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For First Time, AIDS Vaccine Shows Some Success in Trials


May 4, 2009
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For First Time, AIDS Vaccine Shows Some Success in Trials​


Description: Thai Public Health Minister, Witthaya Kaewparadai, right, speaks with U.S. Ambassador to Thailand, Eric John, during the press conference to announce the results of the world's largest HIV vaccine trial ever conducted.​

A new AIDS vaccine tested on more than 16,000 volunteers in Thailand has protected a significant minority against infection, the first time any vaccine against the disease has even partly succeeded in a clinical trial.

Scientists said they were delighted but puzzled by the result. The vaccine — a combination of two genetically engineered vaccines, neither of which had worked before in humans — protected too few people to be declared an unqualified success. And the researchers do not know why it worked.

“I don’t want to use a word like ‘breakthrough,’ but I don’t think there’s any doubt that this is a very important result,” said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is one of the trial’s backers.

“For more than 20 years now, vaccine trials have essentially been failures,” he went on. “Now it’s like we were groping down an unlit path, and a door has been opened. We can start asking some very important questions.”

Results of the trial of the vaccine, known as RV 144, were released at 2 a.m. Eastern time Thursday in Thailand by the partners that ran the trial, by far the largest of an AIDS vaccine: the United States Army, the Thai Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Fauci’s institute, and the patent-holders in the two parts of the vaccine, Sanofi-Pasteur and Global Solutions for Infectious Diseases.

Col. Jerome H. Kim, a physician who is manager of the army’s H.I.V. vaccine program, said half the 16,402 volunteers were given six doses of two vaccines in 2006 and half were given placebos. They then got regular tests for the AIDS virus for three years. Of those who got placebos, 74 became infected, while only 51 of those who got the vaccines did.

Although the difference was small, Dr. Kim said it was statistically significant and meant the vaccine was 31.2 percent effective.

Dr. Fauci said that scientists would seldom consider licensing a vaccine less than 70 or 80 percent effective, but he added, “If you have a product that’s even a little bit protective, you want to look at the blood samples and figure out what particular response was effective and direct research from there.”

The most confusing aspect of the trial, Dr. Kim said, was that everyone who did become infected developed roughly the same amount of virus in their blood whether they got the vaccine or a placebo.

Normally, any vaccine that gives only partial protection — a mismatched flu shot, for example — at least lowers the viral load.

That suggests that RV 144 does not produce neutralizing antibodies, as most vaccines do, Dr. Fauci said. Antibodies are long Y-shaped proteins formed by the body that clump onto invading viruses, blocking the surface spikes with which they attach to cells and flagging them for destruction.

Instead, he theorized, it might produce “binding antibodies,” which latch onto and empower effector cells, a type of white blood cell attacking the virus.

Whatever the vaccine does, he said, it does not seem to mimic the defenses of the rare individuals known to AIDS doctors as “long-term nonprogressors,” who do not get sick even though they are infected. They have low viral loads because they block reproduction in some way that is still mysterious.

“If we knew what immune response did it, we’d be able to be a lot more efficient in targeting it,” Dr. Kim said.

Also, the RV 144 tested in Thailand was designed to combat the most common strain of the virus circulating in Southeast Asia. Different strains circulate in Africa, the United States and elsewhere, and it is not clear that the vaccine would have similar results, even in modified form.

The thousands of Thais chosen were a cross-section of the Thai young adult population, not just high-risk groups like drug injectors or sex workers, Dr. Kim said.

One of the substances that were combined to make RV 144 is Alvac-HIV, from Sanofi-Pasteur, a canarypox virus with three AIDS virus genes grafted onto it. Variations of Alvac were tested in France, Thailand, Uganda and the United States; it was found safe but generated little immune response.

The other, Aidsvax, was originally made by Genentech and is an engineered version of a protein found on the surface of the AIDS virus; it is grown in a broth of hamster ovary cells.

It was tested in Thai drug users in 2003 and also in gay men in North America and Europe; it did not protect them against infection, and Genentech spun off the rights to develop the vaccine.

In 2007, two trials of a Merck vaccine in about 4,000 people were stopped early; it not only failed to work but for some men seemed to increase the risk of infection.

Combining Alvac and Aidsvax was a hunch by scientists: If one was designed to create antibodies and the other to alert white blood cells, might they work together even if neither worked alone?

Mitchell Warren, executive director of AVAC, the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition, which pushes for vaccines and other forms of prevention, was enthusiastic about the trial data.

“Wow,” he said. “This is a hugely exciting and, frankly, unexpected result. It changes our thinking in ways we hadn’t anticipated.”

“We often talk about whether a vaccine is even possible,” he added. “This is not the vaccine that ends the epidemic and says, ‘O.K., let’s move on to something else.’ But it’s a fabulous new step that takes us in a new direction.”

Mr. Warren said the finding showed the need for large human trials, expensive as they are. Studies in mice and monkeys have not been good at predicting what would work in people, and small human trials in which researchers test results by looking for antibodies in blood have limited value.

Dr. Fauci agreed.

“This is not the endgame,” he said. “This is the beginning.”

New AIDS Vaccine at NYT
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Lets hope this can be refined further and be made widely available - millions of lives can be saved, millions of children have been left orphaned and this scourge must be stopped.
Is there much AIDS in Pakistan?

I have worked in the relevant field specifically regarding you query, and though I will not disclose the exact source, but I will say this......

Our Official figures are a gross mis representation of the actual figures. In certain regions of Pakistan, we have more of an epidemic of sorts. This is profounded by the ubiquitous IV Drug abusers.

To be safer statistically, you will be surprised to know that where I had had my work experience, the actual figure was 85-90 thousand more cases than the official Govt. figures. And Yes, I am talking about Pakistan!!!!
:eek: :frown:
Looking forward to this, by the way a cancer drug has also shown some success. Its called DCA

Hope it gets materialized soon then there will be no limit to smoking and fu*****, if you know what i mean :devil::devil::devil:
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Does "HIV" cause AIDS?

They have never isolated the so-called HIV virus that causes AIDS.

They have never demonstrated such HIV virus to cause AIDS

There is not a single uniform HIV-AIDS Test accepted around the world -- in other words, you can be "diagnosed" HIV positive in USA but when you cross the border into Canada you can be diagnosed HIV negative. Similarly, Africans who are diagnosed as HIV positive, when they are diagnosed in Europe they are then diagnosed with HIV negative.

Even more bizarre is the fact that the SAME person can be diagnosed HIV positive one moment, the next moment HIV negative, a year later HIV positive, and few tests later HIV negative.

In other words, the problem lies in the fact that not a single test actually detects the HIV virus (if and when they actually can isolate one that is accepted as "THE" HIV virus to the world scientific community). "Most" HIV-Tests are based on detects for the levels of a varying combination of Proteins in the bloodstream -- this is known as the Anti-body test. These protein molecules exist within the human body as a BY-PRODUCT OF METABOLISM. A short refresher on how the Human Immune System (HIS) works: Our Immune system is mainly composed of various types of White Blood Cells (WBC) that detect "foreign" objects (chemicals, virus, bacteria) based on the presence of identify organic molecules (such as llipids, proteins, carbohydrate molecules) on the surface. The HIS produces anti-bodies, which are chemical protein-mega molecules whose role is to chemically latch onto these "foreign" molecules and help the WBC to attach to and decompose these "foreign" molecules.

The by-product of this metabolism are fragmentary protein molecules and anti-bodies --- so high levels of these ACTUALLY INDICATES YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM IS WORKING GOOD. Ironically though is that these Anti-body HIV tests are contrary to scientific knowledge, i.e. high levels of fragmentary protein molecules and anti-bodies (i.e. your immune system is working) means your HIS is not working in an HIV-Test. Compounded to this problem is that these protein fragment molecules and anti-bodies are naturally found in ALL HEALTHY HUMANS. Furthermore, each different HIV-test looks for a different combination of types of protein fragments and in varying amounts. And there's no static level, i.e. the test results are scaled. For example, if RATIO of a sample of recipients are shown to be "HIV-positive" to be too low, they ARTIFICIALLY lower the conditions so more are "determined" to be "HIV-positive". However, if the RATIO is too high, they ARTIFICIALLY raise the ppm (parts-per-million) higher so less people are test positive.

In Africa, HIV positive patients are diagnosed based on "symptoms" of AIDS -- in layman's terminology, if the patient is suffering from combinations of high-fever, weight-loss, diarhrea, pain in joints, loss of sleep, hallucinations they are diagnosed as HIV positive. BUT, chronic malnutrition and dirty water contaminated by bacteria & virus, feaces, urine, agricultural and industrial refuse, etc are also known to cause these same "symptoms". Africa suffers from malnutrition and lack of portable water.


Please research these 'controversial' debates within the scientific community for yourself.

Two areas I suggest you investigate: First, please examine the original scientific journals that proclaimed the first 'discovery' of the HIV virus thoroughly and then trace each 'development' until present time. Examine it carefully by looking to see whether there is a strong scientific basis AND their original data. Secondly, look into the arguments made by the "Perth Group" with an unbiased view. It will benefit if you also have a bio-scientific background, to more fully understand the debates and arguments.
It will benefit if you also have a bio-scientific background, to more fully understand the debates and arguments.

I do, that is why I posted this article as well.

examine the original scientific journals that proclaimed the first 'discovery' of the HIV virus thoroughly and then trace each 'development' until present time. Examine it carefully by looking to see whether there is a strong scientific basis AND their original data. Secondly, look into the arguments made by the "Perth Group" with an unbiased view.

I already know, studied, learned both.


The science of Antibodies and understanding its mechanisms is not for everyone. Only someone qualified in Microbiology, Genetics, Immunology and Virology can claim to understand it.

Since I can say so for myself, I suggest that the people not related to this field just stick to the basics or simpler concepts.


HIV is an established reality, a retro virus that culminate into AIDS.

Both the argument by "SinoIndusFriendship" and the main reason of this article, that is, Success after such a long time, is because of the ever changing exponential mutation and adaptation of this virus.

Whenever a new vaccine was made, a process which takes from years to decades, the HIV virus would undergo many mutations in that time period, rendering the vaccine based on the already old research useless.

Keeping up with this virus has been very difficult. As is said in the original article, even this success is being viewed with caution and can only be described at best as, in the words of the researchers:

“This is not the endgame,” he said. “This is the beginning.”
Global AIDS Detection and Treatment Sees Major Increase​


The number of people being tested for H.I.V. more than doubled in dozens of countries last year, improving detection of AIDS and contributing to a major surge in those being treated.

The ranks of people taking antiretroviral drugs in the developing world rose by over a million to surpass 4 million people globally, the United Nations reported Wednesday in its 2009 progress report on H.I.V. and AIDS.

The vast international effort on AIDS, financed by the United States, European countries and other donors, also ensured that growing numbers of children with AIDS, who had largely been left to die quick, unheralded deaths in past years, also benefited from the life-saving drug therapies. Their number rose to 275,700 in 2008 from 198,000 just a year earlier.

And the portion of mothers who got medicines to prevent them from infecting their babies with H.I.V. also rose markedly in the parts of Africa hardest hit by the disease to more than half those in need.

“In the space of one year, you’re seeing a huge ramping up of AIDS services,” said Mark Stirling, regional director for the United Nations’ efforts against AIDS in eastern and southern Africa. “It’s unprecedented. In the acceleration and intensification of reach, 2008 was an extraordinary year.”

But the United Nations’ progress report on AIDS also contained sobering news. While over a million people were put on drugs in the past year — drugs they will need for the rest of their lives — 2.7 million people were newly infected with H.I.V. in 2007, the latest year for which there were estimates.

“We are walking backward on the treadmill,” said Prof. Salim S. Abdool Karim, who heads the Center for the AIDS Program of Research in South Africa, based in Durban. “We’re not going to treat our way out of this problem.”

The United Nations report stressed that African countries this past year laid the ground work to broadly offer men circumcisions, a surgical procedure to remove the foreskin that has been shown to cut their risk of H.I.V. infection by more than half.

But health officials, experts and advocates said that political leaders, particularly in Africa, would have to be far more outspoken about the practice of having more than one long-term sexual partner fueling the epidemic — and about circumcision cutting the risk of infection.

“I’m worried,” said Mr. Stirling. “I don’t hear the most senior political leaders talking about concurrent partners or male circumcision, not enough.”

South Africa, which has more H.I.V.-positive citizens than any other nation, exemplified both the progress on treatment and the uncertain prospects for prevention, experts said.

The number of people getting antiretroviral drugs last year grew by more than half, faster than in any other country. South Africa now has by far the largest AIDS treatment program in the world. The United Nations estimated that more than 700,000 South Africans were getting the medicines, though advocates here have said the number is actually closer to 600,000 after discounting those who have died or dropped out.

Even with the gains, however, less than half those here who need the drugs are getting them, advocates say. And South Africa lacks a policy on male circumcision. The country is still overcoming setbacks from the years when its president, Thabo Mbeki, denied the scientific consensus that H.I.V. causes AIDS and that antiretroviral drugs are essential to treat the disease.

The country’s new leaders have broken cleanly with those views but still need to act with greater urgency on H.I.V. prevention, said Mark Heywood, executive director of the AIDS Law Project and deputy chairman of the South African National AIDS Council, which advises the government.

“South Africa will get its act together, but it hasn’t at the moment,” he said.

I wanna wish the researchers a very good luck.HIV is a biggest threat as like cancer. Finding its vaccine will be a huge invention. Preventing ourself from this virus is the best way to be healthy.
If it gives them a head-start for a real vaccine, it will be very valuable indeed. But the sad reality of HIV is that it is easily preventable. Don't inject drugs, and be monogamous. If your spouse does the same, you won't get infected.

Older people remember the fear when this disease became widely known. An STD that can kill you. No one was sure exactly how it could be transmitted, and there was fear it could be transferred by skin contact, tears, coughing, etc. It was terrifying. At least there's one thing... it's a fragile virus that is not easily transmitted. If it could be easily transmitted by a cough or shaking hands, the world population would be almost gone by now, and mankind near the end.
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