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Foreign countries pouring aid to Flood victims . 2022


ISLAMABAD: China Saturday announced to add another RMB 300 million to its financial assistance to flood-ravaged Pakistan – taking the tally to RMB 400 million.

“Today, the Chinese Government announced to offer an additional 300 million RMB worth of flood relief materials in favour of Pakistan following the 100 million RMB worth of emergency relief supplies donated last week,” says a message announced by the Chinese Embassy.

Per statement, the announcement was made by Mr. Luo Zhaohui, Chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA).

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif Saturday expressed gratitude to President of China Xi Jinping for assistance package of RMB 400 million for flood affectees in Pakistan.

In a tweet on social media platform Twitter, he said, “Highly grateful to H.E. President Xi Jinping for Chinese assistance package of RMB 400 million, up from initial RMB 100 million, for flood victims in Pakistan.”
Will it actually reach the poor stricken people or be gobbled up right at the airports ??

USAID pledges $20mn in additional help for Pakistan

  • US has provided $50.1mn to Pakistan to deal with catastrophe
BR Web Desk


US Agency for International Development (USAID) administrator Samantha Power on Friday announced that the institution will extended an additional $20 million in humanitarian assistance to support the people affected by severe flooding in Pakistan.

In a press briefing, she said that the impact of floods was felt widely across Pakistan.

“This support is built on an announcement last week of $30 million in humanitarian assistance to help the people of Pakistan affected by these devastating floods,” she noted.

“With these additional funds, USAID will continue to provide emergency relief supplies, multi-purpose cash and shelter assistance, support for livelihoods, logistics, and humanitarian response coordination systems.”

She announced that USAID would also prioritise water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) assistance as a preventative measure to mitigate the anticipated spread of waterborne diseases.

“An estimated 33 million people have been affected, nearly 1,400 have died and more than 12,700 have been injured,” she stated. “Infrastructure in the flooding’s path has been decimated, with more than 1.7 million homes, an estimated 13.8 million acres of cropland, thousands of miles of road and hundreds of bridges damaged or destroyed.”

Since August 12, the United States has provided over $50.1 million in disaster assistance to help the people of Pakistan.

On the occasion, US Ambassador Donald Blome sympathised with the flood victims.

“The United States is deeply saddened for the flood victims and the loss of loved ones, livelihoods, and homes throughout Pakistan. We stand with communities in Pakistan during this difficult time and will continue to help them in this time of need,” he said.

During his visit to Pakistan on Friday, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that some regions of Pakistan witnessed the wettest August in history that brought 8 times higher rainfall.

“My heart goes out to the people who lost loved ones and suffered other kinds of losses. No country deserves this fate and Pakistan contributes nothing to global warming,” he said.

“It is paying a deadly price of fossil fuels being used all over the world. Even today, emissions are rising which is insanity and collective suicide.”

He urged the global community to “stop this madness and invest in new world energy now.”
If this crisis deepens, most countries are not even prepared. Foreign countries should aid the nations hit with climate change, he said.

Guterres directed the developed nations to prepare a roadmap for climate support.
“It is not a future event, it is happening right now in front of us,” he cautioned. “This should be highlighted in COP 27.”
Using floods here to further their climate change plandemic, how cool is that eh. Pakistan serves its masters quite well in their agendas

I’m now 100% sure none of the poor will get much other than sime roti to keep em alive. This aid will disappear into luxury homes of khi, lahore, isb, rwp, peshawar and quetta.
Few more days phir koi naya tamasha shru higa floods ki news b nai aigi. Ghareeb awam merr jaye nobody gives a damn

Wait till nobody willing to even send u onions, tomatoes and wheat, phir maza aiga.

WB to repurpose $300m for flood victims​

VP will assess cumulative damages, offer needed assistance

News Desk
September 09, 2022

world bank photo file

The World Bank (WB) has agreed to support Pakistan in dealing with the massive devastation caused by the flooding by re-programming its existing activities and future programmes. The bank would also repurpose $300 million to help flood victims and support flood relief efforts.

“The World Bank is assessing the situation on-ground and will help Pakistan in overcoming this calamity,” World Bank Vice President Martin Raiser told Ambassador Masood Khan during a meeting here.

Raiser expressed his condolences over the loss of precious lives and other damages, saying that he would soon be visiting the country to make an informed assessment about the cumulative damages and how best to help the government.

Pakistan’s envoy to the United States Masood apprised Raiser and his team about the magnitude of devastation caused by the deadly floods which has affected 33 million people, inundating one third area of the country.

Ambassador Masood, in his tweet, termed the meeting excellent and appreciated the WB’s assistance for Pakistan. “Pakistan will work for strong partnership with the World Bank.”
Last month, USA gave $ 2.5 billion to Ukraine to kill Russians, and they announced $30 million for Pak floods . Hope our Bajwa is realising he got peanuts for making us into American poodle.

If Pakistan is ready to fight against Russia, we can get much more than Ukraine.

International community obligated to massively support flood-hit Pakistan: UN secretary general​

Antonio Guterres calls on developed countries to drastically reduce emissions and help Pakistan rebuild after catastrophy

By Web Desk
September 09, 2022

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres during a joint press conference with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in Islamabad on September 9, 2022. — Screengrab from APP
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres during a joint press conference with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in Islamabad on September 9, 2022. — Screengrab from APP

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, during his visit on Friday to flood-hit Pakistan, said that the international community is obligated to massively support the country in meeting the challenges posed by the catastrophy, Radio Pakistan reported.

His remarks came during a visit to the National Flood Response and Coordination Center in Islamabad, to which he was accompanied by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif.

Guterres was provided a detailed briefing on the extent of floods and relief operations in the affected areas, the publication said.

The UN secretary general acknowledged that Pakistan has little contribution to global emissions but it is one of the most vulnerable hotspots to climate change, the national broadcaster reported.

According to Radio Pakistan, Guterres called on developed countries to drastically reduce emissions and support countries, such as Pakistan, that need to invest in rebuilding.

He said he holds Pakistan in his heart for the way it is generously hosting Afghan refugees.

The UN secretary general said he will do his best to raise awareness about the situation Pakistan is in and to " mobilise the full UN system" in support of the country, the publication reported.

In his remarks, PM Shehbaz thanked Guterres for his empathy and support for the people of Pakistan.

US military begins airlift of critical flood relief items to Pakistan

US supplies include nearly $2.2 million worth of essential life support resources, including food preparation and shelter materials

By Web Desk
September 09, 2022

USAID supplies for flood affectees in Pakistan. -Courtesy USAID

USAID supplies for flood affectees in Pakistan. -Courtesy USAID

ISLAMABAD: The US military has started flood-relief operations, airlifting life-saving humanitarian supplies to support people and communities affected by ongoing, severe flooding in Pakistan.
The US Embassy in Islamabad, in a statement, said that Centcom, in support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), is working to help Pakistanis in times of need as cataclysmic floods wreaked havoc killing over 1,300 people across the country.
The US supplies include nearly $2.2 million worth of essential life support resources, including food preparation and shelter materials, which will be delivered in approximately 20 different shipments around the country.

The amount of financial aid received is tiny relative to the damage incurred - and this is reflective of the fact that no one expects the money to be received by the people that need to it as the PDM goverment is full of criminals and crooks who will launder it and of course Bajwa/Senior leadership of the Pakistan Army as always is looking to take its cut ...

Most aid - is in the form of physical aid that is more difficult to "launder" than cash would be... or countries/agencies are looking to deliver it themselves.

Tells you alot about the damage the Pakistan Army continues to cause on Pakistan and the people of Pakistan through its meddling and propping up of the PDM regime..
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