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Foxbat over Pakistan the facts & fiction

Dude this is a defence forum, i would rather we discuss military matters than rape and poverty issues.
And how can one feel good on events which took place 20+ years but putting them in right perspective is not something uncommon.....wouldn't you agree.
Then lets discuss things rationally , with some facts not suppositions mate. you haven't given any link to support your thread , just wild speculations.
By the way this being a defence forum has not stopped you in the past from bring up poverty , toilets and rapes here.
Come on mate put some credible links and lets have a debate, not what has been going on on this thread.
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Windy, which SAMs did you guys have in 1997? I'll tell you:

Crotale : Flight ceiling VT-1: 6,000 m, Mk3: 9,000 m

The rest were just MANPADS and AA guns. Needless to say, none could reach an altitude of 70,000 ft!

So your contention that your VAs/VPs were well protected by SAMs etc is incorrect. You had nothing in your inventory which could even come close to a Foxbat. :azn:
HQ2B Officially in use by PA for air defense.
Your article is just YOUR OWN made up fairy tale

There is LOT of material on the internet which proves that PAF
could do NOTHING about the MIG 25

The sonic boom by MIG 25 was specifically MAKING a point to PAF

STOP imagining things which never happened

Did PAF have F 14

F 16 could not shoot down MIG 25 or else PAF would have done so

Which Air force ALLOWS its enemy to do a SONIC boom over its CAPITAL

Mig-25 was tracked by ground based radar and HQ-2s were ready to be fired which could have easily taken out Mig-25 from ground but guess what it was NS government who always love India.

HQ2B Officially in use by PA for air defense.

I don't think they are operational now although China have developed an upgrade package of them, but they were definitely operational in 90s.


Boy, Your own EX FOREIGN MINISTER no less claims that we flew over Islamabad and broke the sound barrier with impunity.

Seeing fairies much?

Or is the poor chap going to be labelled a Kafir and traitor now like so many others?

Pakistan would have attacked India in 1998: Gohar Ayub Khan

0admin3 on 18 April 2009 - 7:31pm

Islamabad : Pakistan would have launched a full-fledged air attack had India attempted to prevent its 1998 nuclear tests, maverick politician and former foreign minister Gohar Ayub Khan says in a new book.

In the book titled "Testing Times as Foreign Minister", Khan claims that in the event of an attack by India on the nuclear test site at Chagai in Balochistan, the Pakistan Air Force would have launched attacks on pre-designated targets in India, The News reported Saturday.

Pakistan had conducted its nuclear tests May 28, 1998 in retaliation to those India conducted on the 11th and 13th of the same month.

The son of former Pakistani military dictator Field Marshal Ayub Khan, Gohar Ayub Khan had created a stir in 2005 by claiming his father had bought India's war plans for the 1965 conflict from an Indian brigadier for Rs.20,000.

The new book says that since Pakistan became a nuclear weapons state, the chances of a nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan seemed to be a very remote possibility.

However, a localised conflict, which is maintained within a certain threshold and does not lead to an open war, could not be ruled out in future.

In such a conflict, tactical nuclear weapons could be used on an army formation that had entered Pakistan was poised to cut some vital areas, Khan writes.

He also reveals he was refused permission for the Pakistan Air Force to "buzz" New Delhi in retaliation for the Indian Air Force's MiG-25 spy planes breaking the sound barrier over Islamabad while flying at a height of 72,000 feet.

"We were busy in a parliamentary party meeting in the National Assembly presided over by the prime minister when a messenger informed me that Air Chief Marshal Farooq Feroze wanted to speak to me. I went to the green line telephone (phone which scrambles conversations). He informed me that his fighters were ready to take off and enter India from three directions in retaliation to the IAF MIG-25Rs flight over Islamabad breaking the sound barrier at 72,000 ft a few days ago," Khan writes.

"He wanted the prime minister's approval. Which areas of India will you fly over, I asked and found that there was no population in their flight path. I suggested we must fly over Delhi. Get me the permission, said the air marshal.

"I went back to the committee room and informed the prime minister about the air marshal's suggested flight path and my suggestions that we fly over Delhi. No need to do either, said the prime minister. I went back and informed the air marshal to stand down," Khan writes.

He also laments that the Pakistan Air Force, citing high maintenance costs and non-availability of spares, had phased out its F-104 Starfighters, the only aircraft capable of taking on the MiG-25s.

"India had four MIG-25Rs for high altitude reconnaissance. These aircraft could climb up to 81,000 ft. Pakistan had no fighter interceptor to climb to such height nor any ground-to-air anti-aircraft missiles to shoot such a plane down. These MIG-25Rs had a free run over Pakistan's vital installations.

"The PAF had the F-104 Starfighter which were designed to intercept high-flying (MiG-25s). They could go up to a height of 81,000 ft. These fighters had been phased out some years ago. The PAF knew that the Indian Air Force (IAF) had the MIG-25Rs and as such should have maintained some F-104 Starfighters to be used as interceptors.

"The high-cost to maintain them should have been overruled as some could have been cannibalised for parts. In any case, spare parts for the F-104 were easily available from some friendly countries," Khan writes.

Seriously get a full time job mate. I know we grate onto you, but that doesn't give you the carteblanche to reduce yourself to a joke ..

PAF had considered bringing F-104 back to operational level with upgrades to add very high altitude interception but then it was shelved.
Mig-25 was tracked by ground based radar and HQ-2s were ready to be fired which could have easily taken out Mig-25 from ground but guess what it was NS government who always love India.
with a range mere 30km its impossible to intercept MIG-25 that cruising at above mach 2.8+ and by the way HQ-2B is outdated system:hitwall::hitwall:
with a range mere 30km its impossible to intercept MIG-25 that cruising at above mach 2.8+ and by the way HQ-2B is outdated system:hitwall::hitwall:

Please read about facts of HQ-2 and how PAF had plans to utilize it.

I believe more what professional say then a keyboard warrior.
He is Talking About SideWinder Which is not a BVR
Your article is just YOUR OWN made up fairy tale

There is LOT of material on the internet which proves that PAF
could do NOTHING about the MIG 25

The sonic boom by MIG 25 was specifically MAKING a point to PAF

STOP imagining things which never happened

Did PAF have F 14

F 16 could not shoot down MIG 25 or else PAF would have done so

Which Air force ALLOWS its enemy to do a SONIC boom over its CAPITAL

Pakistan Didn't Need F 14 , F 14 is a different class of Bird @Tipu7

Air Warfare is not a drag race where Or neither F16 or Mig was going on dog fighting

And India allowed PAF to do a sonic boom If you Check the History

@Windjammer Pakistan isnt doing Very Well in Current SAMS even if you check they always ignored this , and depend to much on Birds To do the heavy lighting But If you See Current IAF Inventory yes Pakistan can Hold its End but thats for a short term If India Goes on Full Sweep You Cant just Apply man behind Gun theory , Indian Inventory Out Class Pakistan in both In terms of numbers and tech Yes PAF is trying to Catch Up But Main Problem lies Totally Ignoring Sams Pakistan needs umberlla few hi End and Majority medium to Low End Modern Sam Systems to Cover and Protect its asset
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Please read about facts of HQ-2 and how PAF had plans to utilize it.

I believe more what professional say then a keyboard warrior.
i read it 1000 times, it is outdated system,:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: above 60,000 ft it is impossible to intercept MIG-25 with this system:hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy:
but it is outdated system:hitwall:

so what the problem for you, go live on your fairy tales

i read it 1000 times, it is outdated system,:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: above 60,000 ft it is impossible to intercept MIG-25 with this system:hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy:

Are you born stupid or just pretending to be one, we are discussing events that happened 20 years earlier....remember today MiG-25 Nishta.

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