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Four Indian soldiers killed, two posts destroyed on LoC

Indeed we can't, it's not wise for China to fight India in Donglang area since they have already deployed massive troops there over these years. Their supply line is much shorter and easier than ours and that area was surrounded by Sikkim and Bhutan. Also Chinese main stream views never treat India as a threat, it is just a trouble. We thought India is just seeking a perfect target to release their domestic tensions due to their current economic reforms. Our primary interests contemporary is still South China sea. However if India push too far, we definitely will fight back. When you hear that PLA troops in Tibet are activated means we are preparing for unexpected battles may breakout with India. And when you hear that PLA troops in Chengdu and Lanzhou military regions are activated, that means a large scale hot war is coming....
the first sentence of the 'art of war' is 兵者 國之大事 死生之地 存亡之道 不可不察也. Some Indian are yelling that China is coward not dare to mess up with great India, you may right, we can't be too careful about war. You will understand that if war eventually comes.
It's funny that Hindustan wants to fight China, when they still can't start a war with Pakistan.

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If you go in depth to your above quote a careful and neutral analysis will show Indian weaknesses in 1965 war.
Please answer my question why your statement is clearly contradictory here or need more brief? if Indians were aware of the fact that Pakistan have consumed 80% of its ammunition vs india's 15% , and you had double the number of serviceable tanks, but either the indian chief was so incompetent that he assumed on the ground that they were running out ammunition and their number of tanks had become seriously depleted and india may loose a war, or either this statement is false?

Yes, Indian army chief was incompetent. He advised Shastri for ceasefire as we are not left with ammunition to sustain war for few more days. But later on, after enquiry, it was found that india cud easily hold for few more days which cud result into a decisive victory.

Not only army, but even airforce,intelligence gathering was a total failure. Over all, what india did in kashmir, cud not repeat in western border of punjab,rajasthan.
Ask your Army.. they are the ones who released fake videos of attacking India posts in retaliation to Surgical strikes.
It's one thing to make claims, but a whole other thing to back those claims up with evidence.

Pakistan retaliated as it acknowledged Hindustan got up to some monkey business as usual, but didn't conduct any surgical strikes like it claimed.

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It's one thing to make claims, but a whole other thing to back those claims up with evidence.

Pakistan retaliated as it acknowledged Hindustan got up to some monkey business as usual, but didn't conduct any surgical strikes like it claimed.

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Proofs like the ones Pakistan Army released... in which two terrorists were detonating a IED using a mobile and then shouting Allah Ho Akbar... LOL
1. Kashmir was going to cede to Hindustan, that was extremely clear by the fact that the leader was a kafir and didn't want to join Pakistan. We made a move to take as much of Kashmir as possible. We succeeded. Hindustan only lost territory, as it was already going to gain the Kashmir region.

2. Rubbish. Hindustan wanted Lahore, your army pressed vigorously to take it and penetrate deep into Pakistan as a whole, but it couldn't. You need to go back and research, the Hindustani army literally said "Lahore is our aim". You didn't suceed. We celebrate as defence day because Pakistan defended itself more then adequately.

3. Did you read what I said? Pakistan still holds strategic points in Kargil, if a war or another conflict in Kargil broke out Pakistani forces can pound Hindustani forces in the area. Pakistan only dropped out from most of Kargil because of political pressure, militarily it was more than capable of holding the place, despite lacking air support and being outnumbered several times over. Hindustan wanted to expand the war like in 1965, but Pakistan was more prepared then expected so Hindustan backed down. This pattern has occurred several times since then, Pakistan has learned from 1971 to be constantly prepared for war.

Hindustan simply wants to cripple Pakistan. In 1971, Hindustan tried to completely crush Pakistan, but western Pakistan wasn't the cake walk east was, proving difficult to invade and was actually able to bomb Hindustan in retaliation, because western Pakistan hadn't been going through an intense civil war and wasn't outnumbered 13:1. Hindustan planned to do it again with Israeli help in the 80's, but held off due to fears of the cost of war. As you stated, during Kargil Hindustan tried to expand the conflict and do the same, as it did in 1965. Hindustan prepared itself to do it again in 2002 and 2009 too. Hindustan is so hell bent on invading Pakistan, it has developed the cold start doctrine to try and quickly cripple Pakistan whilst keeping engagements limited enough to prevent nuclear conflict, and has also been trying to build ABM systems to protect itself in the case of nuclear attack. If you really don't think Hindustan wouldn't invade Pakistan tomorrow if it could, your head is in the sand.

4. Bangladeshis were not pacified despite Pakistan killing 3 million of them and launching an 8 month long campaign of supression. I highly doubt the Hindustani army would fare any better.

As for those POW's, we would have left them for you to deal with if you put up demands that were too high. And then, you would have had a treaty of versailles scenario where we would despise Hindustan 10 times more and never commit to peace with Hindustan. Hindustan simply couldn't afford that, so the agreements made after 1971 had to appease Pakistan to some extent, in order to maintain some level of decency between the two countries and prevent a Nazi Germany scenario.

I will bring size into this, it shows how disciplined our military is.

1) No, Kashmir was independent territory. There are many states who were later on asked to join indian union.
When pakistan attacked kashmir, nehru forced king to join india if he wants protection so he did.

2) Why a country, who defeated by china in 62, whose army or airforce was in bad shape will go for war with pakistan and capturing lahore ? Bhutto clearly said once, This is a best chance to get kashmir as enemy is weak now and launched op gibraltor.

Lahore was attacked so that it can be negotiated later on if india loose territory to pakistan in kashmir and pls see the pak territory india occupied but lost all in Tashkent.

3) AFAIK, There is a one peak which pakistan still occupies and that is surrounded by 3 indian peaks. Pls explain me, how you will repeat same ? Rest of your point is rubbish, Musharaf backed down coz all supply lines going to pakistani soldiers in kargil were bombed by mirages. There are pictures available also. Indian air force did operation in its own territory not yours so there was no point of PAF engaging india air force.

Vajpayee asked clinton that we will open punjab border if pakistan dont go back then you had to totally withdraw.

4) India wanted to invade west pakistan in 71 but indira was warned by soviets. Soviets-U.S agreed on this point that india wud not touch west pakistan.

Rest is rubbish... if india has some intention, its about pakistani kashmir as it officially considers afghanistan as its neighbor.
It's funny that Hindustan wants to fight China, when they still can't start a war with Pakistan.

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pakistan is like a nuclear suicide bomber, china is not, India can finish up pakistan for once and all, but suicidal nuclear bombing wil not only finish up pakistan tumor but also
set India back by atleast 2 decades.
1) No, Kashmir was independent territory. There are many states who were later on asked to join indian union.
When pakistan attacked kashmir, nehru forced king to join india if he wants protection so he did.

2) Why a country, who defeated by china in 62, whose army or airforce was in bad shape will go for war with pakistan and capturing lahore ? Bhutto clearly said once, This is a best chance to get kashmir as enemy is weak now and launched op gibraltor.

Lahore was attacked so that it can be negotiated later on if india loose territory to pakistan in kashmir and pls see the pak territory india occupied but lost all in Tashkent.

3) AFAIK, There is a one peak which pakistan still occupies and that is surrounded by 3 indian peaks. Pls explain me, how you will repeat same ? Rest of your point is rubbish, Musharaf backed down coz all supply lines going to pakistani soldiers in kargil were bombed by mirages. There are pictures available also. Indian air force did operation in its own territory not yours so there was no point of PAF engaging india air force.

Vajpayee asked clinton that we will open punjab border if pakistan dont go back then you had to totally withdraw.

4) India wanted to invade west pakistan in 71 but indira was warned by soviets. Soviets-U.S agreed on this point that india wud not touch west pakistan.

Rest is rubbish... if india has some intention, its about pakistani kashmir as it officially considers afghanistan as its neighbor.
You know what... I'll let you live in your little wet dream.

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pakistan is like a nuclear suicide bomber, china is not, India can finish up pakistan for once and all, but suicidal nuclear bombing wil not only finish up pakistan tumor but also
set India back by atleast 2 decades.

Hahaha, Pakistan's nukes would do a lot more than just set Hindustan back by 2 decades. Hindustan would be crippled beyond your wildest dreams.

If Hindustan was so able to crush Pakistan, it would have done so numerous times, such as in 2009. Instead, it ran like a mouse once Pakistan proved prepared. Even in 1971, Hindustan couldn't cripple western Pakistan. It could only defeat eastern Pakistan which was outnumbered more than 10 times over and mauled by a bloody civil war. Even then, Hindustan suffered higher casualties.

If Pakistan is a tumour, Hindustan is a rat. The rat acts all tough, but when confronted it runs back into its hiding place, only able to beat enemies which are already crippled.

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