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Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad slates Pakistan role in Afghanistan.

Sipah e sahaba and those groups already have thousands of armed and trained fighters with their own ways to earn money and their own ways to recruit people.
So you’d support people who kill people on basis of sects?

Man that’s just disgusting, you can’t claim to be better than someone while pulling off the same shit can you now?
I want to reiterate something. in my anecdotal experience iranians do not like afghanis! be it hazara, tajik or uzbeks.

so these menstruation pains are nothing more than the loss of hegemonic leverage in afghanistan.

these irani were perfectly okay with NATO dismembering taliban and installing farsi speaking toffs who were iran friendly. but look at them recoil to loss of panjkutte which means they had dubious ambitions from the start. playing nice until the loss of panjkutte.

its time to sit at the table with China and Russia and work out a solution of this hissyfit.

I predict these wanna be darius the great will use proxy war and launch a hezbolla in which india will be participant.
So you’d support people who kill people on basis of sects?

Man that’s just disgusting, you can’t claim to be better than someone while pulling off the same shit can you now?

Jundullah and Jaish ul Adl fight to create independent Balochistan from Iran.
Sipah e sahaba and LeJ or any other groupI doubt they’d even be able to cross border into Iran so it’ll probably just be cross border attacks on Iranian soldiers
And they would just be used as leverage force Iran to stop using proxies in Pakistan and we do the same in return
If the enemy plays dirty we play dirty too
Why a nobody is given importance here ? He even doesn't deserve a thread.

Don't understand why Pakistanis are creating threads based on the Iranians. Only Indian media or perhaps insecure Pakistanis on PDF give them so much importance. Carry on with the curses only to depict insecuity in our own......

Game is over. Pakistan has the last laugh along side with the countries who are cordial to us like Turkey, China, Central Asia countries etc. Interesingly Tajiks makes a reasonable population of Afghanistan yet we are not discussing what Tajikistan, Turkeministan etc are saying but anything coming out from Iran is being discussed to death.
Jundullah and Jaish ul Adl fight to create independent Balochistan from Iran.
Sipah e sahaba and LeJ or any other groupI doubt they’d even be able to cross border into Iran so it’ll probably just be cross border attacks on Iranian soldiers
And they would just be used as leverage force Iran to stop using proxies in Pakistan and we do the same in return
Man, chill the f out, there are also humans like us bloodshed should be avoided on all sides and we should talk some sense into the Mullahs of Tehran.
Man, chill the f out, there are also humans like us bloodshed should be avoided on all sides and we should talk some sense into the Mullahs of Tehran.
I am chill I’m just saying as last resort if Iran uses proxies in Pakistan we should do the same
Man, chill the f out, there are also humans like us bloodshed should be avoided on all sides and we should talk some sense into the Mullahs of Tehran.
and how do you plan on talking sense to perhaps one of the most vile and clever regime of our time?
Game is over.

By what standard?

Everytime it's the same story with Afghanistan. people claim game is over then 10 years later a new conflict rises.

It's not a game. Those who think it is should be sent to Afghanistan.
Iran will not do anything, as Afghanistan will join CPEC soon. otherwise they can say bye bye to Chinese Iran energy deal..
Afghanistan has the worlds largest Lithium deposits for battery powered cars, China will doninate global market in clean energy and Afghanistan is on top of their radar.
ahhhh Iran the satanic hq of Cult again trying to disrupt peace in Muslim countries!

this cult is cancer!
A nuclear Iran will be a very dangerous prospect for all. This is not a Shia / Sunni thing, This is a Persian irrelevancy syndrome, similar in some ways to the Hinduvta grandiose pathology. Iran with its proxies can wreck havoc in Pakistan. Iran needs to be brought into the fold of a normal functioning, globally integrated country - otherwise its own pathology and victimized mindset will give greater rise to ultra-nationalism.

Pic says a thousand words. The BS compliant, apologetic foreign office - with everyone's flags. This mindset is so dumb. It does nothing to elevate Pakistan's standing. In life and in the world of geo-politics, pliant, "kushamdeed" countries are p*ssed on. Yet Pakistanis will continue with this approach. Be Pakistani, tell everyone Afghanistan is our Monroe doctrine, show your teeth, draw and express your red lines and then follow through. That is how nations are built!!!
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