Nobody wants their country to go to shit. Just differing views on what’s best.
Do you advocate democratic self rule in Pakistan? Or would you prefer subversion/removal of democracy as long as the scum are dealt with? (Parts in bold I’m asking about)
Genuinely curious about your view/ideology on this.
Also, are you saying that generals are supporting or protecting Nawaz? I think you’ve got it completely diametrically wrong here. How do you reconcile that he is the one bashing generals and claiming foul play while you claim that he is under their protection?
By the way, doubtless Nawaz and others in all parties are the products of dictators like Zia and Musharraf. And also you’re right that Nawaz’s IJI was supported by the army in removing BB and winning the 1990 election, but also, not long after the army found him uncooperative and hence removed, remember that “will not take dictation” speech? I’ve yet to see something of the sort from PM IK in contrast.