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Former President Lee Teng-hui refers to Japan as 'the motherland" of Taiwan

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@Nihonjin1051 It's called tit for tat, don't be too disturbed by the change of direction it will fly away like the east wind :lol:

Yea but as a Japanese it is very insulting to hear the term "J@p" being hurled at you, even in "jest" as some would use. Its very insulting. What's more insulting is that when fellow East Asians , Chinese to be exact, use the term "J@p" , we are of the same Race.

Seriously, WTF.

It's better to express your true feelings. To hide under "polite" words is even more *&*&*&*&*&.
Japanese troops in Nanjing said they were "friendly" too.

When did I ever ever glorify what happened in Nanjing, Andrew? Tell me when. Please quote me. I have discussed this ad nauseum even with @Genesis among others. There is a difference between honoring the memory of the fallen soldiers, and honoring war crimes. I do not do the latter.

You are an educated, and well traveled man, I know you can comprehend the difference.

Yea but as a Japanese it is very insulting to hear the term "J@p" being hurled at you, even in "jest" as some would use. Its very insulting. What's more insulting is that when fellow East Asians , Chinese to be exact, use the term "J@p" , we are of the same Race.

Seriously, WTF.

When did I ever ever glorify what happened in Nanjing, Andrew? Tell me when. Please quote me. I have discussed this ad nauseum even with @Genesis among others. There is a difference between honoring the memory of the fallen soldiers, and honoring war crimes. I do not do the latter.

You are an educated, and well traveled man, I know you can comprehend the difference.

It's better to see 支那 in every thread about China in your own country.
End of discussion here.
Don't give a fk about what Japanese think.

Right now half of Japanese youth are NEETer and anime nerds. You think the past 30 years were bad, wait for the next 30 when Japanese exports decline while oil prices go up.
I agree, I think it is best we stop talking. I am fuming right now.

I think I will take a break from PDF.

I am hurt, Andrew.
Spoken with such wisdom and truth. Lee-Sensei, I give you my personal and humble obeisance. I Honor you, Lee-Sensei.


May your tribe Increase!
Is that you @Nihonjin1051 san bowing to China.
Yea but as a Japanese it is very insulting to hear the term "J@p" being hurled at you, even in "jest" as some would use. Its very insulting. What's more insulting is that when fellow East Asians , Chinese to be exact, use the term "J@p" , we are of the same Race.
The one who used the term "Jap" is mostly Indian. I found some Indian used this term. I, as respectful, never use short term to refer to anyone. Don't point the finger at the wrong people.
U should understand how the majority of Taiwanese dislike him.
Being cheerleaders like him is disgraceful.
And feeling proud of having such cheerleader is making yourself disgraceful.
Any thread here will be read by millions of Chinese, you really make the relation even worse.

I think their "disappointing" communication is after your disappointing remarks.
Believe me, I am trying to not to say more since I avoid any thread of yours.

But he was elected their president so highly unlikely that majority of Taiwanese dislike him and most likely what you said was a lie.....
But he was elected their president so highly unlikely that majority of Taiwanese dislike him and most likely what you said was a lie.....
I can forgive you, you don't know the history.
He was elected as president of Republic of China in 1990s....
At that time, he proudly said, he would unite China.
I can forgive you, you don't know the history.
He was elected as president of Republic of China in 1990s....
At that time, he proudly said, he would unite China.

But how can you forgive yourself for this baseless propaganda trying to deny the historic and deep roots that the Taiwanese have with the Japanese people. It is heart rending to me that you would do that.
But how can you forgive yourself for this baseless propaganda trying to deny the historic and deep roots that the Taiwanese have with the Japanese people. It is heart rending to me that you would do that.
Again, read more about Taiwan history.
And now can we call you British?
Can we call Viets French?
I know you Indians speak highly of militaristic Japanese troops, and your lawyer was the only one to say they were innocent. And your people were even in Nazi Germany troops.
And i declare China as the motherland of Vietnam. That's how meaningful this news really is

I'm just a messenger.. like this news.:lol:

Taiwan is better than the mainland. I’m speaking in terms of culture. I’ve been to Vietnam and mainland China. Even though the Vietnamese are seemingly poor, they always stop in front of red traffic lights and walk in front of green ones. Even though mainland China’s GDP is higher than that of Vietnam, if you ask me about culture, the Vietnamese culture is superior.

Taipei’s Fiery New Mayor Knows Whose Culture Is Best | Foreign Policy
Spoken with such wisdom and truth. Lee-Sensei, I give you my personal and humble obeisance. I Honor you, Lee-Sensei.


May your tribe Increase!
Han Chinese are very honorable. Han Chinese even allow an ethnic Japanese to be president. But Japanese are Japanese. They betray the trust the Han Chinese give them. LTH as expected betray the Han Chinese, betrays Taiwan and pledges his allegiance to Japan.

This is what I mean about Japanese island culture. Its all about loyalty to japan despite being a citizen of another country.

Just like Fujimori. Another president ... of Peru. He had my respect for pulling Peru out of their mess. But once in trouble, he fled to japan and pledge allegiance to Japan. These Japanese are a disgrace.
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Again, read more about Taiwan history.
And now can we call you British?
Can we call Viets French?
I know you Indians speak highly of militaristic Japanese troops, and your lawyer was the only one to say they were innocent. And your people were even in Nazi Germany troops.

The above statement is a complete lie and shows the propaganda oriented thinking and how much it was seeping into your thiking. I was actually thinking about it in the morning too.

- The claim that the judge said atroctities did not happen is a BLATANT LIE. In fact he clearly marked that there was sufficient evidence that the atrocities did happen
- His dissent was on the basis that the legitimacy of the trials had come into question because the spirit of it was more based on retribution and revenge than justice. It is an extremely important dissent and shows that he had nothing except the highest principles of justice in mind. After the 1st world war the Treaty of Versailles was drawn up with revenge in mind and that led to the second world war. His dissent was to ensure that such an incident was never repeated.

Of course for people trained to think like the whole world was out to screw them nothing except a kangaroo court will suffice. If you can't accept the truth, then just enroll yourself to the school for sissies.
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