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For the naive and self-blinded....

@ Sarthak Ganguly

Sorry bro,nothing can be pardoned.

It is because they pardoned the first the 2nd happened and then the 3rd and then 1947 and then 1990.

so,learn from them.

Yes, they were unrepentant invaders. But are those people who're born today, 300-400 years after those unfortunate events, into their faith the same as those invaders? Are we the same realm of 500 kingdoms killing each other over our borders? If the answers to these questions are NO, then why pretend that all Hindus today are somehow ashamed by those who failed to defend us or by the actions of those invaders?

And I repeat, if we're really out to reclaim our glory, we also need to invade Afghanistan 17 times. So, who's ready for this expedition?:azn:

The attitudes of the converts today and no different from Ghauri/Ghazni.

our glory can be reclaimed by just a stroke of a pen,just make india a hindu rashtra and let the people recover from OD of secualrism.
Yes, they were unrepentant invaders. But are those people who're born today, 300-400 years after those unfortunate events, into their faith the same as those invaders? Are we the same realm of 500 kingdoms killing each other over our borders? If the answers to these questions are NO, then why pretend that all Hindus today are somehow ashamed by those who failed to defend us or by the actions of those invaders?

And I repeat, if we're really out to reclaim our glory, we also need to invade Afghanistan 17 times. So, who's ready for this expedition?:azn:
Exactly. I don't want retribution against people today.

Invading Afghanistan won't be in India's interests, nor will it expunge India of so many assaults that happened in the past. So you have to go alone. Sorry :(
@ Sarthak Ganguly

Sorry bro,nothing can be pardoned.

It is because they pardoned the first the 2nd happened and then the 3rd and then 1947 and then 1990.

so,learn from them.

The attitudes of the converts today and no different from Ghauri/Ghazni.

our glory can be reclaimed by just a stroke of a pen,just make india a hindu rashtra and let the people recover from OD of secualrism.

That would be totally stupid and unwise to do.

Religion sucks and after becoming hindu rashtra we will just end up like pakistan
While I cannot ever bring myself to enter a temple, since ASI and the SC say that there was indeed a temple there which was subsequently demolished then it is only right that a temple be built there again. In fact had the powers that be in the land done the right thing it could have been achieved without any bloodshed unlike in the case of the demolition of the temple itself which was the result of wars and subsequent conquest. If anything the Muslim community should have made the offer themselves, is it not natural that they would illicit anger if they sat on the ruins of another community's holy place which their coreligionists tore down.

That being said, while the anger is justified acting against the law of the land by engaging in mob action is not.
The pride of our religion is completely dependent on two things,making a temple at Ayodhya and taking revenge on kashmiri muslims.

You are not at peace with yourself. You probably never will be if you keep talking like that. You are identifying yourself in terms of pride, violence, mastery, revenge. These are the traits of a wounded psyche. People like yourself can not be trusted to create balance, stability, harmony, or any other positive development. If Modi is anything like you, he will bring calamity to South Asia.

Arguing with history is useless. Kings like to expand their territory. Talking about invasion and reclaiming honor ignores the reality that someone among your own ancestors did that. Humans have been roaming around Earth for tens of thousands of years. Every place has seen multiple wars and battles. It is senseless to pick one particular set and bemoan it, while another set of the same got your ancestors to the place you call home.

I can sense a method to your madness. What others have been saying about Sangh Parivar is correct, if indeed their supporters are like yourself.

I am a nobody when it comes to Indian politics and my opinion is probably worthless, but in my view, it is better to elect those who would keep India together than to elect those who would cause division.

Ashoka did not destroy the religion of Kalinga,he fought a war,army to army.

and one step at a time.

1. Wrong. Ashoka himself lamented destruction of Kalinga. It was not merely army to army.

2. One step at a time, my foot. I catch your drift. You are a maniac.
You are not at peace with yourself. You probably never will be if you keep talking like that. You are identifying yourself in terms of pride, violence, mastery, revenge. These are the traits of a wounded psyche. People like yourself can not be trusted to create balance, stability, harmony, or any other positive development. If Modi is anything like you, he will bring calamity to South Asia.

Arguing with history is useless. Kings like to expand their territory. Talking about invasion and reclaiming honor ignores the reality that someone among your own ancestors did that. Humans have been roaming around Earth for tens of thousands of years. Every place has seen multiple wars and battles. It is senseless to pick one particular set and bemoan it, while another set of the same got your ancestors to the place you call home.

I can sense a method to your madness. What others have been saying about Sangh Parivar is correct, if indeed their supporters are like yourself.

I am a nobody when it comes to Indian politics and my opinion is probably worthless, but in my view, it is better to elect those who would keep India together than to elect those who would cause division.

1. Wrong. Ashoka himself lamented destruction of Kalinga. It was not merely army to army.

2. One step at a time, my foot. I catch your drift. You are a maniac.
1. You are remarkably level headed - I admire these qualities :tup:

2. Modi is not like any of us. While we are fighting with keyboards, he has risen from a lowly chaiwalla to a successful CM.

3. Ashoka did repent. He also renounced his kingdom. The reason why he is given so much respect. :tup:

4. We should move ahead, but a National Reconciliation along the lines of Kemal will do us a great deal of good. A line must be drawn once and for all.

Yes I am a fan of Kemal :D
You are not at peace with yourself. You probably never will be if you keep talking like that. You are identifying yourself in terms of pride, violence, mastery, revenge. These are the traits of a wounded psyche. People like yourself can not be trusted to create balance, stability, harmony, or any other positive development. If Modi is anything like you, he will bring calamity to South Asia.

Arguing with history is useless. Kings like to expand their territory. Talking about invasion and reclaiming honor ignores the reality that someone among your own ancestors did that. Humans have been roaming around Earth for tens of thousands of years. Every place has seen multiple wars and battles. It is senseless to pick one particular set and bemoan it, while another set of the same got your ancestors to the place you call home.

I can sense a method to your madness. What others have been saying about Sangh Parivar is correct, if indeed their supporters are like yourself.

I am a nobody when it comes to Indian politics and my opinion is probably worthless, but in my view, it is better to elect those who would keep India together than to elect those who would cause division.

1. Wrong. Ashoka himself lamented destruction of Kalinga. It was not merely army to army.

2. One step at a time, my foot. I catch your drift. You are a maniac.

well,i belong to the extreme fringe.

I have to be because there are people on the other extreme.

No, issue is about religion,not about the fact that someone came to invade india.

infact the issue is not even with muslims,it is with some hindus who like to play this minority card to make their fortunes.

PS: It was strictly army to army.

How will I come to know that you've replied to me if you neither quote me nor mention me?:angry:

Is it mentioned anywhere there about the temple has not been built on the place where it once originally stood? (The temple has been rebuilt 4 times adjacent to it's previous ruins and has been refurbished many times after desecrations.)

3. Ashok... even if Ghauri repented and at least did not destroy more temples AFTER burning Nalanda to ashes, I would have been ok. I mean he was human. But such repeat performances? Somnath was destroyed for so many times - 17 counting the latest 1950 construction! Almost no invader showed any regret for doing so - except for Akbar the Great(called for a reason). Even Dara Shikoh, a person whom we should have read more about was butchered by Aurangzeb, for lack of religious zeal - such fanaticism can not be tolerated by any self respecting race anywhere.

1. If I am not wrong, Bakhtiar Khilji was responsible for Nalanda's destruction. Ghauri probably did not wish to conquer all of India - it would have been unmanageable for him. I do think that his slaves, starting from Aibak onwards made a conscious decision to conquer and rule as much of India as they could. They had nothing to lose and really no where to go back to. Moreover, with their education, training, skills, and organization, they felt confident that they could conquer and rule India. After all, Sultan Ghauri did spend a lot of money on their education and training - treating them like his children that he did not have.

2. Historians have wondered about the difference in trajectory, had Muslim conquerors been Arabs of seventh century rather than Turks of the Eleventh & Twelfth. The two were different in their outlook and methods.

3. Aurangzeb excused his killing of Dara Shikoh. He would have done so with or without any reason in any case. Turkish princes routinely killed their brothers for throne. I can not understand or excuse such behavior, but that is how it was. Had Dara Shikoh won, he would have done the same thing to Aurangzeb. The same thing happened among Ottomans. Such practice ensured that the sharpest and most able of princes occupied the throne. As much history as I have read, I am sure that Aurangzeb was the ablest among his brothers.

4. India was a prize. But it took superior organization to take it. For people who feel hurt that Muslims conquered India, I can only say that conquest is not a random happening. It is result of superior social and organizational set up. Indian society was divided and though it put up a lot of resistance to conquest, the divisions eventually mattered negatively. The same thing could be seen with Indian response to the British who came in with superior organization and conquered India mostly because of its divisions.

So my friends. Anything that divides Indians is a bad thing. Divisions always did them in. Believe me, if Indians do a really bad job in this department, others will step in once again.
there and about is pretty much the same.
You didn't quote again.:mad:

Anyways, so you do agree that if a temple is built adjacent to it's original place, it's all the same. That's what I think too.
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