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For the dead in this pandemic

All this time I have learnt one this. Pakistan folks are biggest hypocrites when it comes to religion. I believe they have some weird physiological issue as far as their thinking about religion goes. That and women. They have something messed up in their head. Also, this is not a general muslim thing. This is specific to Pakistan folks.

They are our own people your nation is dealing with.

These are the earliest prayers of the first of our Gathas. As old if not older than the earliest of Hindu Vedas.

These prayers are of and for this land and people. From their own Prophet.

It's a difficult thing to watch your people die in a land you do not live in anymore and there's nothing you can do for them except pray.

The Pakistani posters would do the same if they were emigrated elsewhere and a epidemic or natural disaster hit Pakistan.

They are shouting because they think I'm on a crusade to reclaim my land and people and revert them to the true faith.

And they see that as a loss of numbers for their own adopted one.

Even though in real life they band with the Arabs against them at every level of their own society.
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They are our own people your nation is dealing with.

These are the earliest prayers of the first of our Gathas. As old if not older than the earliest of Hindu Vedas.

These prayers are of and for this land and people. From their own Prophet.

It's a difficult thing to watch your people die in a land you do not live in anymore and there's nothing you can do for them except pray.

The Pakistani posters would do the same if they were emigrated elsewhere and a epidemic or natural disaster hit Pakistan.

They are shouting because they think I'm on a crusade to reclaim my land and people and revert them to the true faith.

And they see that as a loss of numbers for their own adopted one.

Even though in real life they band with the Arabs against them at every level of their own society.
I am not here to protect my religion.
Allah will protect it.you are not the only one many came and got destroyed.you have your own example.
Islam is still top most accepted religion.
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It's just prayers for my people.

You guys do it regularly innawalahi something when someone dies.

This is the same.

Why double standards against Iranians?

This is a Pakistani forum. Majority of people are Muslims here.

You Hindus can't even bear Muslims living in a gigantic country of India yet you want to impose your own religious stuff upon us in this small forum.

Then there's the fact that this isn't a religious forum. Go cry your victim crap elsewhere

And if it was upto me, I'd setup a separate forum for people of other faiths or a religious section. But it's admins choice how he wants to run it. Obey the rules.
I dont care what you believe or not.

Honestly, guys like you and the guy on the Zoroastrian thread, make it difficult for hugely liberal and secular Parsis to like you guys, except for outliers

That's the truth.

And I'm sure it's the same all over the world.

This is a Pakistani forum. Majority of people are Muslims here.

You Hindus can't even bear Muslims living in a gigantic country of India yet you want to impose your own religious stuff upon us in this small forum.

Then there's the fact that this isn't a religious forum. Go cry your victim crap elsewhere

I'm not a Hindu genius.
I'm not a Hindu genius.

Sorry, i saw India as your flag and assumed it.

Regardless, please see my edit. I have had my threads closed for the same reason. You can try posting in members club, maybe it will be allowed there.
This is a small Persian prayer for all Iranis who have died and for their families in this moment of their loss

aṣ̌əm vohū vahištəm astī
uštā astī uštā ahmāi
hyat̰ aṣ̌āi vahištāi aṣ̌əm
So can you write this prayer in Persian letters as well?
Sorry, i saw India as your flag and assumed it.

Regardless, please see my edit. I have had my threads closed for the same reason. You can try posting in members club, maybe it will be allowed there.

This is not a religious thread.

One of your guys asked the meaning. I never even replied to that.

These prayers are of and for our people only.

It's just a prayer for the dead.

Like you do your innawalahi rijun.

So can you write this prayer in Persian letters as well?

The script is Avestan.
This is not a religious thread.

One of your guys asked the meaning. I never even replied to that.

These prayers are of and for our people only.

It's just a prayer for the dead.

Like you do your innawalahi rijun.

The script is Avestan.
This is what you wrote?
Yes. That's the second prayer.

Yatha AHU Vairyo.

I pray that on my bike while touring at night.

To keep me safe and evil spirits off my back.
This Persian is different than contemporary Persian. Actually that was my interest, that how old and New Persian differs.
This Persian is different than contemporary Persian. Actually that was my interest, that how old and New Persian differs.

Of course it is.

This is the original.

Long back I had written a detailed post on the evolution of the Persian language epochs and scripts.
Islam is still top most accepted religion.
Ugh. Facts. They have a weird habit of belying falsehood.

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