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For an average joe: This is why Karachi is miscounted - JI Chief Naeem Rehman

My servants were NOT counted in the last census because they belonged to other areas outside of Karachi.
So, of course you know this did not happen in other regions of the country. Fact. The whole point of a census is to have one common referance figure. If you rely on what every region thinks then there is no point in having a national census. How about saving money and let each region just give a shout?

The reality is this is symptom of that disease all of Pakistan is afflicted. In every decision there is going to be one loser. But in Pakistan like Trump refused to accept the results you can bet one side will refuse to accept it. Let us say for sake of argumant the numbers had not been acceptable to interior Sindh. You can bet they would be screaming.

It's like a game of cricket but nobody accepts the ruling of the umpire unless the decision goes in their favour.
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