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foreign NGOs were behind Indian anti nuclear protests in 2011 says Singh

There you go ....dishing out Certificates again, with assumptions and pre conceived notions disguised as facts.

You are free to go around calling me a 'bigot' if that helps you sleep better at night. :coffee: Consider it my Christmas gift.

Take your garbage elsewhere, you were the one talking about me siding with my "fellow Christians" or voting for a "Christian Sonia Gandhi"; makes you a bigot clearly, a self certified one at that. As for my "Christmas" gift. thanks but no thanks, don't much care for gifts from bigots.
Take your garbage elsewhere, you were the one talking about me siding with my "fellow Christians" or voting for a "Christian Sonia Gandhi"; makes you a bigot clearly, a self certified one at that. As for my "Christmas" gift. thanks but no thanks, don't much care for gifts from bigots.

Why dont you share your 'religion' and prove me wrong ? :lol: .... now don't go around saying 'Atheist' to win an argument.

In hindu culture it is considered bad manners to refuse gifts. :P... clearly you are not aware of it.
@gslv mk3 ..recently during the Shweta Halapannavar issue, a padre, I dont remember his name exactly was in Times Now defending the Irish action, YES defending it..inspite a young Indian lady's life has just been lost..I felt sick seeing that man doing what he did..now the recent statement of the Archbishop on the Italian marine case..

The first one falls within the bounds of religious reasoning and is what many(not all) Christians believe(as do others) however unpalatable & ludicrous such beliefs seem in the 21st century. The case of the Archbishop is a separate matter, clearly injecting a religious bias into what should be a secular matter and crossing dangerously into an area where he could be accused of putting religious interest over national interests.
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Why dont you share your 'religion' and prove me wrong ? :lol: .... now don't go around saying 'Atheist' to win an argument.

In hindu culture it is considered bad manners to refuse gifts. :P... clearly you are not aware of it.

Why should I? Go through the 3000+ posts of mine if you so wish & try & find whether I share my religion or ethnicity anywhere.

You are still trying to pigeon hole people by religion, that is your choice. I'm not playing that game. Move on.
The first one falls within the bounds of religious reasoning and is what many(not all) Christians believe(as do others) however unpalatable & ludicrous such beliefs seem in the 21st century. The case of the Archbishop is a separate matter, clearly injecting a religious bias into what should be a secular matter and crossing dangerously into an area where he could be accused of putting religious interest over national interests.

Actually now I dont remember the exact words that guy, yes John Dayal, used that day in the Times Now studio..but when I saw it, I could sense an unmistakable hostility that how dare you question this or something like that and considering the gravity of the situation atleast he could have restrained..but he was on the offensive attacking the lady for choosing to settling down in Ireland and somehow tried to make her death , her own fault !! felt very bad to seen an Indian instead of sympathizing with the lady choose to be loyal to someone else..plus the panelist padres even refused to believe the words of the husband that it was due to the law that his wife was refused an abortion..
Why should I? Go through the 3000+ posts of mine if you so wish & try & find whether I share my religion or ethnicity anywhere.

You are still trying to pigeon hole people by religion, that is your choice. I'm not playing that game. Move on.

Then you remain a Christian religious bigot in my book. ....... How turgid to think anyone would go though postings of religious bigots to discover their origins. Its your cross to carry. :P
Then you remain a Christian religious bigot in my book. ....... How turgid to think anyone would go though postings of religious bigots to discover their origins. Its your cross to carry. :P

Couldn't care less about your book, have no use for bigots who substitute religious rants for arguments.

Actually now I dont remember the exact words that guy, yes John Dayal, used that day in the Times Now studio..but when I saw it, I could sense an unmistakable hostility that how dare you question this or something like that and considering the gravity of the situation atleast he could have restrained..but he was on the offensive attacking the lady for choosing to settling down in Ireland and somehow tried to make her death , her own fault !! felt very bad to seen an Indian instead of sympathizing with the lady choose to be loyal to someone else..

Completely unpleasant chap, saw that discussion or another involving him. Made my skin crawl, not necessarily because he was not supporting an "Indian" woman (they were planning to get Irish citizenship anyway) but simply because of the cussedness of his position and a completely unpleasant way of putting it.
Then you remain a Christian religious bigot in my book. ....... How turgid to think anyone would go though postings of religious bigots to discover their origins. Its your cross to carry. :P

You dont have to be a Christian to support Christianity.. Almost all the posts you posted here reflect blind hatred and insecurity of your's towards other religion.. You should be the last one who should call others religious bigot!!
The sectarian differences of the minority usually peter out when living amidst a huge majority..like how Shias and Sunnis who are their throats outside India, are in a state of relative peace inside..

Actually these churches treat each other like heretics.
Couldn't care less about your book, have no use for bigots who substitute religious rants for arguments.

You have enough bigotry to satisfy you own rants and pontifications while hiding behind anonymity to shade your religious bigotry.

You dont have to be a Christian to support Christianity.. Almost all the posts you posted here reflect blind hatred and insecurity of your's towards other religion.. You should be the last one who should call others religious bigot!!

...and you inability to distinguish facts shows your own insecurity.....and bigotry. Spare us the morally bankrupt self righteousness that seems to be the trademark of you ilks.
Then you remain a Christian religious bigot in my book. ....... How turgid to think anyone would go though postings of religious bigots to discover their origins. Its your cross to carry. :P

NGO's are controlled by some westerners no need to use religion in this context.
See its christmas time and I dont want to prolong this argument...but the fact is the church in those areas was the one which organized and is carrying on the protest feeding false info to the people..

happy christmas..

Yes its true, we never ever stood on the church side against India. GOI did cut off their funding and made those NGO's illegal. That is the right way to go....not generalize all christians and blaming them of being Anti- India.

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