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Former President Lee Teng-hui refers to Japan as 'the motherland" of Taiwan

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LTH is ethnic Japanese.
That is just rumor. No actual evidence that he is ethnically Japanese?

Although his life story did make him look suspiciously like a ethnic Japanese.

The guy was raised under Japanese colonial rule and probably a selected few that get to study in Japanese university. Maybe the Japanese groomed him for position in the colony.

But Japan lose 2nd Sino-Japanese war and surrendered. Taiwan was returned to China (KMT).

And you know what he did, he returned to Taiwan and joined CCP for a short period. He said it is out of hatred for the KMT.

And the guy later joined KMT, and KMT made him president !!
That is just rumor. No actual evidence that he is ethnically Japanese?

Although his life story did make him look suspiciously like a ethnic Japanese.

The guy was raised under Japanese colonial rule and probably a selected few that get to study in Japanese university. Maybe the Japanese groomed him for position in the colony.

But Japan lose 2nd Sino-Japanese war and surrendered. Taiwan was returned to China (KMT).

And you know what he did, he returned to Taiwan and joined CCP for a short period. He said it is out of hatred for the KMT.

And the guy later joined KMT, and KMT made him president !!
Cuz taiwanese don't cares about these things as long as they can still make money.You know,southern peoples.
What makes you so suprised?Of course some Taiwanese think Japan as their motherland,better than those Taiwanese who insist and proud of their grandma worked for Japanese army as whores.
I think there are only very very few Taiwanese that think that.

Ethnically they are Han Chinese. It is impossible to deny that.
That is just rumor. No actual evidence that he is ethnically Japanese?

Although his life story did make him look suspiciously like a ethnic Japanese.

The guy was raised under Japanese colonial rule and probably a selected few that get to study in Japanese university. Maybe the Japanese groomed him for position in the colony.

But Japan lose 2nd Sino-Japanese war and surrendered. Taiwan was returned to China (KMT).

And you know what he did, he returned to Taiwan and joined CCP for a short period. He said it is out of hatred for the KMT.

And the guy later joined KMT, and KMT made him president !!

His father was a middle-level Japanese police aide, and h

Source ....
Lee Teng-hui - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I agree, I think it is best we stop talking. I am fuming right now.

I think I will take a break from PDF.

I am hurt, Andrew.
I have never met someone with so much patience and respect in this forum. Your absence here will be felt, no doubt. Kay mga animal man mga tawo diri, mahimo na gyud ug zoo ang pdf. Ato ato ra na hehe.
Han or not Han ,It doesn't matter.Lee is han too I think,so what?
Lee is an exception. You should not take words of a swindler politician like Lee too seriously.

The presidential election is in January, 2016.

When election is near, politician like him would start to pull this kind of antics. He did this sort of thing every time when election is near.

What he did actually hurt the pro-independent camp. He might have done it to extract political benefit from that camp, to show that even though his election base is small, but he still has some influence.
Lee is an exception. You should not take words of a swindler politician like Lee too seriously.

The presidential election is in January, 2016.

When election is near, politician like him would start to pull this kind of antics. He did this sort of thing every time when election is near.

What he did actually hurt the pro-independent camp. He might have done it to extract political benefit from that camp, to show that even though his election base is small, but he still has some influence.
Still he means it.
Maybe he is a bastard child of a Japanese and adopted by a hakka family.

Let's forget the old man, he is coming to 90's year old.
Maybe he is a bastard child of a Japanese and adopted by a hakka family.

Here are some ironical LED billboard on Taipei downtown:

Go f**** off your Japanese subjection, who you (Lee) are


@Slav Defence @WebMaster @Chak Bamu @Hakan @Horus ---- I respectfully request a review of this thread and consider the personal attacks as well as invectives hurled. I request a closure of this thread as well as necessary reminders for those who are responsible for continuing and propagating racism in this board. Please , and I professionally and respectfully resign to your wisdom in these matters. I deign to say that we need more moderation in the East Asia Section , Sirs.

Sincerely and Professionally I Remain,
@waz , @Hu Songshan , @Horus , @WebMaster , @Chinese-Dragon , sirs, please prevent the above Japanese-flagged person from using his Think Tank status as a weapon against members who have a history of constructive contribution to the forum, showing great academic credibility and analytical skills.

The Japanese-flagged person above wishes to revenge on certain members who speak against his/her own propaganda and agenda, and, to this end, tries to rally the alike-minded persons to create a bloc of intimidation and threat.

The section needs moderation, but, it needs moderation against the very person above and the likes.

On this I trust fully on your wisdom and impartiality.

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