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Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe suffered cardiac arrest after being shot in the chest during a speech, and the suspect was arrested

If you see what Jokowi is doing in Indonesia, you will see that he is much easier to be killed, AlhamduliLLAH he is fine and healthy until now.

So in summary, Japan is afraid of "karma"? lmaoo....

every time China PLAN sends warships to Diaoyu, Japanese Navy is never around...that tells me alot.


Japan with US have constantly sailed around China in the past and like walking on your front yard with machine guns and goons tapping on your home windows with weapons for decades.

They called it not trespassing because it's international waters.

These decades China has been doing the same to Japan to return their concerns of "security" by sailing through Miyako strait in more recent years since they are international waters.

A more united east asia would be great.

China and Japan resolving old tensions is probably impossible in this century but Japan being a strong outpost of the US means internal politics need to shift so far towards China for it to ever become a possibility.

Before all that Korean peninsula and civil war resolution should be achieved. Same as Chinese civil war resolution. If these two civil wars can resolve peacefully, then east Asia moving towards lower tension and less "security" involvement of US is necessary, contributes to the reverse sort of cycle of military tension and build up during the 20th century phase.

On the side of all this is economic and industrial power changes. Here, it is the true priority for China. Nothing is more important than 1. military 2. industry 3. economy. Nothing, not even human ri...... lololol can't even say that bullshit with a straight face. The masters use narratives to control the game so that all are slaves under them with never a chance to even imagine true power and independence/sovereignty. It develops from having independent military strength, industrial strength, and economic strength. Even then it is in competition with the established ruler who gets to determine global narratives through soft power and decades of status quo acceptance.

So peace is achieved through either clear superiority and others conceding and/or through the resolution of tension points by removing parties that are in conflict with you - in this case, Korean civil war political and system disagreements and Chinese civil war which is basically the same at the core but truly even with a greater military aspect to it than the Korean one due to US China dynamic.

The US would continue to add pressure to these points and overcoming for China can only be achieved through military, industry, economy since the ideal solutions are totally kept out of reach as the global superpower desires against it as a more China friendly east asia would work against US long term interests.
I wonder what general Japanese attitudes to Abe was like during his leadership and after the event.

There are those who hate him of course but what was his approval rating like during first leadership and after.

MH Yang says he once was pro East Asian reconciliation and unification. What evidence of that was there considering his family history in regards to shrine visits, glorifying WW2 Japanese soldiers, Manchurian puppet leader control, and Unit 731 management.

So why be slightly on pro China in the past before US influence exercised prior to 2012?

I think this ties into China's own internal factions before Xi? China had a lot of pro US factions within CCP as well.
I wonder what general Japanese attitudes to Abe was like during his leadership and after the event.

There are those who hate him of course but what was his approval rating like during first leadership and after.

MH Yang says he once was pro East Asian reconciliation and unification. What evidence of that was there considering his family history in regards to shrine visits, glorifying WW2 Japanese soldiers, Manchurian puppet leader control, and Unit 731 management.

So why be slightly on pro China in the past before US influence exercised prior to 2012?

I think this ties into China's own internal factions before Xi? China had a lot of pro US factions within CCP as well.
We cannot arbitrarily judge whether Shinzo Abe is pro China or anti China. Any politician pursues interests and ambitions, so is Shinzo Abe.

Shinzo Abe's real goal should be to hope that Japan will become a normal country. Whether Anti China or pro China, it is his means, not his end.

To be fair, Shinzo Abe's pro China period was want to integrate the economic integration of Northeast Asia, build a China Japanese dual core, and realize the great reconciliation of East Asia like the EU. Finally, the USA was expelled from East Asia and Japan was normalized.

During Abe's Anti China period, he wanted to win the support of the USA by setting up an anti china flag, and then gradually amend the Constitution on the grounds of Anti China, re arm Japan, and finally realize Japan's normalization.

From here we can see. If you put aside your position, Shinzo Abe is indeed a very excellent politician with East Asian style. He knows how to endure, how to advance and retreat, and how to change, but he can always adhere to his goals and beliefs.

But we also have our position. We can appreciate his ability, but if the position is not correct, we will not hesitate to beat him.
Not many will know what this guy just did.
But he just saved Japan from one of the most corrupt politicians/war criminal descendant.

True samurai spirit.

Abe played a key role in creating Quad. Chinese and Pakistanis are very happy.

Chinese nationalists celebrate Shinzo Abe shooting online, as some argue feeling happy is the normal reaction​

We cannot arbitrarily judge whether Shinzo Abe is pro China or anti China. Any politician pursues interests and ambitions, so is Shinzo Abe.

Shinzo Abe's real goal should be to hope that Japan will become a normal country. Whether Anti China or pro China, it is his means, not his end.

To be fair, Shinzo Abe's pro China period was want to integrate the economic integration of Northeast Asia, build a China Japanese dual core, and realize the great reconciliation of East Asia like the EU. Finally, the USA was expelled from East Asia and Japan was normalized.

During Abe's Anti China period, he wanted to win the support of the USA by setting up an anti china flag, and then gradually amend the Constitution on the grounds of Anti China, re arm Japan, and finally realize Japan's normalization.

From here we can see. If you put aside your position, Shinzo Abe is indeed a very excellent politician with East Asian style. He knows how to endure, how to advance and retreat, and how to change, but he can always adhere to his goals and beliefs.

But we also have our position. We can appreciate his ability, but if the position is not correct, we will not hesitate to beat him.

Japanese is not stupid.

Years ago, Japan knows where its future lies, it was in East Asia.

But at the time, there was a huge panic in the USA, because it was going to lose the only ally in East Asia.

So the USA make a stunt by orchestrating events, propaganda, and a political coup in Japan.

USA is offering another alternative for future Japan, to convince Japan to stay with the USA, from the economic plan and military liberation.

Actually, the economic plan included destroying China's economy, indirectly saving Japan's economy.

But as we know, the plan to destroy China's economy is not working.

The result, as we can see today.
I wonder what general Japanese attitudes to Abe was like during his leadership and after the event.

There are those who hate him of course but what was his approval rating like during first leadership and after.

MH Yang says he once was pro East Asian reconciliation and unification. What evidence of that was there considering his family history in regards to shrine visits, glorifying WW2 Japanese soldiers, Manchurian puppet leader control, and Unit 731 management.

So why be slightly on pro China in the past before US influence exercised prior to 2012?

I think this ties into China's own internal factions before Xi? China had a lot of pro US factions within CCP as well.

We cannot arbitrarily judge whether Shinzo Abe is pro China or anti China. Any politician pursues interests and ambitions, so is Shinzo Abe.

Shinzo Abe's real goal should be to hope that Japan will become a normal country. Whether Anti China or pro China, it is his means, not his end.

To be fair, Shinzo Abe's pro China period was want to integrate the economic integration of Northeast Asia, build a China Japanese dual core, and realize the great reconciliation of East Asia like the EU. Finally, the USA was expelled from East Asia and Japan was normalized.

During Abe's Anti China period, he wanted to win the support of the USA by setting up an anti china flag, and then gradually amend the Constitution on the grounds of Anti China, re arm Japan, and finally realize Japan's normalization.

From here we can see. If you put aside your position, Shinzo Abe is indeed a very excellent politician with East Asian style. He knows how to endure, how to advance and retreat, and how to change, but he can always adhere to his goals and beliefs.

But we also have our position. We can appreciate his ability, but if the position is not correct, we will not hesitate to beat him.

First and foremost, Shinzo abe is a far-right.

And like most far-right in japan, many of them have a dream of Pan-Asian (with japan as a core). Including this shinzo abe.

Of course any Pan-Asian idea must include China (As the biggest Asian Country by Territory & Manpower, and today by Economy also).

And that’s what shinzo abe did in that time (first term). With Japan as big brother in Asian version of EU (just like Germany in EU). And China & SK as second-tier member, like Italy in the EU. Not in explicit way of course.

But Chinese speed of development in current years, is no one ever imagine before. And in his second term, China already much bigger than Japan in terms of Economic power. And if he proceed with his dream, japan would become junior partner. Which he cannot accept.

That’s why in his second term, he becomes “anti China” while in his first term he looks like “pro China”
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I wonder what general Japanese attitudes to Abe was like during his leadership and after the event.

There are those who hate him of course but what was his approval rating like during first leadership and after.

MH Yang says he once was pro East Asian reconciliation and unification. What evidence of that was there considering his family history in regards to shrine visits, glorifying WW2 Japanese soldiers, Manchurian puppet leader control, and Unit 731 management.

So why be slightly on pro China in the past before US influence exercised prior to 2012?

I think this ties into China's own internal factions before Xi? China had a lot of pro US factions within CCP as well.

Because the USA is offering a second plan.

The plan is to destroy China, and indirectly save Japan.

Because at the time USA seems to be stronger than China, the plan seems to be more reliable.

The same as India's case, when India decided to be pro-USA.

The first USA created the border crisis (like Japan's Diaoyu island incident that appears out of nowhere).

The second USA is offering a better economic plan with USA, military support, and a promise that China's economy is going to fall (there's no future to take a side with China).

India takes the bait, the same as Japan takes the bait.

I can't blame Japan and India for this.

Sometimes or many times, life is just a gamble.

A gamble that leads to decades of the lost generation or a trigger to the golden age.

But you know, how good USA is toward Japan and India, it won't as good as USA toward Western Europe.

How tall Japan's and India's economies can grow, there's a limit, a limit that is decided by USA.

Remember Plaza Accord.
I want to remind that:

Although the Chinese and Koreans are very happy about the death of Shinzo Abe, he has already retired, China and South Korea have not gained practical benefits.

There are two people who really benefit, one is the current Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, and the other is President Biden of the USA.

Fumio Kishida used to be a puppet of Shinzo Abe, but now he has become the real leader of the Japanese government and the Liberal Democratic Party.

Whether Japan turns left or right, it will eventually move towards normalization. Of course, Americans know this, so the means of American control over Japan is to maintain balance.

In 1960, the Japanese govt collectively moved to the left. Then Asanuma inajiro, the left-wing leader of Japan was assassinated, and Japan began to turn right. In 2022, Shinzo Abe almost completed the full rightwing of Japan, so his death is conducive to the control of the USA over Japan.

If my prediction is correct, we will soon see Japan's retreat on issues such as amending the constitution.

Moreover, Shinzo Abe and the British men with explosive hair styles are Trump's two most important assistants on international political issues. Now one died and the other resigned. This will benefit Biden's election.
Abe is yet another Zelensky. Japan re-Nazification start earnestly under his realm. If he stays around another 20 years, Japan will be full of Nazi. His family is all into Nazi starting from PM Kishi Nobosuke.

He seems to have the same aspiration as his grand daddy -- to pull Japan in war. And he already set the tone to intervene in Taiwan and Sprately despite all these are non of Japan business. He also wants to drag US into all out war with China.

His legacy will be disastrous for entire east asia.

I guess the Japanese peaceniks are despair and decided to finish Abe off.

But the contemporary Japan Nazi movement started by Abe will only grow stronger from now.

Now there are so many PDF saying he is good man. Disgusting.

First and foremost, Shinzo abe is a far-right.

And like most far-right in japan, many of them have a dream of Pan-Asian (with japan as a core). Including this shinzo abe.

Of course any Pan-Asian idea must include China (As the biggest Asian Country by Territory & Manpower, and today by Economy also).

And that’s what shinzo abe did in that time (first term). With Japan as big brother in Asian version of EU (just like Germany in EU). And China & SK as second-tier member, like Italy in the EU. Not in explicit way of course.

But Chinese speed of development in current years, is no one ever imagine before. And in his second term, China already much bigger than Japan in terms of Economic power.

That’s why in his second term, he becomes “anti China” while in his first term he looks like “pro China”
We cannot analyze the thoughts of historical figures from the current perspective.

Shinzo Abe first served as prime minister in 2006. 2006, Japan's GDP is the second largest in the world and China's is the fourth largest in the world.

At that time, much of the hostility of Americans remained with the Japanese. It is understandable that Shinzo Abe hopes to integrate Northeast Asia like the EU.

The economic integration of Northeast Asia is the predecessor of RECP, it was first proposed by Shinzo Abe. At that time, Shinzo Abe proposed that the four countries in Northeast Asia used their own currencies for trading for the sake of yen, not CNY.

But the reality gave Shinzo Abe a vicious blow. Shinzo Abe's cabinet members suddenly committed suicide frequently and inexplicably. Finally, even the most important Minister of Finance and Minister of Agriculture committed suicide, and ambassador to China Uichiro Niwa died inexplicably. Abe felt threatened, so he resigned quickly.

And at that time, China and South Korea did not cooperate well with Shinzo Abe. At the most critical moment of the negotiations on economic integration in Northeast Asia, several Anti China Hong Kong Independence elements actually landed on the Diaoyu Islands with Chinese flags, and then Japanese domestic politician Taro Aso (obviously Taro Aso is an accomplice of those Hong Kong people) immediately announced the nationalization of the Diaoyu Islands, which led to the rapid deterioration of relations between the two countries. South Korea also broke out the Cheonan incident at a critical moment. Although North Korea denied that it was related to the Cheonan incident, it soon led to the deterioration of the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

So Shinzo Abe's judgment is right. When China, Japan and South Korea were heavily infiltrated by the CIA, Shinzo Abe can not successfully achieve economic integration in Northeast Asia.
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