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Foreign Ministry Remarks on Indian Prime Minister Modi Attending Activities in Disputed Area

Thanks,brother.Even when we are under occupation, we can always have cultural and social exchanges with China.
I wish we south tibetans and Chinese officials in India made efforts to increase the contact with each other.PRC has often reached out to our people,particularly our leaders,bu the Indians keep an eagle's eye on us.

Yes,an under-developed shit hole with nothing while our brothers across the frontier have highways and railways.Of course how dare Chinese do something for us.We will prefer to be kept as savages by Indians with no roads or nothing,with Indian rapists whom they call soldiers drop drop their pants every half an hour before our sisters.Brilliant.I salute your double digit IQ.
Besides,even if India offered us everything we would still choose China,for that is where we belong.
I would be surprized if there was no chinese mole in Arunachal Pradesh. But the reality is that China has not been able to ignite insurgency there. If China has not been able to take Arunachal till now, the chances of it is just impossible now. We still have Tibetan refugees coming to India so a few handful from Arunachal going to Tibet should be welcomed by both India and China. You look so desperate to be contacted by the chinese to further oblige them. My best wishes.
Chinese Territory ??:lol::lol::lol::lol: Modi has lots of guts doing that..
I would be surprized if there was no chinese mole in Arunachal Pradesh. But the reality is that China has not been able to ignite insurgency there. If China has not been able to take Arunachal till now, the chances of it is just impossible now. We still have Tibetan refugees coming to India so a few handful from Arunachal going to Tibet should be welcomed by both India and China. You look so desperate to be contacted by the chinese to further oblige them. My best wishes.
I think it was made very clear to you why no insurgency ever came up in south tibet in another thread a few weeks ago.But since memory doesn't seem to be your strong point,let me revise it for you and shorten it as well, so that this time you can remember-

After the defeat of 62,Indians were left so traumatised that they just prefer to let the region be to its own fate and maintain just the bare presence to assert it's control.It is because of this that the region never saw insurgency.That's it.
The CCP never even tried to foster any insurgency in whole NE,let alone south tibet..

As always,Indians patting their own backs for the unexpected outcomes in history as their "achievements"
Do you know about the condition of Tibet and Tibetans[/QUOTE]
Don't worry brother. Another 1962 is coming for India. Those rapists will pay dearly for their invasion of Tibeto-Burmese lands. High speed railways are connecting all the cities of Tibet and soon we will extend those right up to the LAC for trade / commerce. Your people will be far wealthier than the Indians.
U r another false flagger, I have seen the attacks on Han Chinese by the Tibetans.

Which Burmese lands did India invade,do u have any answer
I think it was made very clear to you why no insurgency ever came up in south tibet in another thread a few weeks ago.But since memory doesn't seem to be your strong point,let me revise it for you and shorten it as well, so that this time you can remember-

After the defeat of 62,Indians were left so traumatised that they just prefer to let the region be to its own fate and maintain just the bare presence to assert it's control.It is because of this that the region never saw insurgency.That's it.
The CCP never even tried to foster any insurgency in whole NE,let alone south tibet..

As always,Indians patting their own backs for the unexpected outcomes in history as their "achievements"
Truth is that you have not yet found a reason for insurgency. Keep trying, its not very difficult to find a reason to agitate in India. Reg 1962,we are still so shell shocked and traumatized that we are waiting for China to tell us to hand over the Arunachal to them in the same way they got Shaksgam Valley.
Truth is that you have not yet found a reason for insurgency. Keep trying, its not very difficult to find a reason to agitate in India. Reg 1962,we are still so shell shocked and traumatized that we are waiting for China to tell us to hand over the Arunachal to them in the same way they got Shaksgam Valley.
Which is exactly what I was saying?That Indian trauma of 62 made them leave us alone which is why we never bothered with insurgency?
Boy,you are slow!!
I think it was made very clear to you why no insurgency ever came up in south tibet in another thread a few weeks ago.But since memory doesn't seem to be your strong point,let me revise it for you and shorten it as well, so that this time you can remember-

After the defeat of 62,Indians were left so traumatised that they just prefer to let the region be to its own fate and maintain just the bare presence to assert it's control.It is because of this that the region never saw insurgency.That's it.
The CCP never even tried to foster any insurgency in whole NE,let alone south tibet..

As always,Indians patting their own backs for the unexpected outcomes in history as their "achievements"

Sound like India is keepin the area as an occupied territory and its doing nothing there for its people.

Nagaland,manipur basically whole southern NE.Where do you think the people of these region come from?Where their freedom fighters get arms,supplies and training from?

These people are better off in Burma than stay with an unnatural Indian Union. Indian Union is unnatural of a country as European Union or Soviet Union.
Sound like India is keepin the area as an occupied territory and its doing nothing there for its people.
Yes,nothing in short.But it is not about what Indians did or did not do for us.We simply don't belong with them as one nation.Our societal,cultural values, our mentality is completely different from them.We are like oil and water,us and Indians.

I have more German in me than french. So it's most likely German...

As for you, if British didn't expel the French, India will be partitioned like Africa. You might be Portuguese speaking.

I have more German in me than french. So it's most likely German...

As for you, if British didn't expel the French, India will be partitioned like Africa. You might be Portuguese speaking.
you didnt get point mam!
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