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France invoked article 42.7 of the Lisbon treaty

We Europeans are at a point in our civilization where we can unite, even Russia and China are 99% on our side in a situation like this and many others despite what some people say. Dont complain about others not caring about your own people when your neighbors dont care about you either or the fact that its your own people bombing your own country.

Dont look for mass outpourings of grief thousands of miles away then complain when you dont have it even though you dont have it from your neighboring countries either who are meant to be "brothers" not only in culture but religion too.
I cant remember that the Turks invoked article 42

omg next one ...

The Treaty of Lisbon (initially known as the Reform Treaty) is an international agreement which amends the two treaties which form the constitutional basis of the European Union (EU). The Treaty of Lisbon was signed by the EU member states on 13 December 2007, and entered into force on 1 December 2009

Last time I check, Turkey wasn't a member of the EU.
France has every right to invoke article 42.7, so did turkey or any other country, if it had similar agreement.But none of other country invoked any article of their groupings(NATO) .So i guess no use in crying over spilled milk

Important thing is, if France can create Coalition including eastern, western or whatever blocks currently trying their muscle in stopping IS threats.

Only then we may be able to crush IS threats.
Mr Hollande said France will invoke article 42.7 of the Lisbon Treaty, the solidarity clause obliging other member states to come to his country’s help by “all means in their power”. It would be beyond parody for Brussels to continue insisting on budget rules in such a political context.
Some minutes ago,in the name of France,JYLD decided to invoke the article 42.7 of the Lisbon treaty.

L’effet Le Drian
For God's sake,it's time for Europe to act/do something !
That's a good news i guess. (There's no English article at the moment but will post it if found)

Good move, we will stand by you to the best of our abilities :)
Good move, we will stand by you to the best of our abilities :)

The best thing Romania can do is to enforce her borders. Romania, Greece, Macedonia and Bulgaria must form a strong bulwark. Contain illegal immigration on the border regions.
The best thing Romania can do is to enforce her borders. Romania, Greece, Macedonia and Bulgaria must form a strong bulwark. Contain illegal immigration on the border regions.

But Nihonjim, we had 0 illegals entering our territory.And we're not part of the route they take, or part of schengen.
If that route changes be sure we will stop everyone, guaranteed.(then again, maybe Germany will force us to let them through)
Why are all the solutions one way how about not arming so called moderate rebels in the first place?
But Nihonjim, we had 0 illegals entering our territory.And we're not part of the route they take, or part of schengen.
If that route changes be sure we will stop everyone, guaranteed.(then again, maybe Germany will force us to let them through)

In that case there needs to be a change in Leadership in Germany with a radical change in policy regarding the refugees from the Middle East. They are , clearly, unwanted in Europe and the countries in the EU are stating their opposition to hosting them and this has been made known in Brussels. It is estimated that in 2017, over 3 million refugees will be coming to Europe in waves, my friend that is about 1/2 the population of Bulgaria. European Union cannot sustain such radical change in demographic influx especially from a people who are culturally diverse from that of Europe, especially the lifestyle and social realities and characteristics from Western and Central Europe who are mostly liberal democracies, and predominantly Christian based.

Secondly, the threat of DAESH infiltration in these refugees' numbers. This is clearly an unexcusable security risk and a civilizational-threat to the state of Europe. This is actually quite severe, and the vermin have shown their true face in this recent attack in Paris of their true colours.

I do seriously hope that the United States follows suit with the Governors' here in not allowing Syrian refugees into the United States.

But Nihonjim, we had 0 illegals entering our territory.And we're not part of the route they take, or part of schengen.
If that route changes be sure we will stop everyone, guaranteed.(then again, maybe Germany will force us to let them through)

Now that I see this. THANK GOD that Japan has not allowed these refugees to settle in Japanese soil. We do not need these kinds of threats to affect our country.

omg next one ...

Good thing that Poland has expressed its opposition to hosting refugees. I hope more countries in the EU adopt more similar resolute stances.
Turkey refused to cooperate in Irak.In A'stan the US invoked article 5,everyone went in...from the US...to Latvia.
Lol, Iraq wasnt a NATO mission and Turkey was against it from the beginning and the result is isis.
Regarding Afghanistan, Turkey is part of ISAF and still has soldiers deployed there...

Hate us as much as you want but Turkey participated in most NATO missions, played the role of a bullwark against Soviets for decades, it contributed a lot to NATO, noone remembers this when talking about Turkey-NATO but ''NATO deployed Patriots to Turkey bla bla'' talks, well fine thanks, it was about time that NATO helps us in times of our needs for a change.

One would wish every NATO mission was like deploying Patriots to Turkey, chilling in Barracks and eating Baklava the whole day, looks quite different than a Afghanistan mission i think.
In that case there needs to be a change in Leadership in Germany with a radical change in policy regarding the refugees from the Middle East. They are , clearly, unwanted in Europe and the countries in the EU are stating their opposition to hosting them and this has been made known in Brussels. It is estimated that in 2017, over 3 million refugees will be coming to Europe in waves, my friend that is about 1/2 the population of Bulgaria. European Union cannot sustain such radical change in demographic influx especially from a people who are culturally diverse from that of Europe, especially the lifestyle and social realities and characteristics from Western and Central Europe who are mostly liberal democracies, and predominantly Christian based.

Secondly, the threat of DAESH infiltration in these refugees' numbers. This is clearly an unexcusable security risk and a civilizational-threat to the state of Europe. This is actually quite severe, and the vermin have shown their true face in this recent attack in Paris of their true colours.

I do seriously hope that the United States follows suit with the Governors' here in not allowing Syrian refugees into the United States.

Now that I see this. THANK GOD that Japan has not allowed these refugees to settle in Japanese soil. We do not need these kinds of threats to affect our country.

Good thing that Poland has expressed its opposition to hosting refugees. I hope more countries in the EU adopt more similar resolute stances.

Nihonjin-san,i really appreciate how Japan is very strict about who they are welcoming,i think we should follow what Japan is doing.

Japan accepts just 11 asylum seekers from record 5,000 applying in 2014| Reuters
Nihonjin-san,i really appreciate how Japan is very strict about who they are welcoming,i think we should follow what Japan is doing.

Japan accepts just 11 asylum seekers from record 5,000 applying in 2014| Reuters

Yes. We do allow refugees, but we have a stringent policy in allowing them in. They must satisfy the requisites and pass psychological and health exams first. As you may know, or if you dont, Japan PROHIBITS anyone with HIV, or any other diseases to enter Japan. If one has Tuberculosis, if one has HIV, if one has HCV, HBV, HAV and other hosts of infectious diseases they are ruled out immediately.

We make sure we only allow the best of the best into our country. And I think it is necessary.
Yes. We do allow refugees, but we have a stringent policy in allowing them in. They must satisfy the requisites and pass psychological and health exams first. As you may know, or if you dont, Japan PROHIBITS anyone with HIV, or any other diseases to enter Japan. If one has Tuberculosis, if one has HIV, if one has HCV, HBV, HAV and other hosts of infectious diseases they are ruled out immediately.

We make sure we only allow the best of the best into our country. And I think it is necessary.

Agree 100% nihonji, wish our politicians/leaders could follow Japan's example and be more selective in allowing immigrants and 'refugees' in our country, especially those islamists extremists who despise our way of live yet still choose to flee their 'holy' countries to enjoy their lives here while still preaching hate against the west. We can only dream our leaders adopt Japan's prudent policy on immigration, even if the islamists call us anti muslim or whatever, trying to always appease them will only make things worse for us, since these extremists will NEVER be satisfied NO MATTER WHAT YOU GIVE THEM. As i always said: give them a hand they will demand your arm.:agree:

In this regard, i salute/welcome Japan and other east asian countries strict policy on immigration. Keep it up, hopefully we will learn from you. :cheers:

In that case there needs to be a change in Leadership in Germany with a radical change in policy regarding the refugees from the Middle East. They are , clearly, unwanted in Europe and the countries in the EU are stating their opposition to hosting them and this has been made known in Brussels. It is estimated that in 2017, over 3 million refugees will be coming to Europe in waves, my friend that is about 1/2 the population of Bulgaria. European Union cannot sustain such radical change in demographic influx especially from a people who are culturally diverse from that of Europe, especially the lifestyle and social realities and characteristics from Western and Central Europe who are mostly liberal democracies, and predominantly Christian based.

Secondly, the threat of DAESH infiltration in these refugees' numbers. This is clearly an unexcusable security risk and a civilizational-threat to the state of Europe. This is actually quite severe, and the vermin have shown their true face in this recent attack in Paris of their true colours.

I do seriously hope that the United States follows suit with the Governors' here in not allowing Syrian refugees into the United States.

Now that I see this. THANK GOD that Japan has not allowed these refugees to settle in Japanese soil. We do not need these kinds of threats to affect our country.

Good thing that Poland has expressed its opposition to hosting refugees. I hope more countries in the EU adopt more similar resolute stances.
I'm very much in favour of helping France. However, I'm not convinced a single, EU wide intelligence agency, which many have been proposing for a while, would be a good idea.
Some people are more equal than others.
But isn't that just human nature? The more you can identify with the victim the more it moves you. In a perfect world everybody would have the empathy towards each other regardless of ethnicity, religion or nationality. But we don't live in such a world.
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