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Forum Update 2020|Feedback and Discussion

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I think owners of this website have granted its development job to some freelancer who not has good experience and has badly modified site

My guess is That it’s someone from the illuminati
Large coorporations have large teams. Here we use the use and abuse policy to get it just right after pulling a few hairs in a few weeks.

Best way is what some folks have been doing. Paste problems and watch the fixes happen. Its easier and quicker that way.

I am frankly speechless, if you feel that way along your assumptions that a corporate has a large team and you dont, and hit and trial is Ok then so be it.

You guys are the management team afterall.
The most important aspect that make this site is very popular is the ability to see the lurker in any thread. This ability is not appear in this new template.
This site is now very hard to navigate.

Member info detail should be on side so that one can move through the comments easily.

Older format was much better.
This site is now very hard to navigate.

Member info detail should be on side so that one can move through the comments easily.

Older format was much better.
Yes definitely. The user information on left side was significantly better. I hope they still have the code in webarchives (WaybackMachine) or something. So we could return to the mix of old & new theme.
I am frankly speechless, if you feel that way along your assumptions that a corporate has a large team and you dont, and hit and trial is Ok then so be it.

You guys are the management team afterall.

I apologize if my statement put you in shock. Also Im not in site management. Just a poster like yourself with very little knowledge of the inner workings of what is available to the site. My assumption was on big companies having teams paid to do this. I think my assumption was pretty correct on that end. Not sure what is available to this forum. But yes, live updates are the way to go when no team is available to put forward large number of templates.
Look like this template doesnt give us tool to upload image like previous template.
the shoutBox is only available while logged in. Please enable it for lurker mode as well.
Is the mobile app running or it still down? Mine is still not working.
@WebMaster ... Do i need to reload the app???
I apologize if my statement put you in shock. Also Im not in site management. Just a poster like yourself with very little knowledge of the inner workings of what is available to the site. My assumption was on big companies having teams paid to do this. I think my assumption was pretty correct on that end. Not sure what is available to this forum. But yes, live updates are the way to go when no team is available to put forward large number of templates.

Good to know you, graciousness is a rare trait these days. Happy to make your acquaintance.

Apologies from my side as well, too much of going through @Joe Shearer posts tend to hone one's skills in between the line messages. Joe you are definitely a bad influence.:-)

OK there are mainly three types of members giving feedback one who are uncomfortable with the change, two who are having bad user experience, and three those who are suggesting ways to improve the user experience due to their technical background, you can count me perhaps in that category. Just look at @Orca excellent posts for webbie and those who understand what it means.

About corporate having a large IT team, please don't get me started, my unit suffered almost $200 million loss back in the day due to the stupid understanding of corporates to have a minimal IT team and outsource everything else to third parties.
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The existing layout and overall UI/UX is not user friendly at all. The User Information being turned into Horizontal bar has made reading the posts extremely unreadable. So Many info. The horizontal bar, the expanded text, the signatures, even If User is quoting the post or attaching an image, we cant immediately swift through the content of any post. Instead of forcing the new layout on all the userbase, Why not roll out as an option, test it out, and then implement it? Or Atleast should have had announced it before hand. If you are not able to change horizontal user info bar into Vertical bar, then atleast ask the users if they want this layout or not? if not then roll back the changes.

Beside Horizontal bar issues, the Image behind the main page is also distracting. When you are scrolling up or down to go any forum, It has negative impact and distracting effect on readability

Then comes the issue of Main forums used to show the latest reply under main forum heading. Now it has disappeared as well.

Overall a botched upgrade. Not a user friendly UI/UX and it is being forced upon the users despite the negative feedback being provided to management.
Apologies from my side as well, too much of going through @Joe Shearer posts tend to hone one's skills in between the line messages. Joe you are definitely a bad influence.


Remind me to tell you the folk tale frequently told in Bengal by those allotted all the blame for a situation, solely and in isolation. It's title is যত দোষ বাইশ্যা - it's all the flute player's fault!

Slightly coarse, but relevant, I think.
About corporate having a large IT team, please don't get me started, my unit suffered almost $200 million loss back in the day due to the stupid understanding of corporates to have a minimal IT team and outsource everything else to third parties.

TELL me about it. Twenty years in the game you are talking about, and I have enough and to spare stories about, "Have you checked that your printer is plugged in to the power source?"
@WebMaster there is a basic rule of design: form should follow function. In this case, the following forms are clashing with function:

1. Background images: The main functionality of the forum is in clash with these background images, with the actual imagery hidden behind forum content, leaving partially viewable edges that are a waste of bandwidth. If you use a sequence of div HTML tags, you can control what is displayed individually in each edge.

2. Arrangement of information: The main function of the forum is the presentation of discussion. When people are assessing a post, they are interested in who is the poster, how long the poster has been interacting, what others have to say about him, which country he belongs to. In the previous look, this information was succinctly available within a small viewing area and was available through a casual glance. Right now, this information is scattered across the horizontal breadth of the page. Similarly, because of clutter, it is hard to discern when a post was made.

3. While we are doing improvements, would it be possible to make an Urdu and Arabic typewriter available in the edit window?
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