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Fourth Secular Blogger Hacked to Death in Bangladesh

Certainly for those who know how to, not everyone who tries make money.
Well if you're a blogger in Bangladesh I highly doubt you'll raise any money at all. Especially one of these bloggers, as the audience it is directed to is rather niche.
Well if you're a blogger in Bangladesh I highly doubt you'll raise any money at all. Especially one of these bloggers, as the audience it is directed to is rather niche.
There is also no money to be earned from personal blogs or even personal websites. I have used both at different periods of time and I have been pennyless just writing, writing and writing for my own satisfaction. Some were articles and some were blog posts. For blogs there are sites like wordpress and blogspot which are free blog sites.

Even book writers by the way, which I also am do not necessarily make a lot of money.
There is also no money to be earned from personal blogs or even personal websites. I have used both at different periods of time and I have been pennyless just writing, writing and writing for my own satisfaction. Some were articles and some were blog posts. For blogs there are sites like wordpress and blogspot which are free blog sites.

Even book writers by the way, which I also am do not necessarily make a lot of money.
I'm aware of that. Though a few bloggers here can actually make some money, it's no where near enough to make a living which is why it's just a hobby nothing special. You need perhaps half-million page views to live a middle class life here in the US. Still most people write purely for their own enjoyment which is admirable to say the least.

Slightly off topic, what do you write about in your blogs and books?
Well if you're a blogger in Bangladesh I highly doubt you'll raise any money at all. Especially one of these bloggers, as the audience it is directed to is rather niche.

I find it heard to believe that financial motive wasn't behind in drawing attention to himself considering the demise of the few recent bloggers.

Perhaps the deceased wasn't the brightest tool in the box to begin with.
The govt is directly responsible for these killings. Why have they promoted the Gonojagorn Mancha whose activities are found highly offensive by some. Moreover, their adherents appear to be of loose character indulging in immoral activities around the Mancho. There have been various reports that this enterprise is RAW supported/funded. It appears SHW/BAL and RAW desire that these killings occur so that they can pounce on Islamic minded people/institutions.
I find it heard to believe that financial motive wasn't behind in drawing attention to himself considering the demise of the few recent bloggers.

Perhaps the deceased wasn't the brightest tool in the box to begin with.

These guys are same as we are using PDF wasting our valuable time. The difference is they use Bengali language and we English language. Which attracts in their cases the most lowest level of street people. And they use their real names addresses friend circle etc. From which they connect with similar minded people, known and unknown.They have 2 types of blogging platforms, Facebook and mainstream blogging. From FB you know no one gets money which is like giving usual status. And mainstream blog like Muktomona, Somewhereinblog etc. Here they are just guest user. The main owner/webmaster himself has little earning to do as there isnt much advertisement by Google for Bengali language and BD. So this is more like hobby.
See we muslims are paying the price for our own created radicalism.And shit hits the fan when the foreign powers use our backwardness as their weapon.
The govt is directly responsible for these killings. Why have they promoted the Gonojagorn Mancha whose activities are found highly offensive by some. Moreover, their adherents appear to be of loose character indulging in immoral activities around the Mancho. There have been various reports that this enterprise is RAW supported/funded. It appears SHW/BAL and RAW desire that these killings occur so that they can pounce on Islamic minded people/institutions.
These guys are same as we are using PDF wasting our valuable time. The difference is they use Bengali language and we English language. Which attracts in their cases the most lowest level of street people. And they use their real names addresses friend circle etc. From which they connect with similar minded people, known and unknown.They have 2 types of blogging platforms, Facebook and mainstream blogging. From FB you know no one gets money which is like giving usual status. And mainstream blog like Muktomona, Somewhereinblog etc. Here they are just guest user. The main owner/webmaster himself has little earning to do as there isnt much advertisement by Google for Bengali language and BD. So this is more like hobby.

The most belligerent posters get whacked/banned in PDF !!! Additionally, posters on PDF are anonymous. A blogger could write on his own, and/or be paid to do so.
death for writing a blog ?? in that case many people in pdf deserve much more crazy punishments.. they write a load of bull cr*p
sure they do.

Im a committed Churchill Follower.
That is such a silly thing to say. Activists, secular or not have a job and that means they have to do their job. Their job is to raise hell, criticize and be objective. We should not see this as a threat. If anything such people can be extremely helpful in pointing out wrongs and evil in our society so that others, richer individuals can come in to actually help.

Also what is Anti Islamic. Taliban also call us anti Islamic, and are making a example out of us with almost constant bombings and killings. So it is right for them to kill us? Isn't debate about our problems and laws which change according to times Islamic. Ever heard of the concept of Ijtehad.

We must not become zealous animals who have no feeling for others. An activist has just died in Bengal and we should convey condolences actually. We must begin to look at liberals more positively. Not only that we should also be open to debate, new ideas and should stop being so iconoclastic.
are u a hindu????? or a anti muslim......they say bad thing about allah in a muslim country ,,,which belongs to muslim,,,,,so whatever they did it is right,,, and about taleban,,, why not they would kill u,,,,,u r a islamic republic without a sharia law,,,,, and ur generations are nasty as hell....it seems like girls in ur country have no shame,,,so i think u guys deserve bombing,,,,
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