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Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

India has many languages because you were never one homogeneous people and culture. You have no choice, but to accept multiculturalism.

Han Chinese have always been one homogenous people. Naturally we won't be multicultural.

Chinese developed one writing not one language. Chinese dialects are mutually incomprehensible to each other.

Ancient Indians used Sanskrit as their common language along with their own languages.
Dialect is subset of a language. Go argue with the linguist.

LOL, what a contradictory statement :coffee:

Many Chinese dialects are mutually unintelligible. Sanskrit continued to be used for thousands of years even after it was discontinued as common spoken language
Chinese developed one writing not one language. Chinese dialects are mutually incomprehensible to each other.

Depends which dialects. A lot of Chinese dialects are mutually comprehensible, especially those which are in geographic proximity to each other.

The two most well-known dialects (Mandarin and Cantonese) are not mutually intelligible, due to geographic distance.
Depends which dialects. A lot of Chinese dialects are mutually comprehensible, especially those which are in geographic proximity to each other.

The two most well-known dialects (Mandarin and Cantonese) are not mutually intelligible, due to geographic distance.

It depends the which sub-dialect of Cantonese, the sub-dialect from Guangzhou and Hong Kong is semi mutually comprehensible with the Mandarin speakers.

Some Mandarin (Guanhua) sub-dialects are also hard to understand.
Many Chinese dialects are mutually unintelligible. Sanskrit continued to be used for thousands of years even after it was discontinued as common spoken language

As explained by others here, many chinese dialects are mutually intelligible.

False. Sanskrit is language of the brahmin, makes up less than 5%. Most Indians don't know it. India has few hundred languages, twenty over were made official.
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As explained by others here, many chinese dialects are mutually intelligible.

False. Sanskrit is language of the brahmin, makes up less than 5%. Most Indians don't know it. India has few hundred languages, twenty over were made official.

One more comes a list of your crappy claims. :lol:
One more comes a list of your crappy claims. :lol:

This topic has been discussed to death in this forum, just do a search. People here are well educated, they can see who is making contradictory and false statement.
I need help: what do the characters say?

北漏洞拉 is the title of the most beautiful piece of Vietnamese literature written by a Vietnamese poet and admired by Cantonese people. It has been translated into Cantonese and all the old school HK people memorized it. I'm surprised you don't know this masterpiece.
Chinese developed one writing not one language. Chinese dialects are mutually incomprehensible to each other.

Ancient Indians used Sanskrit as their common language along with their own languages.

Ancient Chinese used Classical Chinese as the official language. And dravidian languages are totally unrelated to Sanskrit, unlike Classical Chinese which is the literary written form of ancient Chinese and is related to all Chinese dialects.

Chinese dialects will share far more vocabulary, pronouns and grammar with each other than with Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese. When writing Chinese dialects and the other languages in characters you can immediately spot the difference.

mandarin: ni hao, wo shi guangdong ren 你好、我是廣東人
cantonese: nei ho, ngoh si gwong dung yan. 你好、我是廣東人
Minnan: lí hó, góa sī Kńg-tang lâng 你好、我是廣東人
hakka: ngi ho, ngai si Kóng tûng ngìn 你好、我是廣東人

vietnamese:Xin chào, Tôi là Người Quảng Đông. 嗔嘲, 晬罗

Japanese: Konnichiwa, watashi ha kanton jin desu こんにちは, 私は広東人です

Korean: Annyeong, jeonun gwangdung saram imnida 安寧, 저는 廣東 사람 입니다
It's not necessary to offer too much explanation, just enough to rebut this indian. Do you think he is genuinely interested? This is a guy who posted on previous page, and other threads, that southern chinese are not han chinese, do you think he really doesn't know both are Han chinese? Do you think he doesn't the diff between a dialect and language or he is just looking for an opening to troll?

See how he stole your chart and use it to troll (though he ended up making a complete fool of himself ) Post # 98:
India woos Japan and Vietnam to challenge China's South Asia dominance | Page 7
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HK see you people as dogs that talk like chickens with high pitched sound
hm...give me a minute: Vietnamese and Cantonese (Chinese in general) are tonal language. If we speak like a dog, what are you then? a speaking singing dog, too, I guess.
In the school, we have been learnt poet from our hero Ly Yhuong Kiet, was written with Han Chinese:


南 國 山 河 南 帝 居
截 然 定 分 在 天 書
如 何 逆 虜 來 侵 犯
汝 等 行 看 取 敗 虛
hm...give me a minute: Vietnamese and Cantonese (Chinese in general) are tonal language. If we speak like a dog, what are you then? a speaking singing dog, too, I guess.
I answered a question for another poster. Not my opinion, but general hk people opinions.
Cantonese and Vietnamese sound so bad, but Cantonese is still better since we are still using Hanji and the sound is not as weird as Vietnamese.
Personal opinion. 
but general hk people opinions.

I don't really think so...
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