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For an average joe: This is why Karachi is miscounted - JI Chief Naeem Rehman


Dec 1, 2015
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Eye opener facts...Kudos to this engineer.

Establishment - Karachi was miscounted under your supervision, right?

Am I right?

You can make a deal with bhuttos/Zardari for any thing but for Karachi? right?

Is it in your interest to keep issue of Karachi unresolved?

What is your mindset about Karachi?

Genuinely interested in knowing that.
Points are.
-count less population of karachi to reduce nfc fund for the city.
-count more in kpk and punjab to give more funds.
-count less in karachi to provide ppp safe passage to rule in sindh.
-undermine karachiites in jobs.
-loot and destroy karachi through ppp by the establishment.
-ppp pmln pti and establishment have a deal.
-stopping karachiites to form government in sindh.
Fascist establishment destroying the city just like they did to Bangladesh and Balochistan.

Eye opener facts...Kudos to this engineer.

Establishment - Karachi was miscounted under your supervision, right?

Am I right?

You can make a deal with bhuttos/Zardari for any thing but for Karachi? right?

Is it in your interest to keep issue of Karachi unresolved?

What is your mindset about Karachi?

Genuinely interested in knowing that.
is there supposed to be a video link there? I see big blank...
Honestly can somebody explain on what basis does these people think the census under counted in Karachi thereby also implicating the army?

  • if they know what the population is how did they enumerate?
  • should the country not bother with national census but instead just go by what each city or regions gives as the figure?
  • UN was mentioned. Does UN go around counting people in Pakistan?
@AgNoStiC MuSliM @Kambojaric
is there supposed to be a video link there? I see big blank...

Check this.

My servants were NOT counted in the last census because they belonged to other areas outside of Karachi.

Thus, less than a third of the total people living in my house were counted.


BC 3 crore people using resources of 1 crore people

Karachi has been badly overloaded with no back up and development.
Points are.
-count less population of karachi to reduce nfc fund for the city.
-count more in kpk and punjab to give more funds.
-count less in karachi to provide ppp safe passage to rule in sindh.
-undermine karachiites in jobs.
-loot and destroy karachi through ppp by the establishment.
-ppp pmln pti and establishment have a deal.
-stopping karachiites to form government in sindh.
Fascist establishment destroying the city just like they did to Bangladesh and Balochistan.

Beef is against Urdu speaking regardless of where they live. most of urdu speaking were systematically removed from government and provincial enterprises and uneducated, unprofessional lazy people were hired. Establishment want to prevent another Bangladesh coming out of Karachi so they will continue to play power games. MQM, PSP, GDA, PPP, PTI, JI and PMLN are all part of their plan.

Karachi can be fixed in 2 years if the solutions are implemented properly. Main issues are bad governance, security, Electricity, drinking water and waste management.
  1. Sindh capital should be moved to Hyderabad.
  2. Government must give Karachi pseudo provincial status to separate from Sindh.
  3. Bring a audit system for Karachi to bring transparency and to track governmental, development, operational spending.
  4. Street cameras with face recognition system to catch criminals.
  5. To deal with waste management issue
    • Singapore style waste management system.
    • Buy the cleaning machines (trash cans, trash dumpsters, garbage compector and garbage pickup trucks, street swiper trucks) and other cleaning equipment from China and you can reduce the work force from 8500 (500 to 600 ghost employees) to 2000 or less.
    • Purchase proper dumpsters for Designated trash disposal areas and trash cans for public places.
    • Pass anti-littering laws and strict implement will reduce 50% garbage from streets. Street camera to catch and punish anyone throwing trash other then designated area (dumpster or trash cans).
  6. Karachi should have it’s own police and police should hire from Karachi not from interior Sindh.
    • Digitalize each police station with CC cameras. Yearly physical fitness exam and performance review of the department.
    • Anyone not performing should be demoted, those who are performing exceptionally should be promoted. It will be easy to manage and remove bad apples
  7. National Education policy apply to all government and private educational institutions.
  8. National Healthcare policy apply to all government and private hospitals and clinics.
  9. Resolve water crisis
    • Government must take hard action against water mafia.
    • Government must invest in Water supply and treatment plants
  10. Making Karachi green
    • Encourage every citizen to plant trees, plants
  11. Government must not allow electricity supply companies to take advantage of consumers.
    • There has to be competition, more competition will reduce the price of electricity per unit and it will benefit consumers.
    • Government must take action against electricity companies for over billing consumers.
    • Government must take action against electricity theft.
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Billions of dollars spent every year to buy weapons and fight for a cause that has not resulted in any resolution of the kashmir dispute having a population of about 13 Million.

How many billions of dollars have they spent on 30 Million + population of Karachi?

The narrative that brought Musharraf forward and turned him into a COAS still exists today. There is a systemic rigging against Karachi and its people in favor of the northern part of the country

Land locked cities n the north can't thrive unless they are lynching the money from the coastal city

Once you divide, Punjab into 5 Provinces and Sindh into 3 provinces, automatically the center of power would be Karachi which they dislike soo much
Billions of dollars spent every year to buy weapons and fight for a cause that has not resulted in any resolution of the kashmir dispute having a population of about 13 Million.

How many billions of dollars have they spent on 30 Million + population of Karachi?

The narrative that brought Musharraf forward and turned him into a COAS still exists today. There is a systemic rigging against Karachi and its people in favor of the northern part of the country

Land locked cities n the north can't thrive unless they are lynching the money from the coastal city

Once you divide, Punjab into 5 Provinces and Sindh into 3 provinces, automatically the center of power would be Karachi which they dislike soo much

Establisment will never divide Punjab. It’s all topi drama, fooling the awam. In fact they want greater Punjab.
There is no way Karachi population is under 6 corrors, please start a thread on my calculation
please talk about me on PDF
please share my census of Karachi with everyone.
Karachi's population is more or less what it has been counted in census, there might be some miscalculation but not much , giving factless estimates is easiest thing for something that is larger than effective human range(to an average person moon and star are equaly far) .
Reality is that human beings cant see more than one hundred thousand(1 lac) people standing around them in an open outdoor. Beyond that if its 100001 or i crore its equal. So Most guesses not based on facts are wrong.
Karachi census is probably wrong. But one thing these MQMites hate to admit is that in case Karachi population is 30m like they claim, its only possible one way. Hint, Indian border is closed.

Now tell me MQMites, does Karachi feel like overwhelming non-muhajir?

Who benefit if natives are not counted in Karachi census?
Karachi's population is more or less what it has been counted in census, there might be some miscalculation but not much , giving factless estimates is easiest thing for something that is larger than effective human range(to an average person moon and star are equaly far) .
Reality is that human beings cant see more than one hundred thousand(1 lac) people standing around them in an open outdoor. Beyond that if its 100001 or i crore its equal. So Most guesses not based on facts are wrong.

Joking, right?

Almost on daily basis , people are flocking to Karachi from other parts of country and you are saying???

Karachi census is probably wrong. But one thing these MQMites hate to admit is that in case Karachi population is 30m like they claim, its only possible one way. Hint, Indian border is closed.

Now tell me MQMites, does Karachi feel like overwhelming non-muhajir?

Who benefit if natives are not counted in Karachi census?

Karachi has moved on from MQM and Altaf unlike you and your kin which is still sticking with PML N ***

It is not about who is benefiting or not....Karachi has been overloaded without giving sustainable package of development
faujis make crazy money in sindh by partnering facilitating zardaris gang,proper census will give more representation to karachi in national assembly and puny urdu speakers will demand more for their city and for sindh and also might not provide legal cover to faunjiIncs illegal activities in sindh so they will lose money!

commerce above Pakistan!

and i am not saying khi ki tareeki say Pakistan ki taqdeer badal jai gee lakin kuch toh faida hoha mulk ko! lakin fwo keh thaikay aur dha ki zameen zyada zarori hai!
Karachi census is probably wrong. But one thing these MQMites hate to admit is that in case Karachi population is 30m like they claim, its only possible one way. Hint, Indian border is closed.

Now tell me MQMites, does Karachi feel like overwhelming non-muhajir?

Who benefit if natives are not counted in Karachi census?
is bs say aagay niklo aur Pakistan aur Pakistanion ka socho! muhajir punjabi pathan bs nay sirf elites ko power dayni hai hum Pakistanion ko nai!

Eye opener facts...Kudos to this engineer.

Establishment - Karachi was miscounted under your supervision, right?

Am I right?

You can make a deal with bhuttos/Zardari for any thing but for Karachi? right?

Is it in your interest to keep issue of Karachi unresolved?

What is your mindset about Karachi?

Genuinely interested in knowing that.
Its very technical miscounting as a lot of Karachites have votes in other places

Go to most goths and most people have votes in interior sindh or south punjab also the final nail in the coffin was mixing up rural and urban

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