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Four Russian Bombers Flew Within 50 Miles Of The California Coast

Sometimes i really cant understand the policy adopted by the Russians.
Russia hate US to core and China and Russia have agree to continue maintain pressure on stupid US foreign policy. Russia fly bomber, China move rig. Both to mock US and challenge her support and claim.
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Yup Putin thanked the Indian counter-part too

California has 30+ Military bases, plus it is a show strength that even California isn't out of their reach

They just trying to send a message. But they didn't really need to go that close since bombers with cruise missiles can launch from more than a 1000 miles away. Same as our B52s with similar capabilities.

They just trying to send a message. But they didn't really need to go that close since bombers with cruise missiles can launch from more than a 1000 miles away. Same as our B52s with similar capabilities.

Yup a Bomber 500 miles away from the coast of a country wouldn't send the same and a bomber 20 miles off the coast
I have to say, the Raptors would have those ancient bombers downed long before California.

Meanwhile, you wouldn't even see a B-2 in time to intercept it, let alone whatever that new craft that has been flying in the US is.

Although when it comes to the US v Russia, by the time it gets to the point where either a B-2 or a Bear is being used offensively, the human race is already effectively over.
I have to say, the Raptors would have those ancient bombers downed long before California.

Meanwhile, you wouldn't even see a B-2 in time to intercept it, let alone whatever that new craft that has been flying in the US is.

Although when it comes to the US v Russia, by the time it gets to the point where either a B-2 or a Bear is being used offensively, the human race is already effectively over.
the purpose was to shout out that we are here ... maybe a retaliation of B2's in EU .. who knows .. maybe putin just wanted to say hi
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