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Foxbat over Pakistan the facts & fiction

What matters is what happened NEXT

1 We carried out 1500 sorties of all types -- CAP ; Bomber ; Reconaissance and Helicopter
RIGHT over your soldiers' heads with PAF watching quitely

2 Dropped some 2000 Tons of Bombs ; LOCKED on to your F 16 and made them turn back

3 Killed hundreds of your soldiers

4 Took back our territory

5 And finally forced Pakistan to RUSH to USA to get a face saving deal
here is nothing you can do about India's overwhelming superiority over Pakistan
of course we can ...... i shit daily in their direction

Our satellites have a resolution of 50 CENTIMETRES
i lost my cricket ball yesterday ..... can you plz find it .... its somwhere in ganda nalla along sialkot ..... plz plz

He is STILL serving in the IAF

But you know what happened with PAF officials after Kargil

Read this


Come change-over time of the Chief of Air Staff in 2001, President Musharraf struck at PAF’s top leadership in what can only be described as implacable action: he passed over all five Air Marshals and appointed the sixth-in-line who was practically an Air Vice Marshal till a few weeks before.

While disregarding of seniority in the appointment of service chiefs has historically been endemic in the country, the practice has been seen as breeding nepotism and partiality, besides leaving a trail of conjecture and gossip in the ranks.

Given Air Chief Marshal Mehdi’s rather straight-faced and forthright dealings with General Musharraf, particularly during Kargil conflict, there is good reason to believe that the latter decided to appoint a not-very-senior Air Chief whom he could order around like one of his Corps Commanders.

(As it turned out, Air Chief Marshal Mus’haf was as solid as his predecessor and gave no quarter when it came to PAF’s interests.) Whatever the reason of bypassing seniority, it was unfortunate that PAF’s precious corporate experience was thrown out so crassly and several careers destroyed. Lives and honour lost in Kargil is another matter.
Who told you and who stops you just come and attack on Kashmiri freedom fighters camps.

We all know that WAR will happen one day

Grounded no more fighter pilot and i don't have time to read your biased posts.

He got injured due to ejecting from his plane

But he flies TRANSPORT planes

SO what is wrong in that

General Musharraf SACKED so many PAF officials after Kargil

That proves and shows what really happened in Kargil

i lost my cricket ball yesterday ..... can you plz find it .... its somwhere in ganda nalla along sialkot ..... plz plz

You have comprehension issues ; come back later
General Musharraf SACKED so many PAF officials after Kargil
Lies false propaganda in genes Musharaf never ask or plan PAF involvement in Kargil they just don't want to escalate the situation.

Read Musharaf's owb account on Kargil In the line of Fire.
How many hour flying experience you have in a fighter jet?
I am no pilot, but seriously your point is :hang2:

Members like @Serpentine @SOHEIL @raptor22 will answer better how ''fake'' their claims were regarding shooting down Mig25 at 70000+ft by F14...............

As far as I know IRIAF at least shot down 12 Iraqi Mig-25 Foxbat during Iran-Iraq war ,10 of them were shot down by F-14 Tomcat , and the rest with F-5 E tiger (by 20mm gun) .. besides some Foxbats were shot down by Iran AD force too (which back then was a branch of of IRIAF).

And yes back in 1 December, 1982 Iraqi MiG-25’s was shot down by Iranian major Sharam Rostami and AWACS confirmed the hit as the Foxbat plummeted into the sea.
But there is another incident that happened back in 11 Nov.1987 , a MiG-25BM specialized for electronic warfare capabilities and with Russian pilot at 70,000 feet and Mach 3 was hit by an AIM-54 Phoenix fired from an Iranian F14 Tomcat ... the Fox was lucky because Phoenix didn't hit it but exploded right next to it consequently Fox rudder and tail were damaged heavily and pilot ejected .
he passed over all five Air Marshals and appointed the sixth-in-line who was practically an Air Vice Marshal till a few weeks before
he himself passed many senios to become general in Pakistan thats normal
Check the picture and videos soon after his capture by Pakistani forces do look like injured.

IF you jump from a plane and land on rocks ; you will injure your spine

After that he was tortured while in captivity

But he is still serving ; that shows his strength
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