan was being chased with all the attention and goodies, is this a classic example of being a two-faced so and so.
Refer to the first para again lol

We had nothing, but, still gained what was required for our strength, you had everything, and you are still crying. Shame.
You had some of the largest cement manufacturing industries. Steel mills up and running in a decade Most of the Muslim talents in the subcontinent, almost all elite Muslims left for Pakistan. Had 70+ million people, and a relatively big country for its people. Percapita income was higher than India and all countries in the region. You had superior weapons in the 1965 wars, you came riding on the superiority of it, and you still brag about the superior US planes you used to attack India in that war. It looks like your own personal insults suit you perfectly. Not only you're dense, but also don't have an ounce of knowledge in your own history.

Free ride?
Do you not read? do you not get tired of being wrong? do you not think before saying something in public?
Stick to talking with you mummy and daddy, and please stop wasting my time.
haha well I can talk to my mommy and daddy coherently, and thank them for not being first cousins.

Where do you think you got your IIT institutions, they were developed with American help, your nuclear program has its genesis from technological freebees from the West, You were given nearly a billion dollars worth of weapons when you went crying and begging to the Americans and the British in 1962. As I said above, you had all the freebees, and you were two-faced and still are.
You think the Americans mailed IIT's to India? IITs are build by Indians, for Indians the idea was conceptualized by Indian leaders and established in one of the largest industrial hub in India. Pakistani here saying Americans developed IIT you serious? India procured weapons like any other country would do in an emergency situation, besides, it was a British mess that we had to face the Chinese in the first place. It was only logical we go there to get weapons for dealing with China.

Pakistan never had freebees
LOL! How do you think you got about hundred F-86 sabres then?
Like this.
went crying and begging to the Americans

we made transactions, they refused to give us anything free
Every time I communicate with you, I feel so happy.
Because, It reminds me of the stupidity prevalence across the border

Fight against communism, destruction of the USSR, there are so many examples, all you did was behave like deceptive two-faced beggars.
I wonder why you write these kinds of idiocy. Like, is it because you want to hear me saying good about Pakistan? Is that it? Anyway, tell me which country brokered a deal between Communist China and America, the ones who brokered were both friends of Communist China and even a bigger friend of America. Then you have the veracity to say you were fighting against communist. What????
It was a natural choice for Pakistan to go against USSR, they were backing India through everything, you plaid your hands and decided to go with the plan of US soviet actions. Bred fighters in Pakistan, conveniently used them against India, it's all right I can understand the urge. The idea is to know when to dismantle these groups because they are like grenades, if you hold it in your hand for too long it will blow up in your face. India created and sustained Mukti bahini (a terror group in today's term), then when BD was liberated it was dismantled, India went ahead supporting LTTE and it blew up in our face quite literally.

Speaking of deceptiveness, after getting billions in money to buy weapons and other commodities even helping the Americans in WoT, who actually did the Khunduz airlift? Where was OBL hiding?
Speaking of being a beggar, tell me, is it the 13th or 14th IMF bailout Pakistan is pulling?

As for aid,
It's economic aid since 1946, not to forget we have 6 times your population and still the aid over 60 years is only 22 billion more than Pakistan. Playing with math could give you such numbers but the reality is quite different.
Here's the USAID for the last 20 years to India. (My guestimate 2 billion)

Here's to Pakistan, take a calculator and add (My guestimate 16 billion)

Find better links Pakistani, wristband dot com may help you soothe your ego and troll, but you need more than that if you want to throw insults and pretend to be smart.
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Balakot strike happened and art 370 was removed. All Pakistan could do was Pakistan keep 30 minute observance, even that that too stopped.

Even since Modi, come Pakistan talking less about kashmir anymore but more worried about evil designs of India to wrest Pakistan administered kashmir from India.

Under the chronology,

India did publicly land raid.
India is publicly air raid.
Think what comes next. Your Quershi's know that that' why goes to press every 15 days to declare his fear of so called Indian 'false flag operation'.

And coming to China, seeing border infra development in last six yrs, China has to send 50 thousand troops to a region where they weren't deployed earlier and have been forced deployed only to rub their back side on mountain peaks after applying lipguard.
Show us some proof of 300 militants killed in the Balakot Strike? ISRO should have all the footage?

We do not hide in the darkness of night, but attacked during broad daylight with advance notice. Show us the pictures and debris of the F-16?
How do you survive in life, seriously, your ignorance is astounding.
Since you clearly do not have the capacity to understand, no more detailed replies to you, just short and sweet answers to feed you the ABC of essential facts.

Clearly, even after openly siding and getting support from the Soviets. Americans were low key helping Indians.

Your statement clearly says, "even after openly siding and getting support from the Soviets. Americans were low key helping Indians."
You are boasting about American help to India, have some shame, and at least have the guts to stick to your statement, rather then crawl back into your hole.

Intelligence may be directly proportional to the ability to grasp sarcasm. Look at the rant lol. What I meant is, until the Soviet Union broke up, India was seen by the west as a supporter of the Soviet Union. In 62 it was the Soviet veto that worked against UNSC resolution. Indian PM did not see eye to eye with the Americans, it was only during the second Clinton administration US policy began to shift in India's favour. So, your argument that India was favourite of the west since 47 is a stupid, illogical and misconceived notion.
If you still pretend to not believe it and think India is the favourite of the west since 1947, here's the list of Veto in UNSC, see how many times the Soviet Union used its veto for India.

But, that's the point, you lot are two faced, always swearing at the West, but happy to receive their money and aid, a fact you were boasting about in your above statement, but typically now trying to crawl back into your hole.


There are plenty of other examples, including the tens of billions of dollars in aid, have the shame to show gratitude, rather then crying all the time. And, pointing fingers, look at yourself.

Why US send warships during Bangladesh liberation to threaten India? Because west wazzz supporting India.
I'll read your claim again and again just for the laughs

What warship? you fool, it was a sob story told by the Indians. And, a pretence by the Americans. The Americans didn't do anything, Pakistan was still under military sanctions, since 1965, and Soviet warships were making sure India is protected, protecting their lapdog.
If the Americans really wanted to help, they would have helped, like they saved your *** from the Chinese in 1962.

You had some of the largest cement manufacturing industries. Steel mills up and running in a decade Most of the Muslim talents in the subcontinent, almost all elite Muslims left for Pakistan. Had 70+ million people, and a relatively big country for its people. Percapita income was higher than India and all countries in the region. You had superior weapons in the 1965 wars, you came riding on the superiority of it, and you still brag about the superior US planes you used to attack India in that war. It looks like your own personal insults suit you perfectly. Not only you're dense, but also don't have an ounce of knowledge in your own history.

From which fantasy did you drag these claims?
Pakistan's first steel plant was set-up in the 1980s with Soviet technology that we paid for, after American refusal.
Yes, we were the richest and developing fast for few decades from the 1960s, but that's because of the efforts made after our independence, by us, no on else, and it certainly was not there in 1947.

Have the decency to stick with facts and not invent lies,
hang on I forgot, you lot love to lie, its in your blood, that's why "Indian Chronicles" come naturally to you guys. Shame.

haha well I can talk to my mommy and daddy coherently, and thank them for not being first cousins.

Good, you should stick to talking with your mummy and daddy, because that's all you are good for.

At least we don't share a wife between brothers, we know who our fathers are. And we don't burn our women folk on the funeral pyre.



You think the Americans mailed IIT's to India? IITs are build by Indians, for Indians the idea was conceptualized by Indian leaders and established in one of the largest industrial hub in India. Pakistani here saying Americans developed IIT you serious? India procured weapons like any other country would do in an emergency situation, besides, it was a British mess that we had to face the Chinese in the first place. It was only logical we go there to get weapons for dealing with China.

Read up about your IIT's again, it was an idea created under the British rule, you merely inherited the idea, and developed them with European and American help, show some gratitude in something, this is too much.

There is big difference between procurement and begging, you begged everyone, from the Soviets to the Americans, and everyone in between, see the link above. Bunch of jokers.

LOL! How do you think you got about hundred F-86 sabres then?
Like this.

Clearly you need someone to help you read, this is the part where Pakistan's help in fight against Soviet communism comes into play, and our role in the destruction of the USSR, formerly, your LORD and MASTER.
We help them, they helped us. You begged everyone.

Please concentrate on what you are saying, it helps you to make more sense. Clearly, you've lost the plot, its OK, I am here to help.

I wonder why you write these kinds of idiocy. Like, is it because you want to hear me saying good about Pakistan? Is that it? Anyway, tell me which country brokered a deal between Communist China and America, the ones who brokered were both friends of Communist China and even a bigger friend of America.

Again, honestly, please have some perspective, it is so important in life, and in reading history. The cold war was essentially with Soviet communism, particularly after the Sino-Soviet split, when China was taken out of the equation, hence the push for peace.
It may be new information for you, but there were and still are different camps in communism.

One of the major reasons, why the Americans did not lift the sanctions against Pakistan after the 1965 war was because they wanted Pakistan to cut or reduce ties with China, Pakistan refused. In the end, just like now, with the Taliban, they came running to us, because Pakistan was the only country China trusted, and Americans trusted Pakistan to play a role of a mature interlocutor. Plus, they had very little options. The sanctions continued because, by the 1970's, Pakistan's nuclear program had started, that played a role in the continuation of sanctions, till the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, that resulted in the lifting of sanctions in 1980.

I wont be touching the rest of your crap in this quote, because I am not here to have an endless discussion, and it gets totally away from the original topic. Only when you do not have a credible defence, and do not know what to say, does a person go off-topic, like you have.
So, I will restrict to the core of this discussion, which you started. A pointed discussion has a conclusion, touching endless topics is plain stupid, and simply pointless.

Speaking of deceptiveness, after getting billions in money to buy weapons and other commodities even helping the Americans in WoT, who actually did the Khunduz airlift? Where was OBL hiding?
Speaking of being a beggar, tell me, is it the 13th or 14th IMF bailout Pakistan is pulling?

This point is neither here nor there, it doesn't make sense. You are making stupid comparisons.

IMF bailouts are not handouts, they are paid back with interest, they are loans, not handouts. The tens of billions you got, were largely handouts, for which you are ungrateful, practiced deceptiveness and two-faced attitude. That's shameful.

It's economic aid since 1946, not to forget we have 6 times your population and still the aid over 60 years is only 22 billion more than Pakistan. Playing with math could give you such numbers but the reality is quite different.
Here's the USAID for the last 20 years to India. (My guestimate 2 billion)

Size has nothing to do with it, in that case, China would have been at the top, it is nowhere. And, Israel should be getting peanuts. Aid is politics, either it is transactional, like the help given to Pakistan, or it is given out of pity for the beggars, like India.

We gave them something in return, looked after their interests when we could, and they did not collide with our interests.
You gave disloyalty, deceptiveness, and two-face lies, took what was given, and threw crap back in their face, and now try to claim high morals. I pity your lot.
Your statement clearly says, "even after openly siding and getting support from the Soviets. Americans were low key helping Indians."
You are boasting about American help to India, have some shame, and at least have the guts to stick to your statement, rather then crawl back into your hole.
haha oh man! That went way over your head. Then again, I'm not gonna make fun of it anymore,

But, that's the point, you lot are two-faced, always swearing at the West
Are we now? I think you lost it.

There are plenty of other examples, including the tens of billions of dollars in aid, have the shame to show gratitude, rather then crying all the time. And, pointing fingers, look at yourself.
What gratitude are you talking about? We gave our gratitude by allowing US companies to operate in India, we also pay billions of dollars in license fees. And likewise, the aid money we receive, which by the way is not even directed at the government but rather Non-government entities that work in parallel or support government initiatives was well spent and we are thankful for it. Now we are doing the same to countries around us. Link
Now, you asking us to be grateful, you should say that to the folks who burn US flags in your own country. Give them your gyan. Please do, and jog on.
What warship? you fool, it was a sob story told by the Indians. And, a pretence by the Americans. The Americans didn't do anything, Pakistan was still under military sanctions, since 1965, and Soviet warships were making sure India is protected, protecting their lapdog.
If the Americans really wanted to help, they would have helped, like they saved your *** from the Chinese in 1962.
You're the most consistently wrong person I have seen here and you call me fool? :rofl: How do you keep making mistakes, do you think bringing your own theories will win you arguments. Here are the declassified documents of Admiral Zumwalt who was given instruction to send US ships. Codenamed Task Force 74. Read page 28 if you may. And please shut the fuk up.

Read up about your IIT's again, it was an idea created under the British rule, you merely inherited the idea, and developed them with European and American help, show some gratitude in something, this is too much.

There is big difference between procurement and begging, you begged everyone, from the Soviets to the Americans, and everyone in between, see the link above. Bunch of jokers.
So, where are the Americans in its ruling body? If Pakistan didn't develop any institution that's worth a dime, it's not our fault you had the time and money but was busy playing big games. The help you are talking about maybe buying lab equipment or books. Lol! I loved reading David B Cheng's field and wave electromagnetics, it may mean, he helped me become an Engineer. I can give you that.

Clearly you need someone to help you read, this is the part where Pakistan's help in fight against Soviet communism comes into play, and our role in the destruction of the USSR, formerly, your LORD and MASTER.
We help them, they helped us. You begged everyone.

Please concentrate on what you are saying, it helps you to make more sense. Clearly, you've lost the plot, its OK, I am here to help.
Yeah sure, Americans were giving you Sabre in 1960 to fight the Soviets who would invade Afghanistan some 20 years later. Ok let's forget that for a minute, you were alleging the west propped up India since independence, then how come Pakistan got Sabre. How many military equipment India got as aid from the west again?

Explain your brilliant logic.
Again, honestly, please have some perspective, it is so important in life, and in reading history. The cold war was essentially with Soviet communism, particularly after the Sino-Soviet split, when China was taken out of the equation, hence the push for peace.
It may be new information for you, but there were and still are different camps in communism.

One of the major reasons, why the Americans did not lift the sanctions against Pakistan after the 1965 war was because they wanted Pakistan to cut or reduce ties with China, Pakistan refused. In the end, just like now, with the Taliban, they came running to us, because Pakistan was the only country China trusted, and Americans trusted Pakistan to play a role of a mature interlocutor. Plus, they had very little options. The sanctions continued because, by the 1970's, Pakistan's nuclear program had started, that played a role in the continuation of sanctions, till the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, that resulted in the lifting of sanctions in 1980.

I wont be touching the rest of your crap in this quote, because I am not here to have an endless discussion, and it gets totally away from the original topic. Only when you do not have a credible defence, and do not know what to say, does a person go off-topic, like you have.
So, I will restrict to the core of this discussion, which you started. A pointed discussion has a conclusion, touching endless topics is plain stupid, and simply pointless.
You could've used this perspective when you claimed you're the knight in shining armour against communists? Apply perspective there and come to me. Now, I'm not blaming Pakistan for anything they did vis China or US. But your claim that it was India who was the western stooge. I'll sum up your comments at the end.

You were not sanctioned in 1965, but since you started a war, they suspended the arms supply. West propper up India (sarcasm) but by gods grace Pakistan signed CEATO and SENTO agreement with the US, west propped up India when Pakistan became Major Non-NATO ally (sarcasm)

You don't need to touch the rest of the points I made, even you can argue with yourselves, that much incoherence is there in your replies.
This point is neither here nor there, it doesn't make sense. You are making stupid comparisons.

IMF bailouts are not handouts, they are paid back with interest, they are loans, not handouts. The tens of billions you got, were largely handouts, for which you are ungrateful, practiced deceptiveness and two-faced attitude. That's shameful.
Yeah, I'll now give you a perspective. I'm a country, you're IMF, taking IMF loan is like you decide what I should do with the money I get as loan from you. You can ask me to drink less water, don't buy too much food, or give too much food to my children, or give them any remuneration. But it's a loan and I will pay back in full. I took the loan because I got nowhere else to go. That's shameful.

Size has nothing to do with it, in that case, China would have been at the top, it is nowhere. And, Israel should be getting peanuts. Aid is politics, either it is transactional, like the help given to Pakistan, or it is given out of pity for the beggars, like India.

We gave them something in return, looked after their interests when we could, and they did not collide with our interests.
You gave disloyalty, deceptiveness, and two-face lies, took what was given, and threw crap back in their face, and now try to claim high morals. I pity your lot.
hahaha you're out of your depth, don't dig it further deep. Pakistan was equally poor and it still is and that's why it's getting USAID in billions of dollars, on the other hand, India may not be rich, but our government stopped taking aids.

Nobody accused India of being disloyal, we never sold our loyalty to anyone. Have you seen India fighting any war for western countries? Every aid given also gathers influence, unlike you we don't shamelessly get billions of dollars in aid and then go out, burn American flags. It's not loyalty, but being thankful. If you don't understand some fundamental difference between it, why are you teaching me where the moral high ground is. You are a Pakistani, your pity or prase is worth shit to me so, take it and shove it up.......

To sum up your entire points. west propped up India since 47 (BS), Pakistan was treated unfairly (BBS), Pakistan not only got the economic aid of 40+ billion dollars but Free frontline fighters, and superior communication equipment and you were part of some of the pioneering projects in the US, SEATO, CENTO and a Major non-NATO ally. The stupidity of your own leaders is not an excuse for your current situation.
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Ok, I refuse to take you seriously anymore, because nothing but dribble comes out of your mind.
You seriously need to do a little reading before involving yourself in a discussion.
You live in your fantasies, so, my approach will have to change accordingly.

haha oh man! That went way over your head. Then again, I'm not gonna make fun of it anymore,
Yup, keep backtracking and crawling back into the hole you came from, that's a good boy.

Are we now? I think you lost it.
Yeh, nice answer, very articulate, I see your brain is becoming over worked, seems like you the one who's lost it, as they say.

What gratitude are you talking about? We gave our gratitude by allowing US companies to operate in India, we also pay billions of dollars in license fees. And likewise, the aid money we receive, which by the way is not even directed at the government but rather Non-government entities that work in parallel or support government initiatives was well spent and we are thankful for it. Now we are doing the same to countries around us. Link
Now, you asking us to be grateful, you should say that to the folks who burn US flags in your own country. Give them your gyan. Please do, and jog on.

This is beyond funny,
so in your logic, the companies that come to India, to give Indians jobs, should be grateful to India for allowing them to invest in India.
Seriously, what are you on? drugs are bad for mind, body and soul, didn't your mummy and daddy teach you that lesson.

You're the most consistently wrong person I have seen here and you call me fool? :rofl: How do you keep making mistakes, do you think bringing your own theories will win you arguments. Here are the declassified documents of Admiral Zumwalt who was given instruction to send US ships. Codenamed Task Force 74. Read page 28 if you may. And please shut the fuk up.

Ohhhh I'm wrong, what perfect logic, excellent, well done, now go to your mummy and get a lollipop.
You idiot, read what I wrote again, you get your wires crossed and then pretend your own answers.

America sent nearly a billion dollars worth of weapons to India extremely quickly in 1962, and then airlifted the equipment to the front lines. Sending a warship to a certain direction when the battle is being fought on the ground, and in the air means jack sh.t, you fool.

If America really wanted to help, like they saved your *** from the Chinese, they would have lifted the sanctions, and airlifted nearly a billion dollars worth of weapons to East Pakistan, you fool. They kept the sanctions and gave no weapons, no practical help, you fool, how is that helping. Sending a warship means nothing, it is token action for sake of tokens, you fool.

How the heck do you even get out of bed. You should stay asleep to enjoy your fantasies, clearly you are not fit for the real world.

So, where are the Americans in its ruling body? If Pakistan didn't develop any institution that's worth a dime, it's not our fault you had the time and money but was busy playing big games. The help you are talking about maybe buying lab equipment or books. Lol! I loved reading David B Cheng's field and wave electromagnetics, it may mean, he helped me become an Engineer. I can give you that.

There you again, creating your own answers and pretending things that were never said.

In 1947, Pakistan did not have the institutions that make a nation state, you fool. But Pakistan developed them, because you need them for a state to function, that is why Pakistan quickly developed and became the richest in the South Asia region, according to you own previous statements. That happened, because we were able to build ourselves form nothing.

Don't pretend intelligence, show it by having an intelligent discussion with intelligent contribution, and pay attention to what the other party is saying, don't create your own answers, stop quoting incorrectly. It makes you look like a fool, you fool.

Yeah sure, Americans were giving you Sabre in 1960 to fight the Soviets who would invade Afghanistan some 20 years later. Ok let's forget that for a minute, you were alleging the west propped up India since independence, then how come Pakistan got Sabre. How many military equipment India got as aid from the west again?
Explain your brilliant logic.

They gave those weapons, so Pakistan would be able to fight the Soviets, if the need arose, not to win against them. You would have to be an idiot to believe the Soviets were scared of anyone, let alone Pakistan. Having the capability to fight does not mean the other party is scared. No country could take on the Soviets except America and perhaps China. It does not mean you do not build the capability to defend yourself. You are jumping to big false conclusions.

They invaded Afghanistan for their reasons, and we fought back for our own reasons, the rest is history as they say.

Like you already admitted, India was in the Soviet camp, so, got most of its weapons from them. But, still America gave India nearly a billion dollars worth of weapons when India begged for it. They didn't just give, they gave it free, and delivered it whilst the war was going on, and delivered it to the front lines. Ask, someone who knows military affairs, how much of a big deal that is. They made this effort while the Cuban missile crises was going on, they would have done much more if not for that.

You have been spoon-fed by the West and The Soviets throughout your history.

You could've used this perspective when you claimed you're the knight in shining armour against communists? Apply perspective there and come to me. Now, I'm not blaming Pakistan for anything they did vis China or US. But your claim that it was India who was the western stooge. I'll sum up your comments at the end.
You were not sanctioned in 1965, but since you started a war, they suspended the arms supply. West propper up India (sarcasm) but by gods grace Pakistan signed CEATO and SENTO agreement with the US, west propped up India when Pakistan became Major Non-NATO ally (sarcasm)
You don't need to touch the rest of the points I made, even you can argue with yourselves, that much incoherence is there in your replies.

Man you are really delusional. "Suspended arms supply" is soft speak for sanctioning, when most of Pakistan's, and none of the Indian weapons were from America (except the supplies in 1962) who do you think is going to be effected. You cannot fight with one arm tied behind your back.

Those sanctions, or supplies as you want to call it, were not lifted until the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. They were still in place during the 1971 war.

Stop your stupid talk, because you do not have a clue, it is not good to repeat one sided story, not in this age, its is stupid, only a fool does that.

Yeah, I'll now give you a perspective. I'm a country, you're IMF, taking IMF loan is like you decide what I should do with the money I get as loan from you. You can ask me to drink less water, don't buy too much food, or give too much food to my children, or give them any remuneration. But it's a loan and I will pay back in full. I took the loan because I got nowhere else to go. That's shameful.

Do not give me a perspective, when facts are available and simple to understand.

Loan is something you pay back, that's Pakistan.
India got aid, aid is free money, given to a beggar.
When you make comparisons between the two, taking a loan is respectful because you will return it. But, aid is taking free money like a beggar, and not being grateful is shameful in comparison. It is you who went into comparisons, not me.

Rest of your crap, is just that, crap, babbling without meaning.
You really need to do a lot of reading, stop wasting my time and go do something productive.
Yup, keep backtracking and crawling back into the hole you came from, that's a good boy.
If that makes you feel better, go ahead. lol

Yeh, nice answer, very articulate, I see your brain is becoming over worked, seems like you the one who's lost it, as they say.
Yep! I have a low tolerance for BS, but I enjoy calling it out.

This is beyond funny,
so in your logic, the companies that come to India, to give Indians jobs, should be grateful to India for allowing them to invest in India.
Seriously, what are you on? drugs are bad for mind, body and soul, didn't your mummy and daddy teach you that lesson.
I'm learning new things every day, so according to Pakistani here, US companies come to India to give us jobs wah! Ever heard of the term profits? I'm not on drugs but on a chair, rolling around laughing at some donkey logic.
Shh! You missed the part about the license fee we pay operating US techs.
What warship?
you fool, it was a sob story told by the Indians. And, a pretence by the Americans. The Americans didn't do anything
Yeah, bro! What warship. Throwing insults won't save you anything Pakistani. it'll make you look even more stupid.

My question is what WARSHIP?:rofl:
Ohhhh I'm wrong, what perfect logic, excellent, well done, now go to your mummy and get a lollipop.
You idiot, read what I wrote again, you get your wires crossed and then pretend your own answers.

America sent nearly a billion dollars worth of weapons to India extremely quickly in 1962, and then airlifted the equipment to the front lines. Sending a warship to a certain direction when the battle is being fought on the ground, and in the air means jack sh.t, you fool.

If America really wanted to help, like they saved your *** from the Chinese, they would have lifted the sanctions, and airlifted nearly a billion dollars worth of weapons to East Pakistan, you fool. They kept the sanctions and gave no weapons, no practical help, you fool, how is that helping. Sending a warship means nothing, it is token action for sake of tokens, you fool.

How the heck do you even get out of bed. You should stay asleep to enjoy your fantasies, clearly you are not fit for the real world.
In 1947, Pakistan did not have the institutions that make a nation state, you fool. But Pakistan developed them, because you need them for a state to function, that is why Pakistan quickly developed and became the richest in the South Asia region, according to you own previous statements. That happened, because we were able to build ourselves form nothing.

Don't pretend intelligence, show it by having an intelligent discussion with intelligent contribution, and pay attention to what the other party is saying, don't create your own answers, stop quoting incorrectly. It makes you look like a fool, you fool.
Yeah yea. Sob story 101 you build yourself from nothing. My advise to you is, if you're in an intelligent discussion, you don't need insults to cover up for the lack of it. Clearly, your arguments make no sense, but the more you get wrong you start frothing at the mouth. Then you advise me of the things you should be doing.

They gave those weapons, so Pakistan would be able to fight the Soviets, if the need arose, not to win against them. You would have to be an idiot to believe the Soviets were scared of anyone, let alone Pakistan. Having the capability to fight does not mean the other party is scared. No country could take on the Soviets except America and perhaps China. It does not mean you do not build the capability to defend yourself. You are jumping to big false conclusions.

They invaded Afghanistan for their reasons, and we fought back for our own reasons, the rest is history as they say.

Like you already admitted, India was in the Soviet camp, so, got most of its weapons from them. But, still America gave India nearly a billion dollars worth of weapons when India begged for it. They didn't just give, they gave it free, and delivered it whilst the war was going on, and delivered it to the front lines. Ask, someone who knows military affairs, how much of a big deal that is. They made this effort while the Cuban missile crises was going on, they would have done much more if not for that.

You have been spoon-fed by the West and The Soviets throughout your history.
The point is, contrary to what you claimed the west favoured Pakistan over India, all your points directly contradict what you said earlier that India has been the favourite of the west since 1947.
Anything on that? Oh I'm sure there is nothing other than more brouhaha and insults since you can't be wrong.

Now explain this too, why did Pakistan who are supposed to be fighting Soviets and communists, received aid from the Soviets? I like to know your perspective on that.
Man you are really delusional. "Suspended arms supply" is soft speak for sanctioning, when most of Pakistan's, and none of the Indian weapons were from America (except the supplies in 1962) who do you think is going to be effected. You cannot fight with one arm tied behind your back.

Those sanctions, or supplies as you want to call it, were not lifted until the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. They were still in place during the 1971 war.

Stop your stupid talk, because you do not have a clue, it is not good to repeat one sided story, not in this age, its is stupid, only a fool does that.
Suspended arms supply means suspended arms supply. And for good reason they suspended arms supply, you thought you could take on India. Now that's a poor choice but then again, it is a series of poor choices that put you in this situations.

Loan is something you pay back, that's Pakistan.
India got aid, aid is free money, given to a beggar.
When you make comparisons between the two, taking a loan is respectful because you will return it. But, aid is taking free money like a beggar, and not being grateful is shameful in comparison. It is you who went into comparisons, not me.

Rest of your crap, is just that, crap, babbling without meaning.
You really need to do a lot of reading, stop wasting my time and go do something productive.
Well, congrats to Pakistan on being the biggest beggar in the region after Afghanistan. It was a tight competition but you beat India since 2000.
Indians officials, I see play usual games putting up silly spin on why France is selling, as its taking sides or being a advocacy of PAK

what these Indians are too embarrassed to admit it’s there own desperation, in running to France & Israel to sell it.
If that makes you feel better, go ahead. lol
Go ahead? I see you still have problems in comprehension,
I am here, it is you who's moving, well reversing in-fact.

Yep! I have a low tolerance for BS, but I enjoy calling it out.

Well, you need a complete brain to comprehend anything, that's why you think calling something out equates to BS, try reading your own statements, you'll recognise BS instantly. I've met some in my life, but you really top them all.

I'm learning new things every day, so according to Pakistani here, US companies come to India to give us jobs wah! Ever heard of the term profits? I'm not on drugs but on a chair, rolling around laughing at some donkey logic.
Shh! You missed the part about the license fee we pay operating US techs.

Oh man, you are seriously out of it, you've gone bonkers.
Please go to your government and tell them not to let foreign companies come into India, because they take all our profits, that's a good boy, please do it right away.

You need help dude, to get out of your fantasy world.

Yeah, bro! What warship. Throwing insults won't save you anything Pakistani. it'll make you look even more stupid.
My question is what WARSHIP?:rofl:

If you are not going to discuss facts, then why bother entering a discussion, it just make you look more stupid, and a bigger fool. It's ok, because you have nothing to say.

Yeah yea. Sob story 101 you build yourself from nothing. My advise to you is, if you're in an intelligent discussion, you don't need insults to cover up for the lack of it. Clearly, your arguments make no sense, but the more you get wrong you start frothing at the mouth. Then you advise me of the things you should be doing.

Sorry if you felt insulted, I was merely stating facts, you should know what you are.
And you still are, because you are unable to understand basic facts, I honest to God love you guys, please stay as you are, your delusions are good for us, keep it going.

The point is, contrary to what you claimed the west favoured Pakistan over India, all your points directly contradict what you said earlier that India has been the favourite of the west since 1947.
Anything on that? Oh I'm sure there is nothing other than more brouhaha and insults since you can't be wrong.
Now explain this too, why did Pakistan who are supposed to be fighting Soviets and communists, received aid from the Soviets? I like to know your perspective on that.

How is it contradictory? look this is not Hindi, this is English, if you did not understand, I am sure we can find a good English teacher for you.

Where did the Soviet aid come from? another figment of your imagination.
Dude I already told you, please stop taking those drugs, they are bad for you. I might have to call your mummy and daddy.
You just look silly every time you say something. Bad boy.

Suspended arms supply means suspended arms supply. And for good reason they suspended arms supply, you thought you could take on India. Now that's a poor choice but then again, it is a series of poor choices that put you in this situations.

Again, that's just your choice of words, but still, you idiot, whether its suspending or sanctioned, it means no delivery of the said equipment, how is that so hard to understand.

Take on India? lol you really are a fool, a country that was 10 times smaller then you, and all you people have been doing is crying through history, because that is all you are good for. 70 years of crying that Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan belongs to you, then why haven't you taken it, we did not have nuclear weapons either before.
You are just a bunch of cry babies. Bunch of ungrateful lap dogs.

Well, congrats to Pakistan on being the biggest beggar in the region after Afghanistan. It was a tight competition but you beat India since 2000.

How does that make sense, are you still in Primary school?

Taking a loan isn't being a beggar.
Being the biggest receipt country of aid in the world, taking from the Soviets and the West including Japan, is called being a beggar. Hence get on your paws, and beg a bit more and I might send you few quid too, that's a good boy.
Well, you need a complete brain to comprehend anything, that's why you think calling something out equates to BS, try reading your own statements, you'll recognise BS instantly. I've met some in my life, but you really top them all.
Maybe it's your own complex, that you are all-knowing and you can't be wrong. Just read back your own comments, every time your points go burst you find something else and forget you made that blunder ever.
Then I'll have to respond to the new blunder, and it goes on. Let's see what more you blurt out lol

Oh man, you are seriously out of it, you've gone bonkers.
Please go to your government and tell them not to let foreign companies come into India, because they take all our profits, that's a good boy, please do it right away.

You need help dude, to get out of your fantasy world.
Poor cognition. Every corporate coming to India looks for profits (and they do make profits hence they invest more). You make it sound like as if they come for charity. Opening up of the market is a win-win for all. It becomes a political tool when we can deny them market access.

You need to spend more time finding flaws in my argument rather than being obsessed with me. Like, calling me names, thinking what I talk to my parents, or how I feel lol.
If you are not going to discuss facts, then why bother entering a discussion, it just make you look more stupid, and a bigger fool. It's ok, because you have nothing to say.
The fact that you said US sending warship is an Indian fantasy story speaks a lot about your intelligence and knowledge on the matter.

Who am I talking to, a guy who said the west has been propping up India since 1947.
Sorry if you felt insulted, I was merely stating facts, you should know what you are.
And you still are, because you are unable to understand basic facts, I honest to God love you guys, please stay as you are, your delusions are good for us, keep it going.
Again it's not about my feelings, but rather you can't go on without calling names shows your lack of intellect. And incoherence in your statements is hilarious. If I'm going to call out on all that, you're still going to deny it and think you are somehow right.
How is it contradictory? look this is not Hindi, this is English, if you did not understand, I am sure we can find a good English teacher for you.
haha that's new. Brown sahib with English complex. If I were to list the mistakes and missing punctuations in this brown sahib's essays, I'd start questioning the standards of IELTS.
Where did the Soviet aid come from? another figment of your imagination.
Dude I already told you, please stop taking those drugs, they are bad for you. I might have to call your mummy and daddy.
You just look silly every time you say something. Bad boy.
Where do you think Soviet aid comes? From the friggin Soviet Union, genius. Look into the history of your much talked about Steel Mills, even the first oilfields in Pakistan were called Pakistan-Soviet oilfields. And read how they were established.

While it is true the Soviets never really armed you with weapons like the Americans, other economic relations including 'freebies' were quite generous from the soviets side. You still want to call my parents or stick to driving cabs?
Again, that's just your choice of words, but still, you idiot, whether its suspending or sanctioned, it means no delivery of the said equipment, how is that so hard to understand.

Take on India? lol you really are a fool, a country that was 10 times smaller then you, and all you people have been doing is crying through history, because that is all you are good for. 70 years of crying that Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan belongs to you, then why haven't you taken it, we did not have nuclear weapons either before.
You are just a bunch of cry babies. Bunch of ungrateful lap dogs.
You were not under any blanket sanctions then. It was simply a pressure tactic to end the conflicts and not to start new conflicts. Imagine if India were to attack American supply ships? Your relationship with the US was very cordial, thereby you brokering a deal between the US and the Chinese, which I'm repeating again.

What was your plan then, in 1965? You tried to take on India. Results are there for everyone to see.

Oh I'm enjoying your meltdown

How does that make sense, are you still in Primary school?

Taking a loan isn't being a beggar.
Being the biggest receipt country of aid in the world, taking from the Soviets and the West including Japan, is called being a beggar. Hence get on your paws, and beg a bit more and I might send you few quid too, that's a good boy.
You're the one who said those who receive aid money from USAID are beggars, go back few posts and I have posted USAID to Pakistan since 2000. Which is around 16 billion dollars that's in the last 20 years.

What loan? Your own picture showed Pakistan receiving 44 billion in aid.

:pop:Anything else?
This discussion is mind-numbingly dumb.
To start off with, at least you had an opinion, I may not have agreed with it, but you had an opinion based on your facts, from what you knew.

But, you have turned this into an Indian fantasy show, I have presented you a whole other perspective on history with new facts, granted one is not expected to know all angles, myself included. But, once presented with sensible facts, they need to be taken onboard, and not stubbornly rejected.

Not only that, you repeatedly misquote our discussion, claiming I have said something when I have not and, you back track from your own statements without any shame, furthermore, you repeatedly forget your own statements.
That's contemptuous and shameful. You need to man up and grow up.

Maybe it's your own complex, that you are all-knowing and you can't be wrong. Just read back your own comments, every time your points go burst you find something else and forget you made that blunder ever.
Then I'll have to respond to the new blunder, and it goes on. Let's see what more you blurt out lol

Its not Holi, so spare me your colourful expressions, you are not in kindergarten.
All I'll say is, find me an example, and I will clarify or admit my mistake, if you cannot then you are a shameful liar.

You have contradicted yourself from the first post onwards, and shamefully will not admit to it, I even quote your contradictions couple of times, have some self respect.

Poor cognition. Every corporate coming to India looks for profits (and they do make profits hence they invest more). You make it sound like as if they come for charity. Opening up of the market is a win-win for all. It becomes a political tool when we can deny them market access.
You need to spend more time finding flaws in my argument rather than being obsessed with me. Like, calling me names, thinking what I talk to my parents, or how I feel lol.

You are the one obsessed with me, I did not reply making big claims, you did.
Every time I kick your mental backside, yet, you keep coming back for more beating, its ok, I can spare few minutes a day for the likes of you.

I have already said if it makes you feel happy that you are doing foreign companies favours by letting them invest in India, then great. Just please tell your Prime minster not to let any more companies invest in India. Because they are stealing your profits. Why are you getting worked up, I am happy to let you wallow in your fantasies. I'll let the people reading your statement judge the stupidity of your thinking.

Just this thinking alone shows your level of intellect, looks like the odour from cleaning toilets may be getting to your head.

The fact that you said US sending warship is an Indian fantasy story speaks a lot about your intelligence and knowledge on the matter.
Who am I talking to, a guy who said the west has been propping up India since 1947.

This does not even make sense, I said, it meant nothing, it had no value, that's why it is a fantasy story, because it is presented as something it is not.

This is another prime example of you misrepresenting what has been said. I explained it in great detail why the warship has no meaning, and why it is totally irrelevant to the discussion when the war was being fought on the land and air.

$65 billion worth of aid to India, amounts to propping up a begging India. That's a fact. That's just from the Americans, the rest of the Western camp gave plenty more. Basic facts you cannot digest. That's called being two-faced.

Again, repeated instances of misquoting and misrepresentations, you cannot make up your own statements and present them as mine, if it was a single line statement, fine you can do that, but I gave a detailed explanation. You simply have no shame, cant expect more from a two-face nation.

Dude, stop cleaning toilets, shit is really hitting your brain.

Again it's not about my feelings, but rather you can't go on without calling names shows your lack of intellect. And incoherence in your statements is hilarious. If I'm going to call out on all that, you're still going to deny it and think you are somehow right.

Have you seen your list of words, so its ok for you to be offended by my choice of words, but you are free to choose what you want, nice.

I have not complained to you about your choice of words and expressions, because, I am reading your argument, and trying to find something worthwhile, sadly nothing there. Your expressions do not bother me, why are you getting your panties in a twist, try taking hormone pills if you are so sensitive. Or, try having a proper fact based discussion, perhaps you will experience a different response.

You have stuck up arrogance written all over your persona, that arrogance shall have to remain within the confines of your chair, and not go any further. When it does, you'll get suitable replies. So stop being sensitive, or learn to have better discussion, perhaps, you will receive different replies.

haha that's new. Brown sahib with English complex. If I were to list the mistakes and missing punctuations in this brown sahib's essays, I'd start questioning the standards of IELTS.

Ok I don't even know where you went with this reply, I'll let this brew in your little head. Because the only replies I can think off will take this discussion into the gutter, but you are already there, so enjoy.

Where do you think Soviet aid comes? From the friggin Soviet Union, genius. Look into the history of your much talked about Steel Mills, even the first oilfields in Pakistan were called Pakistan-Soviet oilfields. And read how they were established.
http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/pol..., opportunities Nazir_Vol_19_Issue_1_2012.pdf
While it is true the Soviets never really armed you with weapons like the Americans, other economic relations including 'freebies' were quite generous from the soviets side. You still want to call my parents or stick to driving cabs?

This actually is a decent reply, I appreciate the effort, but your conclusion is extremely wrong. Although I did enjoy reading it.

You missed the fact the whole writing was about missed opportunities, and it mentioned billions in military aid to India in few short years, imagine how much was given during other times, military and economic aid. So, proves my point that you guys begged and receive from everyone, and still continue to cry, whilst refusing to be grateful.

You have picked two incidents to paint a picture of massive aid. Firstly, oil exploration is no big deal, it is not aid, but an investment opportunity. Pakistan has miniscule oil reserves so, it cant have been much of an investment.

Regarding the steel mill, I did learn something new, thank you. But again this writing does not present the complete picture, I had always assumed, there would be some concessions involved in such a large project, but it was more then I expected. The link I include below shows the project was worth over 2 billion dollars, so it wasn't paid by the Soviets, but built on a concessionary basis.

The only reason they agreed was to the mutual benefit of both, America wouldn't help us, and the Soviets needed foreign exchange. Unlike the potential new cold war with China, where China is part of the global trading system, USSR was not. There was limited trade with the Western countries, especially America. It was designed to keep the USSR under pressure, so foreign exchange was an important commodity. Global trade and finance has been dollar based since the second world war, so everyone needed dollars, and still do. Hence the massive concession to the mutual benefit of both, still, the concession was larger then I expected. But the Soviet Union still gained over a billion dollars from this project, so it was mutually beneficial, rather then simple aid.

And it pales in comparison to the 65 Billion dollars given to India, just by America, including military aid. We are not even counting the aid given by rest of the western block.

So, the comparison is simply silly, for one it wasn't aid but an investment deal on generous concessions, and the Soviet Union earned over a billion dollars in foreign exchange in return as well.


While avoiding joining you in the gutter, I have few accountant friends, and I know plenty of Indian cab drivers on their books. And, a few lawyer friends too, I can provide plenty of examples of the things Indians do for life overseas.
I'll just leave it at that, as anything earned legally shouldn't define a persons worth. People have always strived for a better life, and the journey continues, I wish them all well, including Indians, it is stupid to bring this into a discussion, especially when it is not relevant.

You were not under any blanket sanctions then. It was simply a pressure tactic to end the conflicts and not to start new conflicts. Imagine if India were to attack American supply ships? Your relationship with the US was very cordial, thereby you brokering a deal between the US and the Chinese, which I'm repeating again.
What was your plan then, in 1965? You tried to take on India. Results are there for everyone to see.
Oh I'm enjoying your meltdown

I specifically referred to it in military terms.

Again, you are misrepresenting my words, if you do not know, then why are you being stupid and arguing the point, you clearly do not know he facts.

There is nothing to imagine, because it is not a complicated discussion, I have stated the facts, if you choose to live in your fantasy then please do so, it is your choice what you choose to accept or not, but, it does not change the reality of what happened.

You need to grow up , and stop making silly statements without any meaning.

You're the one who said those who receive aid money from USAID are beggars, go back few posts and I have posted USAID to Pakistan since 2000. Which is around 16 billion dollars that's in the last 20 years.
What loan? Your own picture showed Pakistan receiving 44 billion in aid.
:pop:Anything else?

You are one dense individual,
Pakistan was an ally, countries are suppose to help allies, and, any aid Pakistan received was paid back in support of various kinds. We helped them destroy the Soviet Union, and win the cold war, that's a massive deal. The aid of last 20 years was also transactional, where we also helped them in so many ways.

You were in the opposing camp, swearing at the western world, and America, and taking their money, their billions, 65 billion from America alone.
That is shameful, it is begging, and amounts to a two-faced approach.
The Indians have literally read the tea leaves and know that, they are not a US treaty ally (because they want to maintain their special relationship with Russia), and will have to fight on their own; the Quad won’t do it with them.

I give this Indian source so the Indian PDF members can hear it from an Indian source. According to the commentator; the recent long telegram out of the Atlantic council will set the trend for the US-China Cold War.

My guess is the author is Michele Flournoy
This discussion is mind-numbingly dumb.
You don't say. See.
To start off with, at least you had an opinion, I may not have agreed with it, but you had an opinion based on your facts, from what you knew.
My opinions are based on some well-known facts.

Its not Holi, so spare me your colourful expressions, you are not in kindergarten.
All I'll say is, find me an example, and I will clarify or admit my mistake, if you cannot then you are a shameful liar.

You have contradicted yourself from the first post onwards, and shamefully will not admit to it, I even quote your contradictions couple of times, have some self respect.
Read back, your mistakes are explained word by word in previous replies.
You are the one obsessed with me, I did not reply making big claims, you did.
Every time I kick your mental backside, yet, you keep coming back for more beating, its ok, I can spare few minutes a day for the likes of you.
Like I said, discuss on the points raised not on me. You seem to somehow be interested in me rather than points and then mental gratification of some real fights you're in a discussion with a random person. I couldn't care any less about your roundhouse kick happening in your head against me. :lol: Childish

I have already said if it makes you feel happy that you are doing foreign companies favours by letting them invest in India, then great. Just please tell your Prime minster not to let any more companies invest in India. Because they are stealing your profits. Why are you getting worked up, I am happy to let you wallow in your fantasies. I'll let the people reading your statement judge the stupidity of your thinking.
Why? We will let as many companies as we want, give us jobs, sell products to us, make money and taxes. We can also pick and choose whom to let into our country or whom should we kick out. Market access is the most influential tool in geopolitics. Even a mediocre person would know what I meant. But meh!

This does not even make sense, I said, it meant nothing, it had no value, that's why it is a fantasy story, because it is presented as something it is not.

This is another prime example of you misrepresenting what has been said. I explained it in great detail why the warship has no meaning, and why it is totally irrelevant to the discussion when the war was being fought on the land and air.

$65 billion worth of aid to India, amounts to propping up a begging India. That's a fact. That's just from the Americans, the rest of the Western camp gave plenty more. Basic facts you cannot digest. That's called being two-faced.

Again, repeated instances of misquoting and misrepresentations, you cannot make up your own statements and present them as mine, if it was a single line statement, fine you can do that, but I gave a detailed explanation. You simply have no shame, cant expect more from a two-face nation.

Dude, stop cleaning toilets, shit is really hitting your brain.
Now you're gonna pretend you meant the warship had no influence it meant nothing meanwhile you said this and I quote "What warship? you fool, it was a sob story told by the Indians."

See the dark bold part and understand how you're consistently making the wrong assumption. :lol: You're saying the "war in 1971 was being fought on the land and air" meanwhile it was the biggest Naval conflict between India and Pakistan.

Tell me how do you do this? How can you make a wrong observation with a very high consistency?
India employed a Naval blockade between East and West Pakistan. You lost a submarine that ran into Indian waters on a botched intel, (PNS Ghazi). Hawker hunter from our Aircraft carrier bombarded Chittagong port and cox bazaar.
You missed the fact the whole writing was about missed opportunities, and it mentioned billions in military aid to India in few short years, imagine how much was given during other times, military and economic aid. So, proves my point that you guys begged and receive from everyone, and still continue to cry, whilst refusing to be grateful.
You're basically saying Pakistan begged to soviets for economic aid and begged military aid from the west. India got military aid from soviet and economic aid from the west. What a smartass comment.
I specifically referred to it in military terms.
Not really, this $65 is not a military aid but economic aid. At this point, you are blabbering. Sometimes you say you're talking about military aid then you mock India for getting economic aid. Both India and Pakistan got both military and economic aid from west and soviets. Nowadays Pakistan is the largest receiver of this economic aid.
$65 billion worth of aid to India, amounts to propping up a begging India.
Pakistan was an ally, countries are suppose to help allies, and, any aid Pakistan received was paid back in support of various kinds. We helped them destroy the Soviet Union, and win the cold war, that's a massive deal. The aid of last 20 years was also transactional, where we also helped them in so many ways.

You were in the opposing camp, swearing at the western world, and America, and taking their money, their billions, 65 billion from America alone.
That is shameful, it is begging, and amounts to a two-faced approach.
An aid is still aid. Your Logic can be summed up as Mera kutta Tommy tera kutta kutta.

To end, India wasn't in any camp. We never sent our soldiers to fight for Soviets or Americans. We had a friendly relationship with Soviets and a little bit of confrontational relationship with the Americans in the first part. It normalized after a few years. We never were in soviet camp, we used Soviets to our advantage. That's how our diplomacy goes, our national interest first.
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