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Forget Gwadar, China has Karachi


Jan 10, 2013
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Forget Gwadar, China has Karachi - Indian Express

The Government of India is finding it increasingly
hard to speak with one voice on issues relating to
China. Consider for example the reaction of two of
India’s senior ministers in response to the reports
that Pakistan is about to hand over the Gwadar
port to a Chinese company. As India’s diplomat-in-chief, the external affairs
minister Salman Khurshid sought to down play the
story. He was quoted as saying “I don't think we
should overreact to everything that Pakistan does
or everything that China is involved in. We need to
take these matters in our stride and in the normal course”. That was last week. This week at the inauguration
of the air show in Bengaluru, the defence minister,
A. K. Antony was cryptic but quite clear. India is
"concerned' about the development that could
bring Chinese navy closer to India’s shores. The absence of coherent policy articulation in Delhi
is made worse by a media debate that has no
space for putting a story in perspective or bring
some facts into play. The prospect of China running the Gwadar port in
Pakistan, currently being run by a subsidiary of the
Port of Singapore Authority, has been around for a
while. After the American raid on Abbottabad and
the execution of Osama bin Ladin in May 2011,
angry Pakistani leaders were quite open in offering Gwadar as a base for the Chinese navy. It
was Beijing that said, “thank, but no thanks”. Last week the Pakistani Cabinet has taken a
decision to hand it over to a Chinese company. The
port, on a small island off the Makran coast of
Balochistan, was built with Chinese financial
assistance in the last decade. Has China changed its
mind? Is it ready to build a naval facility at Gwadar, that is so close to the sensitive Persian Gulf and
next door to India? Facts speak otherwise. For all the hype, Gwadar is
not an attractive place for the Chinese navy. It is
located in one of the most backward regions of
Pakistan. The Baloch insurgency has frequently
targeted Chinese nationals doing project work in
the region. Gwadar does not have the kind of infrastructure
that navies look for. What Gwadar lacks, Karachi
has in plenty. Since it first showed up in the Indian
Ocean nearly three decades ago, Karachi has been
the favourite port of call for the Chinese navy. Chinese companies have long partnered the
Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works which is
assembling the Chinese supplied frigates there.
Karachi has enough infrastructure to service
Chinese naval vessels and potential deployment of
Chinese maritime aircraft in the Indian Ocean. Someday, Gwadar might well emerge as a full-
fledged Chinese naval facility. For now, Karachi
already serves as a major facility for the projection
of Chinese naval power into the Indian Ocean.
Slowly Pakistan is loosing its lands, Trabal areas Pushtoon Nationalism, Balouchistan independence movement, Sindh anti Pashtun sentiment.

Gilgit and Baltistan want to rule their own lands and also want provincial autonomy. Now China has entered into the trap set by Uncle Sam to drain its resources and kill its economy.

This is a good news for India :tup:

Since China decided to take on NATO and USA who are hand in glow for the problems of Pakistan.

I would like India to sit and watch and do a defensive posture, as the cold war is getting under way in Pakistan.

Welcome China to Pakistan :cheers:
Slowly Pakistan is loosing its lands, Trabal areas Pushtoon Nationalism, Balouchistan independence movement, Sindh anti Pashtun sentiment.

Gilgit and Baltistan want to rule their own lands and also want provincial autonomy. Now China has entered into the trap set by Uncle Sam to drain its resources and kill its economy.

This is a good news for India :tup:

Since China decided to take on NATO and USA who are hand in glow for the problems of Pakistan.

I would like India to sit and watch and do a defensive posture, as the cold war is getting under way in Pakistan.

Welcome China to Pakistan :cheers:

Slowly Pakistan is loosing its lands, Trabal areas Pushtoon Nationalism, Balouchistan independence movement, Sindh anti Pashtun sentiment.

Gilgit and Baltistan want to rule their own lands and also want provincial autonomy. Now China has entered into the trap set by Uncle Sam to drain its resources and kill its economy.

This is a good news for India :tup:

Since China decided to take on NATO and USA who are hand in glow for the problems of Pakistan.

I would like India to sit and watch and do a defensive posture, as the cold war is getting under way in Pakistan.

Welcome China to Pakistan :cheers:

This post sums up the delusion that has now risen to national level in India. Thanks for presenting it here.


Its not him only. Indians in general are under such delusions. Have read such type of cr@p on internet. Sometimes they are annoying. Sometimes they are hilarious.
Truth hurts, generally my assessment never misses and this is the scenario that is happening right now in Pakistan.

Its u whose butt hurt.... there is no freedom movement in sindh,KPK,FATA or Gilgit baltistan and the one in baluchistan is a low intensity one with only small 2 factions with their leaders in exile and other leaders in govt offices... u fail son... ur crystal ball sux.
Slowly Pakistan is loosing its lands, Trabal areas Pushtoon Nationalism, Balouchistan independence movement, Sindh anti Pashtun sentiment.

Gilgit and Baltistan want to rule their own lands and also want provincial autonomy. Now China has entered into the trap set by Uncle Sam to drain its resources and kill its economy.

This is a good news for India :tup:

Since China decided to take on NATO and USA who are hand in glow for the problems of Pakistan.

I would like India to sit and watch and do a defensive posture, as the cold war is getting under way in Pakistan.

Welcome China to Pakistan :cheers:

Great story...!

He was quoted as saying “I don't think we
should overreact to everything that Pakistan does
or everything that China is involved in. We need to
take these matters in our stride and in the normal course”.

And that's how it should be...the Indian media, members and other folks in the general community need to stop acting like a kid without his feeder (no offence).

It isn't nothing more than the administrative affairs of a new port being given to a company/country better capable of handling a new port and establishing it as a main one in the region.
:china::pakistan:.................. good

At least, we can totally focus on China not Pakistan. We will try to catchup Chinese navy fast and will make navy stronger enough. After some years, may Pakistan will give some more land to China for security. So, we don't have any problem but politics reasons comments are coming from politicians... :tup:
Great story...!

All I can say is "my friend wait and watch".

Its u whose butt hurt.... there is no freedom movement in sindh,KPK,FATA or Gilgit baltistan and the one in baluchistan is a low intensity one with only small 2 factions with their leaders in exile and other leaders in govt offices... u fail son... ur crystal ball sux.

I am not saying establishment is not in control of the things, in some places they may not have control.

The plan is to simmer Pakistan with conflicts and invite China to the Trap.

On one side China cannot risk its friend Pakistan going into chaos there by denying Chinese strategic edge.

On the other hand it cannot take on NATO in Pakistan who have mastered the art of war and covert war.

China decided to step in which means it is ready for the covert war.
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