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Formal Offer for J-31 and also presention on J20

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J10B has still been offered, but considering the very generous terms for J31, they will probably skip J10 and go on to J31 part of the presentation was the way J31 kicked the shit out SU30.

One J31 took out numerous SU30 in BVR in simulated combat.

any idea of cost of j-31?
Sane decision would be to immediately join J31 development...... go for 2 to 3 squadrons of it to boot...... retire older frames of F16's (along with all the other Mirages and variants of F7) and divert all the money to this project...... continue development of JF17 and focus entirely on AESA + further improve upon delivery systems SD10A (seeker / booster and software).... furthermore, if the gods favor us monetarily and China showers us with largess, get one squadron of J20........
Yo if you have more numbers then it's sure win ? Am talking about 270 sukoi 30 MKI and China have none in its inventory to match it's capabilities yet . May when Su35 inducted . And am not saying Chinese have less fighters but IAF posses qualitative edge as of now .

Do you know PLAAF has over 75+ SU-30MKK's.. 89+ SU-27s... 250 J-11's... 250+ J-10s etx etc ? and 145 billion $ defence budget... Are you really that ignorant ? Can't you google ?

All I pointed was the future prospective Indian airforce will overtake PLAAF in both qualitative and quantitative terms . So its no secret Chinese will arm Pakistan with new advanced weapons but how far China can go ? It's the question we must ask . 60-80 J31 ?

Simple question when do you think J31 will enter production stage ? And my point was that Making flying prototype is one thing and making a combat ready fighter which will win aerial battle is another thing . When both Superpowers still suffering to make one decent 5th gen fighter you want to belive China already developed 5 th gen fighter ? That too not 1 but 2 ?

Russia isn't a superpower... and usa already has F-22 raptor .. They recently started chunning out the Italian F-35... Etc etc.

As for PAF going for it.. Time will tell.. Unlike you we don't jump around boasting about having capabilities before actually having them and ending up in an embarassing situation to say the least!

My neighbour , you need to understand making a look alike is no big deal when compared to amount of technology needed for 5th gen fighters .

China still far behind West or Russian 4th gen technology. It's a long way to go.

And don't even think IAF won't take any airforce seriously . It's not time to be Cockley but prepare for the worst . But truth be told we all know about our capabilities and neighbour's
whatever works for you kiddo.
Just a note; the J-31 that Pakistan will be buying is not the same version as the one that we've seen thus far.

Instead, it will be an upgraded variant (first flight expected in 2015), a scaled-down model of which was presented at the 2014 Zhuhai Airshow. It features cropped wings, modified vertical stabilizers, one-piece canopy, EOTS, upgraded engines, lengthened fuselage, and more.


It will also come with a next-generation helmet-mounted-sight system.

Just a note; the J-31 that Pakistan will be buying is not the same version as the one that we've seen thus far.

Instead, it will be an upgraded variant (first flight expected in 2015), a scaled-down model of which was presented at the 2014 Zhuhai Airshow. It features cropped wings, modified vertical stabilizers, one-piece canopy, EOTS, upgraded engines, lengthened fuselage, and more.

View attachment 227109

It will also come with a next-generation helmet-mounted-sight system.

View attachment 227108

Dude how many 4+ gen fighters are you guys flying right now? Educate the indian kid above.
Sane decision would be to immediately join J31 development...... go for 2 to 3 squadrons of it to boot...... retire older frames of F16's (along with all the other Mirages and variants of F7) and divert all the money to this project...... continue development of JF17 and focus entirely on AESA + further improve upon delivery systems SD10A (seeker / booster and software).... furthermore, if the gods favor us monetarily and China showers us with largess, get one squadron of J20........

J-20 would be too expensive for us.
Dude how many 4+ gen fighters are you guys flying right now? Educate the indian kid above.

Well, you need to ask the PLAAF chief, but from what we have guesstimated so far:

~250+ J-10A
~50+ J-10B
~2+ J-10C (in production)
~24 J-16 (in production)
~150+ J-11B (in production)
~105 J-11A
~11 J-15 (in production) (NOTE: J-15s are actually part of their navy, not air force)
~240 JH-7/A
~95 Su-27SK/UBK
~76 Su-30MKK
~24 Su-30MK2

Aircraft in testing phase:
Sane decision would be to immediately join J31 development...... go for 2 to 3 squadrons of it to boot...... retire older frames of F16's (along with all the other Mirages and variants of F7) and divert all the money to this project...... continue development of JF17 and focus entirely on AESA + further improve upon delivery systems SD10A (seeker / booster and software).... furthermore, if the gods favor us monetarily and China showers us with largess, get one squadron of J20........

Are you sure not all F-16's have been MLUd ? If all have gone through then they have enough life to take them well into 2025-2030 till all J-31 / TFX can replace them.Not to mention the possibility of USA giving Pakistan F-35's to.
Not all have gone through MLU, as far as I know, besides, even MLU'ed F16 don't offer anything even remotely comparable to even our own JF17's with AESA's and mated with upgraded SD10A's + open architecture to absorb 'other/future' BVR delivery systems....... furthermore, forget about F35's, they aren't coming, not now, not EVER.....

Moreover, never compare J31 and J20's, either with F16's or F35's............ completely different systems and design doctrines.......... J31 and J20 have the potential to grow into something far more potent than any 4th or 5th generation systems that America can offer any 'other' nation........ emphasis is on 'other'............. the only system that is remotely comparable to J20 is F22, which will NEVER be one sale..... not now, not EVER!

Are you sure not all F-16's have been MLUd ? If all have gone through then they have enough life to take them well into 2025-2030 till all J-31 / TFX can replace them.Not to mention the possibility of USA giving Pakistan F-35's to.
Gwaddd !!! I mentioned clearly PLAAF enjoys number superiority as of now.

Your numbers are wrong : J11 ripoff of Su27 - 70 + 205 , Su30 k 75 , J10 ripoff of F16 or israeli version F16 250 which include ABCD variants , rest all are j8 , 7 , 6

J-10, a ripoff of the F-16?
What's next, a Boeing 787 being a ripoff of the A320?

IAF has 220+ Su30 MKI which is superior to any other sukoi variants ever produced except Su-35

What's "superior"? How can you conduct a comparison without knowing every technical parameter of every Sukhoi variant, and without considering the different roles each variant might be slated for?

, and Mig and mirages all are upgraded with latest avionics again superior to Chinese technologies .

Without knowing anything regarding the capabilities of "Chinese technologies"? Please.

But am not saying IAF and go inside Chinese territories and win the battle .But neither the Chinese at least after loosing majority if their fleet . Do you see the difference?

In other words, you claim to know the answer to the question that even the most seasoned military experts have trouble pondering over.

Mann all the ripoff are from outdated Russian technology and still Russia is largest arms exporter to the Chinese .

Have you considered how much Russian arms exports to China have dwindled over the past decade?

Oh okay Cha cha gi .If you think Chinese are most advanced than France or Russia or West in terms of technology. You need help .

If you have technical evidence or statistics to back that up, feel free to post it.
Or the U.S. could offer them monkey models without teeth like the egyptian F-16s... Or the top notch block-60 of UAE.. Or the latest F series of the Saudis?

Low RCS/Stealth is a whole lot different ball game. And we are not talking about the half baked F-15-Eagle derived F-15-Silent eagle.
China have none in its inventory to match it's capabilities yet .

As if you are aware of the Su-30MKI's capabilities, as well as the capabilities of every single PLAAF jet, to make a rational judgement.

May when Su35 inducted .

There was never a deal to purchase the Su-35; even the Russian government denied the prospects thereof.

And am not saying Chinese have less fighters but IAF posses qualitative edge as of now .

Qualitative edge? Just be glad India's defense minister isn't privy to your claims.

All I pointed was the future prospective Indian airforce will overtake PLAAF in both qualitative and quantitative terms .

Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.

Simple question when do you think J31 will enter production stage ? And my point was that Making flying prototype is one thing and making a combat ready fighter which will win aerial battle is another thing . When both Superpowers still suffering to make one decent 5th gen fighter you want to belive China already developed 5 th gen fighter ? That too not 1 but 2 ?

Nobody knows, but it's not really relevant. If PAF has indeed evaluated the J-31, then they definitely have been notified of the tentative schedule of the program, and if the PAF has indeed ordered the J-31, then it can be safely assumed that they found the induction date to be in line with their procurement strategy.

My neighbour , you need to understand making a look alike is no big deal when compared to amount of technology needed for 5th gen fighters .

I'm assuming that you've personally taken a look at the J-20's subsystems and their blueprints to draw such a conclusion?

China still far behind West or Russian 4th gen technology. It's a long way to go.

Whatever helps you feel good about the quagmire that has become of the Rafale deal, buddy.

It's not time to be Cockley but prepare for the worst .

Only if you can see the irony.
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