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For those who liked or admired Saddam

Your people are your valuables. Your national assets.

Something that Washington fails to realize, everyone in America is an enemy and needs to be spied on by the NSA because they could be for freedom. This is the nightmare of Washington.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Saddam was a dirt bag of the highest order, by all accounts; using chemical weapons not only on enemies but people he is supposed to be leading is beyond shameful. It is embarrassing you are trying to justify a wrong with another wrong.

Anyhow what is relevant to Pakistan is his support for India was out in the open as well as his stance for Kashmir perhaps you (and many other Pakistanis) have forgotten about his hatred of Pakistan.
They don't like him but they hate Shia hence their stand for that animal well I support Sisi for humiliating them I think that's fair
Two wrongs don't make a right. Saddam was a dirt bag of the highest order, by all accounts; using chemical weapons not only on enemies but people he is supposed to be leading is beyond shameful. It is embarrassing you are trying to justify a wrong with another wrong.

Anyhow what is relevant to Pakistan is his support for India was out in the open as well as his stance for Kashmir perhaps you (and many other Pakistanis) have forgotten about his hatred of Pakistan.


Two wrongs don't make a right. Saddam was a dirt bag of the highest order, by all accounts; using chemical weapons not only on enemies but people he is supposed to be leading is beyond shameful. It is embarrassing you are trying to justify a wrong with another wrong.

Anyhow what is relevant to Pakistan is his support for India was out in the open as well as his stance for Kashmir perhaps you (and many other Pakistanis) have forgotten about his hatred of Pakistan.
I don't support him. He is no one for me.
Saddam did very good things for Iraq in matters of development, advances in science, education; the literacy rate was above 90% in his time.. but then he did bad things too, like killing the Kurds.. so the fact is he did a lot to be praised for..and bad things to be despised for..All in all he was a dictator trying to keep hold on Iraq and its unity..
I think you might`ve forgotten about the wars of aggression against iran and kuwait and all the death and destruction that the iraqis inflicted on both nations.
Ultimately saddam was an utter disaster for iraq,he bled it white and bankrupted it during the war against iran and achieved nothing...apart from strutting like a peacock boasting that he had saved the arabs from the persians.He was then humiliated utterly during desert storm which inflicted huge damage upon iraq and in the aftermath left it so hobbled with sanctions that it could never recover while they were in force.
The man was a disaster and thats even by the standards of your usual corrupt incompetent arab dictators.

That's what tat animal has done killing and mass graving even the kids

Do you know about the US crime in Vietnam? Mass massacre of more than 500 children and elderly people within hours in My Lai was just one of thousands.

I do not know much about Iraq under Saddam Hussein, except news from media. However, Iraq may need at least 100 years, or never, to restore back to the development it enjoyed under Saddam Hussein rule. Some days ago I watched some documentary on YouTube about Basra water crisis, with the river full of trash, just like a Sub-Saharan African country.

Is the current deeply corrupt, chaotic so-called "democracy" worth it?
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Saddam did very good things for Iraq in matters of development, advances in science, education; the literacy rate was above 90% in his time.. but then he did bad things too, like killing the Kurds.. so the fact is he did a lot to be praised for..and bad things to be despised for..All in all he was a dictator trying to keep hold on Iraq and its unity..

Those are mostly achievements under ahmed hassan al bakr, before Saddam took the top position. Saddam fucked the entire country and today's retards make him look good due to the extremely high level of corruption in today's officials. A good government could bring the country to levels that exceed anything from under Saddam's reign who terrorized the population.

The issue is that today everyone is stealing money in Iraq and the army/police are defending the system which lets them do this, coups are bloody and all that but it's quite worth it given the cancer ruling today. Would be great to see it happen.
Saddam was evil no doubt about it he used nerve agents on kids in halabja

He was a very evil man executing even his gate keeper for opening gate too late

But Arabs are in general very evil towards one another

Arabs hate Arabs to the extent that brother will kill his brother in the most extreme way for power

Just look what happens to Kashoggshi in Turkey he killed by fellow Saudi
Saddam was evil no doubt about it he used nerve agents on kids in halabja

He was a very evil man executing even his gate keeper for opening gate too late

But Arabs are in general very evil towards one another

Arabs hate Arabs to the extent that brother will kill his brother in the most extreme way for power

Just look what happens to Kashoggshi in Turkey he killed by fellow Saudi

That's political killing and has nothing to do with ethnicity, you mentioned Turkey. Which has a lot of political killing by Turks on other Turks.
That's political killing and has nothing to do with ethnicity, you mentioned Turkey. Which has a lot of political killing by Turks on other Turks.

Life is precious a killing is a killing

Clearly you have no value for life
Life is precious a killing is a killing

Clearly you have no value for life

Open your eyes and read, I gave no statement on whether I approve killing I said this killing is detached from Arab ethnicity, Turks have a lot of political killing.
Do you know about the US crime in Vietnam? Mass massacre of more than 500 children and elderly people within hours in My Lai was just one of thousands.

Another example is that the operation in Son Tay province, North Vietnam, 1970 to rescue US prisoners


When the US soldiers (in fact, murderers) failed to rescue the prisoners, they attacked nearby living quarters. In one house, they killed the mother and 03 children, even they had tried to hide under the bed, which was a totally unnecessary action (only in Vietnamese version https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vụ_tập_kích_Sơn_Tây)

Although the operation failed and all the killed people were unarmed 09 civilian and 06 guards. but the English wiki source still shamelessly claims it was a "success".
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Can we all agree that they made some catchy tunes like this?
This threads funny. The saddam haters are literally slapping themselves by hating on saddam for being evil but then they are are making any excuse possible for Assad.

Saddam wasn't a good man, it's obvious to anyone who reads about him. But gosh, if some of you support Assad then you are just as bad. In fact, you're worse, Assad is committing crimes right now in the present but still you blind yourselves to it.

May Allah make you the companions of your beloved tyrant of syria in the after life.

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