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Former Pakistani General: CIA, Mossad behind WikiLeaks Reports

well irrespective of agencies blamed by Aslam beg, we here on this forum already said it is a psy-ops simple as that. first US had hyped it by issuing warning and now what we have in shape of these leaks which are leaked itself at many points.

Nothing classified is there its just personal statements like desi women in subcontinent spread roumors like so and so said this
RAW is missing in that article...dont like not getting named after such a hard work lol.....
A former Pakistani army commander said that the disclosure of classified documents by the whistleblower site of Wikileaks is a US plot to create rift among friendly and neighboring states.
Clearly the general thinks very poorly of the intelligence of Pakistan's citizens. How else could he believe that such a falsehood would be accepted?

The general takes advantage of the fact - long on display here at PDF - of a common deficiency (or characteristic, if you prefer a more neutral term) of Pakistani thinking: that an ignorant accusation is often accepted as fact until disproved by the party under attack. Not only is this "guilty until proven innocent" attitude backward, but when the party under attack is absent or denied a voice there can be little chance its defense being heard, is there? Even when the accused successfully defends himself the hatred induced by the accusation remains, is that not so?

Thus, the nation of Pakistan continually verges upon insanity, as society's hold on reality is continually challenged by loud leaders who seek to take personal advantage of this characteristic, rather than mend the collective psyche.
Thus, the nation of Pakistan continually verges upon insanity, as society's hold on reality is continually challenged by loud leaders who seek to take personal advantage of this characteristic, rather than mend the collective psyche.

Solomon2, you are clearly an expert on Pakistan.

Please tell me, how much time have you spent in Pakistan?

No more stories about the Bengali neighbours, please. If you pretend to understand Pakistan and contemporary Pakistani thinking, you surely have more to go on than a forum and the press, right? Just keen to learn exactly what the basis of your deep insight into the Pakistani psyche is and how much time you spent going around Pakistan to develop it.
Please tell me, how much time have you spent in Pakistan?
Zero. How is that relevant? Am I not talking to Pakistanis on this forum?

you surely have more to go on than a forum and the press, right?
Not much!

...keen to learn exactly what the basis of your deep insight into the Pakistani psyche is and how much time you spent going around Pakistan to develop it.
Going to Pakistan is necessary for what reason?
Solomon, you talk as if you've been study Pakistan for years from biased or incorrect sources.
Zero. How is that relevant? Am I not talking to Pakistanis on this forum?

Yes, you are. And do you think that the people you interact with on a defence forum are representative of the Pakistani nation? Further, do you think that anonymous interactions on an internet forum really tell you about the character of a nation?

You must have seen the CNN comments section. Hopefully you didn't form your opinions about America based on what you read there.

Not much!

Thanks for confirming that. It just amazes me that on the one hand you say the above, and on the other you offer unqualified judgement on an entire nation. No special prize to whoever correctly guesses whether this says more about the nation you are sitting in judgement of, or the person passing judgement.

Going to Pakistan is necessary for what reason?

I would think that before you share expert insight such as, "the nation of Pakistan continually verges on insanity" you would at least have a clue about the people you are passing judgement on.

In general, most normal people feel that without visiting a country you can't really get a sense for the culture, people, their views and so on. But perhaps you, with your outsized and rather magical powers of inference, can understand the condition of an entire nation merely by surfing the internet. Kudos!
Solomon, you talk as if you've been study Pakistan for years from biased or incorrect sources.
Biased, perhaps. But aren't you two resorting to a personal attack simply because you cannot refute my arguments? How does that serve Pakistan?
Biased, perhaps. But aren't you two resorting to a personal attack simply because you cannot refute my arguments? How does that serve Pakistan?

Wow! You are super defensive for someone who just called an entire nation borderline "insane". Can you smell the hypocrisy there?

If you told me that you felt Imran Khan's bowling action was flawed, and I asked you how you knew this, would that be a personal attack? I presume you know more about cricket than you know about the psyche of the Pakistani nation. So when you make such a strong statement about 175 million people, asking you what real basis you have to make these claims is not a personal attack. It is simply reasonable.

Your inability to address the question has left you flustered perhaps. But that's ok. You can still continue with your attacks on Pakistanis. I just wanted to establish that you know jack #@#$ about the subject you are commenting on.

Thank you.
that can be true,as india still have'nt affected much frm this.india have good relationships with both,but more cables will be xposed later on.
Yes, you are. And do you think that the people you interact with on a defence forum are representative of the Pakistani nation?
The self-selected Pakistanis here I assume are representative of those who are interested in how their country is run and literate enough to induce change, if desired.

Further, do you think that anonymous interactions on an internet forum really tell you about the character of a nation?
By itself I do not.

You must have seen the CNN comments section.
No, I know nothing about it.

Thanks for confirming that. It just amazes me that on the one hand you say the above, and on the other you offer unqualified judgement on an entire nation.
You are concentrating on a credential search. I'm not going to provide a CV. All you have to go on is my writing.

You have not demonstrated what necessary quality is lacking in my background, have you?

I would think that before you share expert insight such as, "the nation of Pakistan continually verges on insanity" you would at least have a clue about the people you are passing judgement on.
As the Wikileaks files show, our Defense Secretary Mr. Gates also expresses morose sentiments about Pakistan, so I'm in good company. And I have met Pakistanis, though you only have my word for that, of course.

In general, most normal people feel that without visiting a country you can't really get a sense for the culture, people, their views and so on.
Quite right. I do want to visit Pakistan sometime. I have little idea of how most Pakistanis interact at a personal and family level, for example. I don't know how most Pakistanis interpret art and form. But via forums and newspapers I can tell how Pakistanis reason.

But perhaps you, with your outsized and rather magical powers of inference, can understand the condition of an entire nation -
If you don't like inference talk to the French, they are big on deduction.
I'm not sure if Mossad is involved in this, but there is definitely someone in the US government or intelligence that through US government/intelligence approval leaks out these documents. How would they get access to such 'classified information'? What disgusts me more is that people think these reports are something new, when they are nothing but old speculations. People also somehow seem to believe they are credible and factual. I think much of the stuff coming out from it is "conspiracy theories" without much factual evidence. These wikileak reports can definitely be challenged for credibility. People think because the reports "expose" some of their own country's nefarious activities in Afghanistan, the whole thing must be true. I feel this is nothing but war mongering and pressure tactics against the Middle East, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea etc.

Also, why isn't Julian Assange being arrested and jailed if he is threatening US national security? Seems like he is getting a free pass.
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