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Former Pakistani General: CIA, Mossad behind WikiLeaks Reports

it would be good to define what is a cable !!? it seems alot of members have got it confused with official statements ...
It is like internal memo that embassies send to each other and to US. Non of the leaks are top secrets, but embarrassing to american as they are quite frank.

You see the diplomats everywhere being diplomatic...;) , but the leaks tell us what they actually hear and think.
To those who think CIA leaked it:
The biggest losers are america's close allies. Americans may not lose much themselves, but they will lose trust of friends.

Which 'allies' would those be? Arabs? China? Pakistan? Russia?

All of America's real allies are unharmed by these 'leaks'.
As in any expose, the biggest losers are those who are non transparent in their dealing. America has lot of friends like that(in middle east)

Remarks about french, Italian and russians are already known. Does not harm any of them.
every time i try to browse this wikileaks the server is slow or i get error message and blank screen. Any alternatives?
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