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Former U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis is worried about Pakistan

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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James Mattis is very worried about Pakistan

Sep 3, 2019

In a wide-ranging interview at The Council on Foreign Relations, former Defense Secretary Gen. James Mattis reaffirmed his stance that Pakistan is the "most dangerous" country in terms of United States foreign policy.

Mattis said what he describes as the "radicalization" of Pakistani society is the impetus for his reasoning — a viewpoint, he said, that is shared by members of Pakistan's military. "They realize what they've got going on there," Mattis said.

The general described U.S.-Pakistan relations as "twisted," adding that Pakistan's fast-growing nuclear arsenal means Washington needs to focus on "arms control and non-proliferation efforts" when working with Islamabad. "This is a much worse problem, I think, than anyone's writing about today," he said during the CFR event.

Play the video at: 31:22 - 32:14

James Mattis is very worried about Pakistan

Sep 3, 2019

In a wide-ranging interview at The Council on Foreign Relations, former Defense Secretary Gen. James Mattis reaffirmed his stance that Pakistan is the "most dangerous" country in terms of United States foreign policy.

Mattis said what he describes as the "radicalization" of Pakistani society is the impetus for his reasoning — a viewpoint, he said, that is shared by members of Pakistan's military. "They realize what they've got going on there," Mattis said.

The general described U.S.-Pakistan relations as "twisted," adding that Pakistan's fast-growing nuclear arsenal means Washington needs to focus on "arms control and non-proliferation efforts" when working with Islamabad. "This is a much worse problem, I think, than anyone's writing about today," he said during the CFR event.

Play the video at: 31:22 - 32:14

One of my finger just rose automatically
Mad dog got humiliated and sidelined during the Afghan peace process by Donald Trump. Mad dog is an Indian poodle. He was always staunchly opposed to a peace process with the Taliban where Pakistan was facilitating the talks. He was an obstructionist and Trump finally removed the obstacle.

There were some arguing that Mattis was the most pro-Pakistan ally in Trump administration. As it turns out this bastard was the worst. Trump did excellent by removing this scumbag.
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These are the same old senile warmongers that supported US wars in Iraq and elsewhere. Today they find Pakistan a threat because they know it is a nuclear power that cannot be fvcked around with.
Precisely. The truth is, they are scared of Pakistan because it is precisely NOT an extremist hub and NOT controlled by rampant islamists. USA would actually LOVE such a Pakistan which is ISIS-like because it would be easy to manipulate. USA fears a modern, pluralistic Islamic republic the most, and this was exactly Quaid's vision.
You dont know that a thumb is not a finger ?

Well, actually I was just joking.

But, I do think that the thumb is the fifth finger, at least in the medical / scientific sense.

See this medical study:

Is the thumb a fifth finger? A study of digit interaction during force production tasks


From this study they concluded:

Hence, one can conclude that these indices cannot distinguish the thumb from the fingers for a given configuration of the hand, i.e. the thumb behaves as a fifth finger with respect to indices of finger interaction during MVC tasks.

However, we would like to emphasize findings that suggest that, given the hand configuration, the thumb is treated by the nervous system as a fifth finger.

We could debate whether or not the thumb is a finger.

But I do not want to go offtopic.

Again, I was just joking.
Pakistan isn't an arab nation...we die we will take India and israel and half of Europe with us. Long range inter continental missile for america with mirv tech.
If america was to attack it would have done so by now. There is a reason why it didnt

Well, actually I was just joking.

But, I do think that the thumb is the fifth finger, at least in the medical / scientific sense.

See this medical study:

Is the thumb a fifth finger? A study of digit interaction during force production tasks


From this study they concluded:

Hence, one can conclude that these indices cannot distinguish the thumb from the fingers for a given configuration of the hand, i.e. the thumb behaves as a fifth finger with respect to indices of finger interaction during MVC tasks.

However, we would like to emphasize findings that suggest that, given the hand configuration, the thumb is treated by the nervous system as a fifth finger.

We could debate whether or not the thumb is a finger.

But I do not want to go offtopic.

Again, I was just joking.
Loooool nice one.
This guy was given a free hand by Trump in Afghanistan and the policy Trump announced in August 2017 was his doing. And as expected he failed miserably and Trump realised and kicked him out like the Mad Dog he is.
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