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Former Pakistani general says US seeks to ruin his country

but he is too old, to understand modren world, & the power structure?
all he wants, is to become some kind of, govtmental functionry so he can be remembered jst more then a ISI,s former commander?
not his times, though?

baba g Gen Hamid Gul is like a master spy

experience in spy and proxies in an actual war

so your types cant say to Gen Hamid Gul that he cant understand who was head of ISI during peak Afghan war and dealt with Raw,CIA and KGB at that time
Can you at least apply a few of those brain cells before you being bashing your keyboard? What has Hitler to do with anything here?
look at your godammed question, & smash your brains to the nearst of the walls, so its cells in its medulla starts working & you, start thinking before the opening of your misserible mouth?

baba g Gen Hamid Gul is like a master spy

experience in spy and proxies in an actual war

so your types cant say to Gen Hamid Gul that he cant understand who was head of ISI during peak Afghan war and dealt with Raw,CIA and KGB at that time
his counterparts in RAW, CIA are now bzy watching the old classic movies, & enjoying thier retired lives, non of them actully are concerned about, their respective countries?
dear genrl, has to realize that pakistan is in safe hands, & hve resources to defend itself, its not like what he has, priorties has changed we are living in a nuclear armed country?
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Hamid Gul secret love affair with Mulla Omar will never end......time to think something else and alternate plan for the national security.
America has no sincerity with our country at all. They promote their interests ruthlessly wherever they can all over the world. Sometimes, though not always, it could be like a wolf checking which part of the "herd of sheep" to attack and attacks where he finds it easier to prey.

I disagree with your statement on many counts. I can see your view point is coming from a Pakistani side right? Well my man, if you go ask Bangladeshi people, they'll say the same about Pakistan. If you go ask the Kashmiris, Nepalis and other certain areas, they''ll say the SAME about India and in cases it is true also. If you go ask others, they'll say the same about the US too. It is because you are on the OTHER side of it, that may be weaker in cases like these.

Now, for the US credibility, what has it done to Malaysia, Turkey, Indonesia.....? It supports them, has MASSIVE investments and business interests in them and never has had any problems. But why Afghanistan and Pakistan???? Ask yourself. It's very easy to point finger towards the North Atlantic and blame the US for your own issues that have become global and a concern for everyone.

And PLEASE, don't start writing about the Russian war and the mujahedien. That crap was almost three decades ago. If my cousin killed someone or did drugs and went to jail, doesn't mean I will do the same and blame him for the rest of my life for my problems. I have a persona responsibility to be a better human being myself. Similarly, you guys as a nation should have a responsibility to ensure the environment doesn't support this crazy illiterate and barbaric jihadi mentality. Post Afghan war, there was a LOT that you guys didn't do right as a society and as a nation. Hell, just since 9-11 there is A LOT you didn't do right.
The US has been asking you to do an operation in North Wazirstan since 2002. You guys always wanted a "strategic depth" and thought the US was after another agenda? What happened almost 12 years after? NOTHING!!! Pakistan is STILL on the map the way it was 13 years ago. So the US had no bad intentions.

Now on the other side, here is what HAS happened in Pakistan internally since 2002. Thousands of innocent people and soldiers have been killed. That "strategic depth" you were too busy protecting has become a thorn stuck in your throat today. Militants and terrorists are militants and terrorists........if they are used to build a strategic depth....that depth will bite you one day as these bastard-s are killers. And today they've become rent-a-killer organization responsible for majority of intense criminal and terrorist activity in Pakistan.

Had you listened to the US advise and did the operation, dismantled terrorists hideouts, operation and training camps.....you would've saved thousands of Pakistani civilians lives that became a target of these barbaric Talibastards over the past many years. So please....look inside your own home before just pointing fingers to the US.

For the reference, the US, since Pakistan's birth or shortly after, has been giving aids of ALL kinds in billions every year. There are schools, hospitals, water projects, parks, highways that have been built and are being built with the US aid and support funds. The US wants to have a long term relationship with you but you guys need to clean up your house too.....that's your responsibility as a nation. Go become Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey or even like India....and the US and anyone else won't have any issues with you. The US interests are to see a stable, terrorist free Pakistan, and frankly, it is like the US is a mother who wants the best for its second degree child called Pakistan (so to speak). Instead, the Pakistanis as a nation should want and work towards a safer, terrorism free country for themselves. The US or anyone else doesn't have to do what you guys need to do yourself !
look at your godammed question, & smash your brains to the nearst of the walls, so its cells in its medulla starts working & you, start thinking before the opening of your misserible mouth?

My dear child, here was my question:

You have to be young to understand the modern world and hierarchy of power?

Would you like me to find a dictionary? Or do you need me to explain to you what that is as well?
You're so braindead, you could trip on cordless phone.
The man speaks too much with normally nothing good to say.
Pakistan taliban mostly receive funding from Middle East or locally. They are mostly Pakistanis, but some are Arabs and Uzbeks, etc....
They are the present danger afflicting us. USA and some other countries are just rubbing their hands with glee that our own people are weakening us from inside. But thats not to say that the funding they get from outside is all from muslim sources. We dont know who are funding them.
And yes we definitely have some foreign involvement in Balochistan. But that is under control.
Hamid Gul is a great example of professionalism, prowess, maturity, ethics and good looks of the pakistan forces.

Poster boy of PA and the ISI you say?

oh how the idols fall....I remember just a year back or so of how Hamid Gul/ Zaid Hamid/ Afghan Taliban's Mullah Omar/ AQ Khan/ Imran Khan were the heroes of Pakistanis on PDF, and now look what they are reduced to.
Poster boy of PA and the ISI you say?

oh how the idols fall....I remember just a year back or so of how Hamid Gul/ Zaid Hamid/ Afghan Taliban's Mullah Omar/ AQ Khan/ Imran Khan were the heroes of Pakistanis on PDF, and now look what they are reduced to.

It's not that they are reduced. Respect can only be gained or lost through the way one carries himself out. Mr.Gul lost it and has made himself the target for mockery.
It's not that they are reduced. Respect can only be gained or lost through the way one carries himself out. Mr.Gul lost it and has made himself the target for mockery.

What has Mr.Gul said or carried out now that is any different to what he used to say about a year ago?
General Gul is an uber moron, and one of the architects of Salafist Jehadi mentality!
Now on the other side, here is what HAS happened in Pakistan internally since 2002. Thousands of innocent people and soldiers have been killed. That "strategic depth" you were too busy protecting has become a thorn stuck in your throat today. Militants and terrorists are militants and terrorists........if they are used to build a strategic depth....that depth will bite you one day as these bastard-s are killers. And today they've become rent-a-killer organization responsible for majority of intense criminal and terrorist activity in Pakistan.

It is quite clear that the architects of this internal disaster that you describe above are now trying to divert the blame to USA because they can see the end game coming quickly, that will expose them as the causes of the disaster.
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