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For God sake , what we are doing

There's too much to read, but if the points can be summarized I am more than willing to respond. Keep in mind that these conspiracy theories about foreign involvement in terrorism are not baseless. We have undeniable proof of indian involvement in supporting TTP and BLA and providing them plenty of funding. This is confirmed from insider ISI and army sources. Even if you don't believe it, it should be intuitive. A terrorist organization that doesn't have any jihadi friends (TTP) cannot continue getting so many new sophisticated weapons in this much quantity without the help of a state. It's just not possible. Now tell me who has the most to gain from providing these weapons to TTP.
Drone attacks and US reputation —Farhat Taj

Feburary 6,2010

In terms of the drone attacks, the US must not make any distinction between al Qaeda and the Taliban. They both have internalised a global ideology that is anti-civilisation and anti-human

There is news coming up in the media that al Qaeda in Waziristan may run away to Yemen in the face of growing drone attacks. The people of Waziristan have expressed deep concern at this news. They do not want al Qaeda to run away from Waziristan. They want al Qaeda along with the Taliban burnt to ashes on the soil of Waziristan through relentless drone attacks. The drone attacks, they believe, are the one and only ‘cure’ for these anti-civilisation creatures and the US must robustly administer them the ‘cure’ until their existence is annihilated from the world. The people of Waziristan, including tribal leaders, women and religious people, asked me to convey in categorical terms to the US the following in my column.

One, your new drone attack strategy is brilliant, i.e. one attack closely followed by another. After the first attack the terrorists cordon off the area and none but the terrorists are allowed on the spot. Another attack at that point kills so many of them. Excellent! Keep it up!

Your drone technology has the full capacity to encircle and eliminate al Qaeda and the Taliban in Waziristan. If you fail to do so and al Qaeda manages to run away to Yemen or any other place, it could only happen in two cases: either you are highly incompetent people or you have ulterior motives.

The people who have established one of the world’s most vibrant democracies and have taken science and technology to a new zenith cannot be highly incompetent. Now the only possibility is that you have ulterior motives, which could facilitate al Qaeda’s escape from Waziristan.

In a sense the ISI of Pakistan and the CIA of the US share a sinister reputation: both use fanatic Islamists to promote strategic goals. The Taliban are the strategic assets of the ISI and al Qaeda of the CIA. Terrorised people in FATA believe that the ISI would never eliminate the Taliban for the sake of strategic depth in Afghanistan and countless people across the Muslim world believe that al Qaeda is a CIA invention to trigger chaos in Muslim lands and hence create excuses for the US to control natural resources such as oil and gas in those lands. There is also a perception in FATA and the rest of Pakistan that the US is especially going soft on Islamists from the restive Muslim areas of China. Those Islamists would be used to destabilise China, the emerging rival to the US in world politics.

Here in Waziristan the US has a good opportunity to prove to the Muslim world that it is indeed serious in eliminating al Qaeda. The escape of al Qaeda from Waziristan to Yemen or any other Muslim country would communicate the message that the US is an imperial power that just ‘relocates’ its strategic assets from one Muslim society to another only to destabilise them and hence paves the way for US military intervention in those areas.

In terms of the drone attacks, the US must not make any distinction between al Qaeda and the Taliban. They both have internalised a global ideology that is anti-civilisation and anti-human. They will keep coming back to strike at civilisations — Islamic, Western, Confucian or Indian. The sooner the world gets rid of them the better.

This was the view of the people of Waziristan. I would now draw the attention of the US to the Peshawar Declaration, a joint statement of political parties, civil society organisations, businessmen, doctors, lawyers, teachers, students, labourers and intellectuals, following a conference on December 12-13, 2009, in Peshawar. The declaration notes that if the people of the war-affected areas are satisfied with any counter-militancy strategy; it is drone attacks that they support the most. Some people in Waziristan compare drones with the Quran’s Ababeels — the holy sparrows sent by God to avenge Abraham, the intended conqueror of the Khana Kaaba. Which other Muslim society has likened anything from the US military with a Quranic symbol? Only the Pakhtuns did that so publicly in this time of rising anti-Americanism across the Muslim world! What more does the US want from a Muslim society? Now please go ahead and do the needful as indicated by the people of Waziristan.

The overpowered people of Waziristan are angry. They believe no one in their entire history has inflicted so much insult on them as al Qaeda. In our native land, they say, al Qaeda has killed so many of us. Anyone in the world who has gone mad in the name of religion has come to occupy our land. They are Arabs, Central Asians, Caucasians and Africans. They are people with black, brown, blue and green eyes. They are brown, black and white. They all have chosen our land for their sinister designs against all civilisations. No self-respecting people, they argue, can accept this situation.

The ball is now in the US’s court. Their action or inaction against the terrorists in Waziristan would either confirm their image in the Muslim world as an imperial power destabilising Muslim societies in the name of the war on terror or would challenge that image, at least in FATA and the NWFP, the Muslim society on the frontline of the war on terror. The people of Waziristan hope the US challenges that image through the elimination of all terrorists — al Qaeda or the Taliban — in Waziristan.

The writer is a research fellow at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Research, University of Oslo, and a member of Aryana Institute for Regional Research and Advocacy. She can be reached at bergen34@yahoo.co

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Some of this stuff seems to be over exaggerated. Need more sources on some of his/her claims.
Some people in Waziristan compare drones with the Quran’s Ababeels — the holy sparrows sent by God to avenge Abraham, the intended conqueror of the Khana Kaaba. Which other Muslim society has likened anything from the US military with a Quranic symbol? Only the Pakhtuns did that so publicly in this time of rising anti-Americanism across the Muslim world! What more does the US want from a Muslim society? Now please go ahead and do the needful as indicated by the people of Waziristan.

Probably a typo but the story is about avenging Abraha a ruler of present day Yemen (at around 570AD) who had brought a huge army to bring down the Ka'bah and was destroyed by the birds sent by God.

Not to be confused with Ibrahim(aka Abraham) who is considered an important prophet by Jews Christians and Muslims.
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Well to be honest, I am against propaganda of either kind. We see a lot of the later but this is something I would digest with a grain of salt. People are not in love with the americans up there for a simple fact that there is actually noone to tell them their side of the story. US does not to this day accept they use drone's within our borders. That shows how much they care about what they think about the population that is affected. Either case .. more sources would be nice.
Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa received her doctorate from King's College London in 1996 and has worked on issues varying from military technology, defense decision-making, nuclear deterrence, arms procurement, arms production to civil-military relations in South Asia.Dr Siddiqa has been a civil servant for 11 years during which she was asked to work as the Director of Naval Research with Pakistan Navy making her the first civilian and a woman to work at that position in Pakistan's defense establishment.She also worked as a Deputy Director in Audit Defence Services Lahore Cantt .She is also a Ford Fellow and was the 'Pakistan Scholar' at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars at Washington, DC for 2004-05.Her recent book, Military Inc.: Inside Pakistan's Military Economy , was released in April 2007.

Conspiracy Theories Galore

By Ayesha Siddiqa
Friday, 26 Feb, 2010

I COULDN’T believe my ears when responsible quarters informed me of an American-Blackwater conspiracy to isolate Pakistan.

According to this heinous plan the objective will be achieved by infiltrating the media, specifically through placing people in responsible positions in the print and electronic media. These plants will then be made responsible for freaking out ordinary people.

While some Blackwater agents are said to be responsible for making people paranoid about a secret plan to destroy Pakistan and take away its ‘crown jewels’ — its nuclear weapons — others have been given the task of exciting the populace with the idea of fighting some kind of holy war against neighbouring states and more.

This is called psy-ops, the art of instilling fear in the hearts of citizens and making them lose touch with reality and faith in their own capabilities. The biggest tool of course is the rumour mill, which is constantly in action churning out half-lies and half-truths. Anyone who cannot be bought off by the company is immediately termed a foreign agent. Such tricks are also useful in hiding the fact that it is in reality these people, who are working to isolate Pakistan, that are on Blackwater’s payroll.

There is evidence of using psy-ops in the past against ordinary folks and making them believe in some outside force conspiring to destroy them. The Germans before the Second World War are a prime example. The entire nation had lost touch with reality to a point that they stopped using rational thinking to assess the behaviour of their own leaders and held a certain kind of people responsible for the malaise they suffered from.

Resultantly, there was the famous witch-hunt through which the Jews, the ‘gypsies’, the physically disabled, homosexuals and non-conformist intellectuals were killed or forced to leave. Very soon, the Nazi military machine managed to get rid of people who would have proved to be an asset for the Third Reich.

Apparently, one of the secondary objectives of the conspirators is to create an environment which kills creative minds and pushes them to leave, hence the brain drain. It didn’t occur to ordinary Germans that their leaders, who were responsible for the First World War as well, were caught ‘with their pants down’ in the process of using military power against the rest of the world, and as such were equally responsible for the tragic state of affairs. In fact, the real conspiracy was to take away the rational faculty of the ordinary citizen.

In Pakistan today ordinary persons are being fed fear and paranoia so that they cannot think about the mistakes made by their own leadership. This is not to suggest that other nations do not make questionable plans but the fact is that painting the world in shades of black and white is in itself a conspiracy against the people.

For instance, the story about the historic American let-down does not mention that our own leadership was equally responsible for serving the interests of foreign states in return for both ‘cash and kind’. Publicly asking Hillary Clinton questions regarding the control of the ISI, for example, is nothing but superimposing the idea of the Pakistani nation’s EQ (emotional quotient). So Washington — rather than Islamabad — decides everything in Pakistan.

I haven’t been informed as yet but I suspect that there is even a larger conspiracy afoot to impair the minds of Muslims all over the world. This is done through instilling the fear of some ‘foreign hand’ behind everything that happens in their countries. Spreading such rumours gradually weakens and ultimately deadens their capacity to think of themselves as people who can control their destinies.

According to this plan, the answer for everything bad or unpleasant lies outside. The bulk of the mentally de-capacitated citizenry then gradually looks up to a certain set of leaders as ‘knights in shining armour’ who will protect them and the state.

The absence of systems in what is called the Muslim world is an eye-opener. The conspiracy deepens since people are also made to believe that their lives will only improve through installing a certain kind of programme on their national hard drive.

DAWN.COM | Columnists | Conspiracy theories galore
Thankyou America , Once Again , We Salute You

Punjabi Taliban leader Qari Zafar killed

26th Feburary,2010

MIRAMSHAH: Qari Zafar, an important leader of so-called Punjabi Taliban involved in 1000s of innocent killings was reported to be among the people killed in Wednesday’s drone attack in the Dandi Darpakhel area of North Waziristan.

Officials said that six militants critically wounded in the missile strike died on Thursday, taking the death toll to 14. He added that all of them were believed to be members of the Punjabi Taliban.

It is said that Qari Zafar headed the Badar Mansoor organisation whose members are mostly militants from Punjab. Hailing from Karachi, he formerly belonged to Lashkar-i-Jhangvi.

Qari Zafar had joined the TTP in North Waziristan some time before the army launched an operation in South Waziristan. He was seen in a video, sitting next to TTP chief Hakeemullah Mehsud and his deputy Waliur Rehman.

The US has announced a reward of $5 million for information leading to the capture or death of Qari Zafar.

Dear Sehar,

Thanks for the great post. I hope others learn from it.

I was pretty depressed by the general hatred shown by members to neighbouring countries which is a big blot on the humanity

We have been using every excuse to fight, hate and abuse. This is refreshing.

We could have used this forum to know each other, learn from each other and also discuss the matters important for the growth of economics, governance and knowledge of the countries.

But unfortunately we, even being blood brothers and sisters, put the hatred and religion at the top of the agenda.

Hope some members will learn from you.

thanks again and best wishes

Mission Accomplished ! Congrats

1. Do you remember the most charismatic Islamic and Spirtual Scholar of the Universe with latest Wardrobe fashions and latest Beard Style come on GEO to tell us how to be True Muslim in his Cosmetic Way that in his 7th September 2008 Program of ***** Online as may of Pakistanis used to say him incited openly to murder Ahmedis and at 1:15pm on September 8, just 18 hours after the broadcast, six persons entered the Fazle Umer Clinic, a two-story hospital at Mirpurkhas city and two of them went to the second floor and started pressuring 45 year-old Dr. Abdul Manan Siddiqui to come downstairs to attend to a patient in crisis. Dr. Manan left his office and descended into an ambush. He was shot 11 times and died on the spot. His private guard was also shot and is in a serious condition. A woman was also injured by firing. The killers remained at the hospital until the doctor was declared dead, then they walked out of the building’s front entrance. Police registered the killers as unknown.

On September 9, 48 hours after the broadcast, Mr. Yousaf, a 75 year-old rice trader and district chief of the Ahmadi sect was killed on his way to prayer in Nawab Shah, Sindh province. Yousaf was fired on from people on motor bikes, and sustained three bullet wounds. He died on the way to the hospital. The assailants had taken a route past a police station. No one was arrested.

See Horible Details of ***** Online Deeds

Aalim Online – Inciting murder against Ahmedi’s | Teeth Maestro is

2. After talking with old times buddy Usman Punjabi of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan in such a free and friendly manner like old friends do , he declared Ahmedis as Traitors of Pakistan which Faisal Raza Abidi of PPPP provided that Mobilink No. and whole call details to Khalid Khwaja's son that took place on 19th April,2010 just 4 days before Khalid Khwaja murder and now saying computer softwares program artificially created this tape, or PPPP ministers opening great game against Media or different patches of talk joined together by some Agency like ISI or MI etc etc to save neck from FIR filed by Khalid Khawaja's son in Shalimar Station of Islamabad.

Usman Punjabi and Hamid Mir :

3. Today in centre of Lahore , Usman Punjabi and his Organizanization demonstrated the wonderful show of 'Patriotism' againt 'Traitors and Kafirs of Pakistan' which Hamid Mir declared in his tape just like Dr.***** Online with his wordclass Doctrate Degree did 2 years ago on GEO. 170 million Pakistanis pay a heartiest salute and words to Hamid Mir , Usman Punjabi , TTP Punjab Wing who took its responsibility and all Mujhaids who laid thier lives for this Jihad !

4. Then we ask why Pakistan is a failed state , why people are dying and doing suicides at highest rates , why there is not even a single big investment in whole country from forein multinational group, why even local investors are sending thier capital to Dubai , India and Europe, why there are millions of graduates remain jobless , why Academia of Pakisan is turned into terrorism nursery, why in the whole world in US Europe or even in India or Iran or Turkey etc , not a sigle attack on any religious place of any faith and why all these Traitors sitting in Electronic and Print Media have made our country Hell on face of Earth while Arab countries shopping Malls glowing with Lights and these Traitors pushed our country in never ending series of Darkness.

5. First Deobandi Scholars of Binoria with Zia ul Haq made Sipah Sahaba and Laskra-i-Jhangvi , Iraq and Saudia funded it then Iran funded Sipah-e-Muhammad in Pakistan , brought Iran-Iraq war to Pakistan , the same LeJ attacked innocent Christians in 2002 in Murree , same LeJ attacked Christians few months ago in Toba Tek Singh , attacked and killed thousands of Shias from 1986-2010 , ruined our country and its religious fibre of tolerance , Corrupt Punjab Government which is totally failed in providing even basic necessities of life to its people with sugar 75/kg and loans of 50 Arab on it and its Corrupt Plaza Owner Minister was riding with Sipah-e-Sahaba Head in Jhang to win a single seat in Punjab Assembly. Now after shameful defeat in Burewala at 3rd place of PML-N , Prince of Raiwind with Blood Pressure Chief Minister which have kicked out all brilliant team of top Bureaucrates from Punjab now strated New Noora Kushti Part 6 hat we will show opposition over inflation and PPP should leave Punjab Government and all such Bakwas !

Fruits of Patriotism are now riping in whole country , Funding is coming from Saudia, Egypt and Gulf States , Ideology is coming from Abdul Wahab of Arabia , Syed Qutub of Egypt , Ideological Backing and Support is coming from Hamid Mir , CEC member of PML-N Irfan Siddique who left Nawa-i-Waqt to get more money from Jang Group , Orya Maqbool Jaan , Ghazi of Daily Jang ,Shireen Mazari of Nation , Majeed Nizami of Nawai Waqt , Zaid Hamid and all others who are having Wet Dreams of Dominating World , AL-Qaeda is on the Driving Seat as Saleem Safi described in his last column in The News , TTP Pakistan and Punjabi Wing of Jaish-e-Muhammad, Harkat-ul-Jihad Al-Alimi , Al-Furqan, Ilyas Kashmiri are on the executing these operations , Wahabi LeT funded by Saudia is openly supporting them , Deobandi Scholars of Binoria and whole Pakistan providing Logistical Support of staying these Terrorists in thier Mosques at Night and Baighairat Diesel Smugglers of JUI and Jamat-e-Islami are fighting TTP Cause at Poltical Front .... 17 innocents in Religious Place of one sect have been killed so far.Congragulations to all above mentioned people. Salute to your Patriotism. Soon multi-billion dollars Investments in Pakistan would be coming over this Great Achievement !
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Hmmm, plenty of stuff going on in this busy thread. My quick thoughts:
1) Yes, Iran is a WONDERFUL example of survival in a world where, at least initially, Iran was killing both superpowers as 'Satan'; and to this day Iran can manage to survive, if not semi-progress, despite the array of forces against it (which have diminished considerably since Russia and China's ties with Iran, btw). How did Iran not end up like Iraq or Somalia by 2010 then? I don't know. Perhaps it is at least partly the cushion of oil-money--but then a few Arab countries are in the same position as far as wealth is concerned--but, I think, it was mostly Iran's internal unity which has kept Iran from falling into an abyss. Kudos to them.
2) I think there are too many people in Pakistan believing in conspiracy theories. Some theories are too bizarre and yet too prevalent. Indeed, I see no reason for America to destablize Pakistan at least so long as American soldiers can be butchered in Afghanistan should America choose to prick Pakistan too much; I cannot say the same about other countries--especially India-- though.
3) On top of conspiracy theories we have too many people just blabbering about on the web--you are welcome to include me in that rather ubiquitous group if it pleases you--with firmly held opinions without doing much analytical thinking. I am going to resist mentioning any names but there is a certain female journalist of Pakistani origin who frequents this Forum as a quick example: In another Pakistani forum, soon after the 2008 elections, she proclaimed something to the effect that Zardari was out to sell Pakistan's nuclear secrets to the enemies of Pakistan. I confronted her then and pointed out that the Prime Ministers of Pakistan--at least since 1977--are lucky enough to get past the reception desks of Pakistan's nuclear facilities let alone be the ones to hand-out secrets. Such kind of laziness and bigotry going unchallenged because of our own bigotry and laziness does not help Pakistan at all.
4) Here too we see examples of one more lazy person pretty much implying that most Arab countries are oil rich, including mentioning names like 'Jordan, Egypt and Dubai'. I think a little bit of Google would have helped. But you see the pattern here? This is the educated class of Pakistan! I shudder to think what kind of misinformation goes around in less fortunate classes of Pakistan.

I have learned a long time ago that the best decisions are the ones which are most informed. It has slowed me down occasionally but in long term the approach has been good. I also learned a long time ago unless I really strive to put myself in the shoes of 'the other' ones I am biassed. In the same vein, as much as I despise bigotry in the name of religion, I am NOT going to cheer for or celebrate the death of anyone--not even of those of the Talibans.

PS. Thank you Ms. Sehar for the topic.
Thankyou America , Once Again , We Salute You

Punjabi Taliban leader Qari Zafar killed

26th Feburary,2010

MIRAMSHAH: Qari Zafar, an important leader of so-called Punjabi Taliban involved in 1000s of innocent killings was reported to be among the people killed in Wednesday’s drone attack in the Dandi Darpakhel area of North Waziristan.

Officials said that six militants critically wounded in the missile strike died on Thursday, taking the death toll to 14. He added that all of them were believed to be members of the Punjabi Taliban.

It is said that Qari Zafar headed the Badar Mansoor organisation whose members are mostly militants from Punjab. Hailing from Karachi, he formerly belonged to Lashkar-i-Jhangvi.

Qari Zafar had joined the TTP in North Waziristan some time before the army launched an operation in South Waziristan. He was seen in a video, sitting next to TTP chief Hakeemullah Mehsud and his deputy Waliur Rehman.

The US has announced a reward of $5 million for information leading to the capture or death of Qari Zafar.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Punjabi Taliban leader Qari Zafar killed

Actually the strikes couldn't happen without the help and support of the Pakistani ISI, Army, and air force.
Death by a Thousand Cuts

1. Secterain Terrorism was remained in Pakistan from 1979 onwards when Iranian Revolution came and Khoemieni tried to export this into Iraq, Saudia,Pakistan and other countries, 1979 Attack and Hostage of Kaaba , then Saddam attacked Iran to stop Iraq’s Shia Majority to stand against him , Saudia ,Bahrain,Egypt and all Arab Countries funded Iraq to make it War between Arab-o-Ajam , objectionable literature was brought into Pakistan , Saudia and Iran made Pakistan , a new place for their Proxy Wars,Zia with help of Deobandi Scholars created Sipah-e-Sahaba to counter any Uprise of Shia minority new vigour of ‘revolution’ inside Pakistan , Iran funded Sipah-e-Muhammad to export Revolution here and create anarchy. Counselate Sadiq Ganji who was killed in Lahore by Riaz Basra and Akram Lahori was used to export Literature againt Sahaba(ra) , War was originally of Iraq and Iran , Arab Countries , CIA and Mossad were backing different players aat different times like 1986 Weapons which Iran was secretly taking from Isarel ! But all these countries made Pakistan their Proxy War Theatre, ruined its social,cultural and tolerance fibre where shias/sunnis werer living side by side for centuries celebrating Muharram together in Indo Pak region and mutual respect. Poverty , poor literacy rates, joblessness specially in Southern Punjab Saraiki Belt and Central Punjab like Jhang , Toba Tek Singh etc became manpower recuruiting areas and ruined our country

2. From 1980-2001 , thousands of people from both sides killed mostly Shias specially in Karachi where 81 doctors and other professional killed but in all these years not a single Shrine was attacked by any group.Not even a single attack of any Mazar, Shrine or Spirtual Place.Then came 9/11 when 19 Terrorists out of 14 were from Saudia killed 2500+ innocents to take revenge of US policies in Gulf .There still exists some foolish who believe this to be a Conspiracy Theory of Mosaad+ CIA +Yahood-Hanood-Nasara classical combination which is by definition,responsible for everything bad in this world they should kindly see this prog of Saleem Safi ,Hamid Mir and Raheemullah Yousafzai to know who did 9/11 , may these foolish get a life afterwards !

For All Foolish : (Saleem Safi + Hamid Mir+Raheemullah Yusufzai)

Jirga – 6 August 2009 | Pakistan Politics

Thousands of Arabs + top Taliban Leaders after selling 700+ Pakistanis innocents who entered Afghanistan to do ‘Jihaad’ against US were first betrayed by Ameer-ul-Heroin who ran on CD-70 keeping Pakistanis hostage to Northern Alliance who killed these Pakistanis even when they were weeping shouting,holding Qurans in handsbegging for mercy to tell them they are muslims and come here to fight US then Mulla Omer top Commander Mulla Dadullah sold 2000+ Pakistanis to Rasheed Dostam allowing all Talibans to leave safely and those bastards dogs after selling these Pakistanis ran and Dostam killed these Pakistanis in Steel Tankers from heat/suffocation in Shabarghan...

3. These Arabs came in Pakistan tribal Area in early 2002 and 2003 in thousands of numbers were prepared fully to this war which they themselves brought here intentionally as their greatest supporter Hamid Mire exposed in this program and their whole plan was to defeat the US by a Cassical Guerilla Fight with base camp in Pakistan Tribal Areas as they did just 15 years ago with Russians making Waziristan as Islamic Emirate in early 2004 implementing so called Shriat,Taxation and parallel Government System in Bajaur , Waziristan so to melt local tribals and blackmail them in name of Islam, terror tactics by open slaughtering innocents and FC personals to terrify locals, blasting all schools irrespective girls and boys to get illiterate but vigorous brainwashed man-power , as no schools, no education,no enlightening of vision and personality and just remain Zombies and Hassan Bin Sabah Followers to get Firdous-e-Baree and 72 Hoors etc as Education develop Mind and Personality and Brainwashed Zombies demand blasting schools,education centres as they did in Afghanistan , as they did in Swat,Mehmand,Bajaur,Orakzai and same they doing in Baluchistan killing women professors, university teachers so that educational meltdown would bring them thousands of jobless youth to join them in their Jihaad against Hazara Shias of Quetta , Punjabi Settlers and Taliban Shura which want to separate Baluchistan specially Quetta from Pakistan.

4. Takfeeri Arabs from Saudia ,Egypt,Libya , Somalia ,Iraq,Jordan brought with them Takfeeri Islam and their Imam was Dr.Aimen Zahawari who killed Abdullah Azzam as he opposed his Takfeeri Views to kill every innocent Muslim declaring him Kafir and Infidel which come in their line of Ideology.First Suicidal Attack was killing of Ahmed Shah Masood just 2 days before 9/11 to counter US+Northern Alliance joint move when US finally invade Afghanistan , these Followers of Abdul Wahab and Syed Qutb Ideology declaring everyone as Kafir,Biddati and Mushrik killed 700+ Afridi and Mehsood and other Maliks and Khans of Pakistani Tribal Areas from 2002-2005 to get complete grip on these areas , then turned towards FC , brutally slaughtered them in hundreds of no. to paralyse security structure and when musharraf finally pushed Pak Armed Division in to these areas which they could not resist with full fledge Armed Attack , these shrewed and cheaters did 4 Agreements and every time betrayed , came back, reposiotioned and regrouped themselves and some Traitors like Baighairat Disesl Smugglers of JUI-F like Land Grabber Fazlu and few traitors sitting in Media every time gave assurance to Army from their side and betrayed their own Country and Forces.

5. In all Shia Sunni Violence from 1980-2001, there was not a single attack on Shrines but under the influence of these Takfeeri Arabs , Talibans who were hard-core Hanafi destroyed Bamaian Statues in Afghanistan despite of appeals from whole world and Pakistan, these Takfiri Arabs when came Pakistan in 2002 onwards and infiltrating in Pakistani Tribal Areas and finally into mainstream areas , they send local brainwashed youth to destroy Bari Imam, Rehman Baba, In Swat the same Arab Takfeeri Ideology humiliated Grave by hanging him from tree, in Buner and finally two men send by the same Takfeeri Al-Qaeda blasted Syed Ali Hajveri Shrine , a symbol of Love of Humanity for 1000 years where Hindu Rajas , Muslims , Sikhs , British ruled in all these years not dared to disrecpect a single brick of this place , these Takfeeri after killing 1000s of innocent Shia children, women and men with Petrol Tankers in Iraq, burning them with Chemical Trucks in Police Stations and Markets not even spared the Holy Shrine of Sahabi Hazrat Abbas (ra) , brother of Imam Hussain(ra) , not spared Imam Moosa Kazim Shrine in Kazmia , near Baghdad, not spared Imam Abu Hanifa Shrine in Azmia and attacked it with Rockets , not spared tens of Shrines in Somalia and destroyed them where they played the same old game of Anarchy, Bloodshed as they doing in Pakistan.

Plan is simple , the same and old Classical Formula , Death by a Thousand Cuts, the same which Bonapartists Wet Dreamers of ISI used to do in Afghanistan once and now Talibans of Afhanistan+Al-Qaeda with help of Lashkra-i-Jhangvi,Jaish-e-Muhammad , Harkutul-Ansar , Jihad-ul-Alalimi etc soing the same in Pakistan. Red Fort Conquerers with help of Lashkrai Tayyaba ruined the whole generations in Pakistani Universities specially UET and PU of Lahore and one of the Lahore FIA building attack was palnner was Faisalabad Engineer from same UET.Hafiz Saeed and all those still come on the roads to blackmail the youth now in name of Water Crisis b/w India and Pakistan to plan another Mumbai Attack to bring 2 Nuclear Countries to War,Hatred Lessons still going on in Universities against Ahmedis,Shias, Sufia declaring them Biddati,Mushrik and Shrines as Somnat kai Mandar etc, Foreign Investment is already decreased by 60%, GDP is 2.8% , Indusrial Units are almost collapsed, Suicides rates have been quadruppled, Poverty crossing all barriers, jobless-ness is on the highest , shattered youth without any work is the easiest Fodder of these Banned Organizations, Plan is to paralyse the Government Fuctioning as they did it in Iraq , Somalia, Yemen and in Afghanistan and finally break Pakistan from Bauchistan side through BLA, in Karachi by killing Shias and Sunni Tehrik to create religious and ethnic anarchy by same Alqaeda+TTP.Traitors sitting in Media in form of psuedo Intellectuals and Anchors like Hamid Mir, Irfan Siddique, Haroon Rasheed,Shireen Mazari, Orya Maqbool Jaan, are fully supporting them to turn Pakistan into Islamic Wahabi Takfeeri Republic of Pakistan by 1000 cuts in all spheres and spectrums of Life including Religion,Economy,social,cultural life etc
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