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Foxbat over Pakistan the facts & fiction

I'm not here to convince any one, however for the record there are strong reporting to the effect.
then goodluck countering indian posters with this imaginery hq-9 you so claim to have. even if you do it being at 125km range is useless as itwould intercept it at 60km horizontal distance whilst the rest is for altitude. you need somthing with the ability to shoot somthing down in indian territory if required. yes i know thats not a good idea as your seen as the agressor but if it turns ugly then an early punch is required to soften the bigger blow.
i have an idea below is a rim-67 missile

now if you modify it so that is has a booster and a few modifications and hey presto your done
the new sm-6 is a reworked sm-2 variant with a mk72 booster.

now lets look at the fd2000, a variant of the hq-9

you can add a booster to that quiet easily.
if you can build mrbs and slcm's then im sure an upgrade to your hypothetical hq-9 would do as well.

as oscar said, if you cant buy it build it

HQ-9 is confirmed and HQ-16 are surprised for Indians....:sick:
oh so its confirmed now is it.......... proof would be very helpfull
oh and its not a suprise if your saying it on a public forum where the second largest user base is indian.
so yeah secret....
My father served in PA and retired when i ask him to join PDF he refuses and advise me that never share or confirm rumored things online since many RAW operative lurking on forums to get the real info so Kindly beware a sincere advice from a retired Brigadier for me and now for you.

Surprise is the best form of attack.
F-16 is not a SAM .:p:
In this day of satellites and spy drones, what would MKI achieve by flying at those kind of altitudes.
In any case, Pakistan has various versions of Crotales, SPADA 2000 and there are strong rumours that it has acquired the HQ-9 which has a flight ceiling of around 90,000 feet.

Crotales are short range and useless missile:hitwall:
oh so its confirmed now is it.......... proof would be very helpfull
oh and its not a suprise if your saying it on a public forum where the second largest user base is indian.
so yeah secret....
There is no confirmation of that system being in existence. Simply because there are certain misgivings with that system which do not meet the requirements of the PAF.
oh so its confirmed now is it.......... proof would be very helpfull
oh and its not a suprise if your saying it on a public forum where the second largest user base is indian.
so yeah secret....
Don't make fool of your self by flashing Brit flags send your fighter AC like Kargil and taste the result.
My father served in PA and retired when i ask him to join PDF he refuses and advise me that never share or confirm rumored things online since many RAW operative lurking on forums to get the real info so Kindly beware a sincere advice from a retired Brigadier for me and now for you.

Surprise is the best form of attack.
Plenty of officers will request operational security in many military forces. However, Pakistan's internal intelligence is especially paranoid for good reasons with even basic information. This is NOT due to RAW but to many other agencies.
Nothing you will see on PDF is something that RAW does not know already.
There is no confirmation of that system being in existence. Simply because there are certain misgivings with that system which do not meet the requirements of the PAF.
no suprise there then.
what about i dont know some thing european
like the land bases aster 30?
im sure during the mushy era a eruopean country(i think its italy) offered the system but would not allow transfer of somthing (i forgot what it was) and he declined.
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Plenty of officers will request operational security in many military forces. However, Pakistan's internal intelligence is especially paranoid for good reasons with even basic information. This is NOT due to RAW but to many other agencies.
Nothing you will see on PDF is something that RAW does not know already.
But I must say if we have real info we must not share on online forums.
Rest Agreed.

just because i mock you means im indian............????????
where did that logic come from might i ask??
Ask yourself. A Brit never so much obsessed with Pakistan especially on Defense related topics.

@Blue Marlin
For you and for those for whom you are working for We have and always have appropriate measures to counter you / Indians and i believe it suffice your question or quest.
i dont get it.......somthing so simple such as sam system should atleast say its been inducted and give it a name of an old warrior

its non of your business why im here. that and when i look millitary related images up most of them are from defence.pk so i thought i may as well join the place your not the first person to say im indian.
dont worry you will see me bashing indian users too. but bash european kit then we have a problem.

:what: do you think im raw or something. actually your on the right line but you need to turn in the right direction
heres a clue
Had you bothered to read the article before habitually posting just for the sake of it, you would understand the practice.
There was a reason for the Foxbat to turn tail and head home....and no the MiG-25 wouldn't dare enter deep into Pakistan since all the strategic assets are protected by high altitude SAMs...and fighter being present is enough to rattle any week end warrior from show boating.
lol what can you expect ? read no further and go with the muscle memory and copy paste something in complete disregard to the topic.. and then tag others to repeat the same and then claim the title of victors of universe.
this is the same lot which still believes that its airforce didnt lose any aircrat in Kargil and whoever says that is ISI spy and when presented with their jets wreck they declared that both jets caught fire or crashed due to engine failure.. strangely enough our air defence units were nearby ;)
i have amended/deleted some of my off topic posts, you do the same.
There is a thing called the AIM-9X Sidewinder. Its amazing and takes out a lot of stuff from 22 KM's away. Its tested and tried many, many times. Including Iraqi Mig-25's. Trust me, it works like a knife goes through the butter :enjoy:

The OP has explained that the F-16 would be placed below 60K feet to use the Sidewinder. The second the Foxbat even turns, he loses to the drag and gravity, immediately reducing its speed and altitude. Even if he outmaneuvers the first Sidewinder, its has no chance of doing that to the second one, as it would be struggling to fight the gravity, drag, gain its momentum back and recover from the energy it quickly bled.

Its the same principle that made the U-2 and even the legendary SR-71s into non-combat planes. Once they take a turn at 70, 80K feet, its over. The time it would take them to recover is more than enough for a capable missile like the Sidewinder to pose serious threat to them.

Pakistan has HQ-9B......they don't disclose it but after that incident with the US on the Afghan border, they went ahead and deployed it in two places. I call it a "paper threat" as its not physical. Just has "aggressive" meaning to it. But it will pose a serious issue for anything coming from India flying high.

The US stopped their SR-71 flights over Sweden, when we showed them that we could shoot them down
with a JA-37 Viggen.
The flights were predictable, so the Viggen could wait at high altitude, and it only had a single Sky Flash
for minimum weight/drag, but it was doable.
The US stopped their SR-71 flights over Sweden, when we showed them that we could shoot them down
with a JA-37 Viggen.
The flights were predictable, so the Viggen could wait at high altitude, and it only had a single Sky Flash
for minimum weight/drag, but it was doable.
yeah yeah in your dream:sleep::sleep: even Soviets hadn't intercepted SR-71 flight over their land:laughcry: wake up from your dream sir what a joke :lol::lol: good one:rofl::rofl::tup::tup::tup::enjoy:
Why do we Pakistanis and Indians need to dig out a few skeletons out of past and than debate it out to oblivion.

The issue with tackling Indian Mig-25s was either rules of engagement or shorter response time and not inability to shoot them down. We off-cource had AIM-7s and these are them same ones USAF used to shoot a few Mig-25s in first gulf war. The issue was that either they would enter supersonic and than exit quickly over border and/or the issue of much stricter rules of engagement during peace-time with approval going way up-to the top. Other-wise it was not at all tough to shoot down a high flying jet with huge RCS like Mig-25 showing like a scar on screen.

On the other hand, I had an opportunity to study Iraqi Mig-25s engagements with USAF in first gulf war and I was pretty impressed by skills of those Iraqi pilots. They not only evaded many BVR missiles but also tried to get the fight to USAF fighters on many occasions and even shot down an F-18 of USN.

But Mig-25 is essentially a long range interceptor designed for Soviet's problem of too large and empty spaces to defend, this is the same role which is being performed by its recent incarnation Mig-31. But because of these requirements, both jets are very heavy and far less agile than other jets like F-14/15/16. Mig-25 also lacked the excellent radar and longer range BVR AAMs in Mig-31. Thinking that some how being able to fly 10-20 thousand feet above than F-16s some how make a Mig safe from a BVR or WVR missile is just childish and nothing more.

So lets put to rest this stupid debate, both airforces are capable to repeatedly break sound barrier over Lahore or Amritsar if they want. It at best will result in a headline grabbing story for media and at worst a shot down fighter jet.

yeah yeah in your dream:sleep::sleep: even Soviets hadn't intercepted SR-71 flight over their land:laughcry: wake up from your dream sir what a joke :lol::lol: good one:rofl::rofl::tup::tup::tup::enjoy:
This is not correct, Swedish air defence command's radar operators were able to at-least once place a Viggen or some other jet right in the flight path of an SR-71. They boasted about even receiving a certificate or some commendation letter from SR-71's crew. It was a big thing in those times, being able to some how get in a position to intercept an SR-71.
Why do we Pakistanis and Indians need to dig out a few skeletons out of past and than debate it out to oblivion.

The issue with tackling Indian Mig-25s was either rules of engagement or shorter response time and not inability to shoot them down. We off-cource had AIM-7s and these are them same ones USAF used to shoot a few Mig-25s in first gulf war. The issue was that either they would enter supersonic and than exit quickly over border and/or the issue of much stricter rules of engagement during peace-time with approval going way up-to the top. Other-wise it was not at all tough to shoot down a high flying jet with huge RCS like Mig-25 showing like a scar on screen.

On the other hand, I had an opportunity to study Iraqi Mig-25s engagements with USAF in first gulf war and I was pretty impressed by skills of those Iraqi pilots. They not only evaded many BVR missiles but also tried to get the fight to USAF fighters on many occasions and even shot down an F-18 of USN.

But Mig-25 is essentially a long range interceptor designed for Soviet's problem of too large and empty spaces to defend, this is the same role which is being performed by its recent incarnation Mig-31. But because of these requirements, both jets are very heavy and far less agile than other jets like F-14/15/16. Mig-25 also lacked the excellent radar and longer range BVR AAMs in Mig-31. Thinking that some how being able to fly 10-20 thousand feet above than F-16s some how make a Mig safe from a BVR or WVR missile is just childish and nothing more.

So lets put to rest this stupid debate, both airforces are capable to repeatedly break sound barrier over Lahore or Amritsar if they want. It at best will result in a headline grabbing story for media and at worst a shot down fighter jet.

This is not correct, Swedish air defence command's radar operators were able to at-least once place a Viggen or some other jet right in the flight path of an SR-71. They boasted about even receiving a certificate or some commendation letter from SR-71's crew. It was a big thing in those times, being able to some how get in a position to intercept an SR-71.
then why SR-71 wasn't intercepted by Soviets, explain me?:hitwall:

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