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Four explosions in Quetta

No, inquiries are done in proxy warfare, S.Asians have decided to burn each other. Just enjoy it, when it strikes your door step.

That is true.. And I hope you did read the sarcasm in my post and did not take it on face value..
No, inquiries are done in proxy warfare, S.Asians have decided to burn each other. Just enjoy it, when it strikes your door step.

Most unfortunate events are unfolding... hope fully Pak establishment gets a quick control over the situation. Our condolences go out to the families and friends of the people affected with such gruesome and cowardly acts....
100 human lives in a normal day... what a pity! Condolences to the ones who lose their loved ones.

Are there still people around, who, even now, believe that terrorism as a strategic asset, helps, ever? or we can start working with each other, instead of trusting US and get rid of this scourge of Millitancy from the region?
yes if we can save our nation from killing and blasts do it .japan is best country today follow them rather then isistan i would love to be japan . now what we are rough nation with 0 security and dozens deaths daily its not happen in japan 1 human life in japan is costly then 5000 pakistani lives .

Japan is ahead of US in education budget and their quality of life is also way ahead. Pakistan becoming a sub-state of US has lots of benefits, especially how the quality of life will improve dramatically. Not just bomb blasts or Karachi gun violence but overall social structure will improve.

But of course, that's really not possible in Pakistans case. Two regional countries, Iran and China won't like US presence and Pakistan under US will become another battlefield, new groups will rise, new forms of violence. Not to mention the mullah and co which will strive to fight US ......meaning Pak civilians.

Now for your other suggestions, which is to disband army and ISI. I'm all for it if that improves security situation. People are dying on the streets daily, we have no right to impose something on them if they're getting killed by it. But I fear the kind of explosive society Pakistan has become with so much secterian hate, if we remove the army, it will be an open season on all minorities.

We think this is bad, with no army or intelligence agencies, these secterian outfits are gonna annihilate sects they are in feud with. Case in point Iraq after US invasion and more recently Libya after removel of Qadafi. Close to 50,000 have died in just over a year and no sign of stopping.

Shia Suny violence might rise to hundreds even thiusands a day. UN might be forced to intervene. Which means more mess, more chaos.

Or we could just stick with these guys and hope they get their act together. There's an election coming up and a US withdrawal. Maybe I'm wrong in my assessment, maybe you are right, Pak could be well off without its army and intelligence services. I think more people in Pakistan should start asking this question and decide.
Extremely sad to hear about this.

Unfortunately, people will express outrage today and then forget it about it tomorrow (except for the family and friends of the victims) and these people will become just a statistic in thousands of people who have been killed in Pakistan. Until the people and the government of Pakistan stop sympathizing and being afraid of these monsters, we will keep hearing tragic news like this for a long time to come.
Extremely sad to hear about this.
Unfortunately, people will express outrage today and then forget it about it tomorrow (except for the family and friends of the victims) and these people will become just a statistic in thousands of people who have been killed in Pakistan. Until the people and the government of Pakistan stop sympathizing and being afraid of these monsters, we will keep hearing tragic news like this for a long time to come.
Pakistan need people like you to return and change the mindset of the people.

People don't want to see the problem within the society. Someone has to make the change. May be you guys can do some.
Pakistan need people like you to return and change the mindset of the people.

People don't want to see the problem within the society. Someone has to make the change. May be you guys can do some.

I would love to return to Pakistan and do something, unfortunately me as one person cannot being about a big change.

The problem with Pakistan is apathy, until someone you know or someone of your particular ethnic/religious sect gets killed, you're not going to care. It's hard to bring change when many people in the country only view the world through an religious/ethnic eye.
Extremely sad to hear about this.

Unfortunately, people will express outrage today and then forget it about it tomorrow (except for the family and friends of the victims) and these people will become just a statistic in thousands of people who have been killed in Pakistan. Until the people and the government of Pakistan stop sympathizing and being afraid of these monsters, we will keep hearing tragic news like this for a long time to come.

Of course, by tomorrow or the day after everyone will move on, that's why media in Pak didn't cover this extensively. There's no value of life there. People are just a number. 180 million people and 115 dead, big deal.
Of course, by tomorrow or the day after everyone will move on, that's why media in Pak didn't cover this extensively. There's no value of life there. People are just a number. 180 million people and 115 dead, big deal.

You're right.

I was angry to see that the media was giving such extensive coverage to such trivial things such as what Altaf Hussain said or that long march by Tahir-ul-Qadr, rather then show the fact that more than a 100 people died today in various parts of Pakistan.

Like I said until something happens to someone you know or someone who is as the same religious sect/ethnic group as you, you're not going to care in Pakistan. How many more years will we have to see a violent and chaotic Pakistan?
BBC News - Pakistan blasts: Scores killed at Quetta snooker hall

Twin blasts at a snooker hall in the south-western Pakistani city of Quetta have killed 81 people and injured more than 120, police say.

Many of the casualties were caused by the second blast as police and media rushed to the scene.

The bombed area is predominantly Shia Muslim, and the Sunni extremist group, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, said it had carried out the attack.

Earlier, a bomb in a market area killed 11 people and injured 27 more.

A spokesman for another militant group, the United Baloch Army, said it had carried out that attack.

Balochistan is plagued by both a separatist rebellion and sectarian infighting between Sunnis and Shias.

The Taliban and armed groups that support them also carry out attacks in the province, particularly in areas near the Afghan border. Pakistan's military has been engaged in a long-running battle against those militant groups.

Media deaths
A senior police officer, Hamid Shakil, told Agence France-Presse news agency that a bomb exploded outside the snooker hall building on Alamdar Road and that the second blast occurred 10 minutes later as rescue workers, police and media arrived.

The first blast appeared to have been carried out by a suicide bomber on foot, police said, while the second was a car bombing.

The dead included at least two members of a media team and four workers from a private rescue organisation, the Edhi Foundation. At least five policemen also died.

Home Secretary Akbar Durrani told AFP the bombings were in an area dominated by the minority Shia Muslim community.

Mr Shakil said that many of the dead and wounded were Shia, adding that the death toll could rise.

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, which is a banned organisation, said it had carried out the attack.

The BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad says the group has in the past targeted the area's ethnic Hazara Shia.

A senior government official told the BBC he believed the bombings were the group's reaction to two incidents on Wednesday - the shooting of Sunni cleric and the seizure of arms and ammunition from a suspected Lashkar-e-Jhangvi hideout.

TV footage of the earlier market attack showed survivors picking through debris, and emergency crews taking away the wounded.

More than 120 were hurt in the snooker hall explosions
"Frontier Corps [paramilitary] personnel were the target because the bomb was planted underneath their vehicle," Mr Shakil told AFP.

The dead include one paramilitary soldier and two civilian officers.

Also on Thursday, at least 21 people were killed and more than 80 injured in an explosion near Mingora in Pakistan's north-western Swat valley.

The blast took place at a religious gathering.

Police initially said the explosion was caused by a gas canister, but a senior official later said it was a bomb.

Swat has been controlled by the Pakistani army since it drove out the Taliban in 2009, but the militants still carry out attacks, most notably on schoolgirl campaigner Malala Yousufzai last October.

81+11+21 people dead, 120+27+80 people injured in two days.... Hope the perp scumbags rot in hell..... Pakistani establishment need to curb this Lashkar-e-jhangvi nuisance
I would love to return to Pakistan and do something, unfortunately me as one person cannot being about a big change.
The problem with Pakistan is apathy, until someone you know or someone of your particular ethnic/religious sect gets killed, you're not going to care. It's hard to bring change when many people in the country only view the world through an religious/ethnic eye.
Buddy, you can make a great change. Do you know what changed India ? The people who went abroad, worked there, got there PhD, started their business or learned the business came back to India and started their own work, own companies. Some got into politics, look at Dr. Manmohan Singh, Oxford PhD, brought from Planning Commission, changed Indian economy, see IIT engineers who returned back and found the fastest growing IT industry etc. I can give you many examples.

All you have to do is come back and start the business or any work you do. Employ local people. It will create an environment that will attract more Pakistanis. Demand for cheap but skilled labour will increase and people will focus on education.

See, it all needs one person to start the chain. Infosys was founded by a person who started his company by using his wife's jewellery as capital, in few years, look what it gave to India.

My friends opened a company after graduating, they could have gone for better job, but they started their own Consulting firm. Now they work at different countries. People all around the world know India because of these people. My neighbor got MBA from elite business school of India but he started NGO for education of kids in rural area. He got offer for pay more than 3 times his current earnings, he is not leaving it.

We all know problem in our countries, but we have to do something about it.

Watch movie Swadesh.

Even if you can't come, ask any friend to make a group, any person in Pakistan who wants to make an NGO, pool some money, start a school or vocational course center. I can give you many ideas.

My neighbor about whom I talked about, gets lakhs from his friends in Western countries who want to help India but can't leave their jobs, so they transfer him money every year.

Just send $ 1 dollar a day. Nothing more, nothing less. You have great forum here. You may have good contacts in Pakistan. Use social media.
Buddy, you can make a great change. Do you know what changed India ? The people who went abroad, worked there, got there PhD, started their business or learned the business came back to India and started their own work, own companies. Some got into politics, look at Dr. Manmohan Singh, Oxford PhD, brought from Planning Commission, changed Indian economy, see IIT engineers who returned back and found the fastest growing IT industry etc. I can give you many examples.

All you have to do is come back and start the business or any work you do. Employ local people. It will create an environment that will attract more Pakistanis. Demand for cheap but skilled labour will increase and people will focus on education.

See, it all needs one person to start the chain. Infosys was founded by a person who started his company by using his wife's jewellery as capital, in few years, look what it gave to India.

My friends opened a company after graduating, they could have gone for better job, but they started their own Consulting firm. Now they work at different countries. People all around the world know India because of these people. My neighbor got MBA from elite business school of India but he started NGO for education of kids in rural area. He got offer for pay more than 3 times his current earnings, he is not leaving it.

We all know problem in our countries, but we have to do something about it.

Watch movie Swadesh.

Even if you can't come, ask any friend to make a group, any person in Pakistan who wants to make an NGO, pool some money, start a school or vocational course center. I can give you many ideas.

My neighbor about whom I talked about, gets lakhs from his friends in Western countries who want to help India but can't leave their jobs, so they transfer him money every year.

Just send $ 1 dollar a day. Nothing more, nothing less. You have great forum here. You may have good contacts in Pakistan. Use social media.

I will go back to Pakistan once I'm done with school.

People in India want change and to progress and work for their country. People in Pakistan want to argue and fight over pointless things . You know there's something seriously wrong when the society in Pakistan of my grandparents time was a more progressive and overall better compared to the Pakistani society of my generation.

There is a lot of talent in Pakistan and people from abroad have come back to try to bring a change, but in order to accomplish anything you need to have a stable and non-violent environment ( something Pakistan does not have at the moment). In order to get that stable environment, you need to get rid of the taliban and the many terrorist groups who are operating there and all many of whom have the backing of influential people and certain segment of the population.
I will go back to Pakistan once I'm done with school.
People in India want change and to progress and work for their country. People in Pakistan want to argue and fight over pointless things . You know there's something seriously wrong when the society in Pakistan of my grandparents time was a more progressive and overall better compared to the Pakistani society of my generation.
There is a lot of talent in Pakistan and people from abroad have come back to try to bring a change, but in order to accomplish anything you need to have a stable and non-violent environment ( something Pakistan does not have at the moment). In order to get that stable environment, you need to get rid of the taliban and the many terrorist groups who are operating there and all many of whom have the backing of influential people and certain segment of the population.
Then help those who are spreading education. Just education. More people get educated, less people will be brain washed by these hate mongers. First complete your study and then think about it.

Best of Luck for your studies. Good discussion with you. :enjoy:
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