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for all indian,Chinese government and the Han nationality is oppressing tibetans

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Jun 27, 2008
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here is prove,if you know where is Tibet or the altitude of this beautiful place,you will know how the chinese government are oppressing tibetans,chinese government spent Billions to oppress tibetans,i guess indian government is treating indian minority nationality much better ,lucky you






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How much salary you get from Chinese government? Or do you draw pension?
How much salary you get from Chinese government? Or do you draw pension?
you should ask yourself how pathetic you are ,1.1B indian are being controlled by your"free media",you wanna talk about Tibet ,i will show you everything about Tibet .brainwash chinese? :rofl::rofl:
U r saying that chinese are treating the tibetan people badly, but everything seems good here in the pictures lol. everyone is happy and smiling.
Attention all Chinese members!

Please listen to me carefully, do not get victimized by the dirty game of some Indian members. They are so cunning that they first provoke you by posting insults and if you just post a counter insult, they will quickly go to the mods and complain about your actions. So please do not fall into the trap of those Indian members. If they provoke you by making derogatory comments about you, your nation, your army or anyone/anything you love, just ignore and please do not reply. They always search for new preys. They have already victimized a number of Chinese members who have been banned by the mods. They even tried to victimize me, but they do not know a Chanakya can deal with another Chanakya. So please stay calm, have a smoke and type slowly at ease.

Mods please consider this post if it seems to you off topic.
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I can too bring you such pictures,of smiling people and gardening people from remote places of india....whats the point here.....infact i will try to post some pics of my collection,during my tour to kash....you'd be amazed,my dear............and secondly,aimarraul THANK YOU........I CAN SEE A PATCH OF BACKWARD INDIA,IN THE PICTURES OF 'MILLIONS' OF HAN NATIONALITY.....,..true,both china and india need to work more,to feed the poor,but india's work is more harder......
Record of Chinese atrocities in Tibet

1.2 million Tibetans died as a direct result of Chinese atrocities.

Over 6000 monasteries and institutes of learning have been destroyed.

Precious Tibetan artifacts were vandalized and sold in Hong Kong markets.

Over 6000 Tibetan religious and historical literature have been destroyed.

Tibetans in Tibet are second class citizen without basic Human Rights, such as Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Religion, Right to Education, etc.

Tibetan women are subjected to forced abortion and sterilization.

Tibetan Children are denied their right to education.

70% of Tibetans living in Tibet now are illiterate.

Arbitrary arrests, torture, intimidation and imprisonment without trial are the order of the day for Tibetans in their country.

Tibet has been divided into different parts and incorporated with Chinese provinces, thereby removing the existing Tibetan identity.

Thousands of Tibetans are still in prisons in China. Tibet’s natural resources and fragile ecology are irreversibly destroyed.

6 Million Tibetans have been outnumbered by 7.5 Million Chinese inducted into Tibet causing demographic disadvantage to Tibetans in their own country.

Amnesty International.
Human Rights Watch.
Freedom House.
Human Rights First.
United Nations.
Tension in Tibet as police raid homes | Amnesty International


18 March 2008
Chinese police are sweeping through the homes of Lhasa residents in search of people involved in recent protests in the city.

While streets in the Tibetan capital are reported to be quiet and empty, there are continued reports of unrest in neighbouring Chinese provinces with large populations of Tibetans. According to reports from the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, hundreds of Tibetans converged on the streets in Kardze County, Sichuan Province, with the situation reported to be extremely tense. There were also reports of demonstrations in Gansu province.

The atmosphere in Lhasa has been reported by some to be “terrifying”, with police and soldiers conducting house-to-house searches and taking people into custody. There is now great concern for the well-being of those detained.

The government imposed a deadline of midnight on Monday 17 March for individuals involved in the protests to turn themselves in, threatening to “severely punish” those who failed to do so. Eyewitnesses have reported that some individuals are being dragged out of their homes and Tibetans who have pictures of the Dalai Lama in their homes are being taken away.

Official Chinese sources say 13 "innocent civilians" have been killed by the Tibetan rioters. Tibetan exile sources say 99 Tibetans have been killed by the armed police forces.

The Chinese authorities have imposed a near-total block on information from Tibet and the surrounding areas. The authorities have also cut off internet and mobile phone connections within Tibet. When foreign news reports about Tibet come up on foreign news broadcasting in China, they are censored - the screen going black.

Amnesty International has called on the Chinese authorities to avoid the use of excessive force in restoring order.

"The authorities must also fully account for all those detained, ensuring they are not tortured or otherwise ill-treated, have access to lawyers and medical care, are brought promptly before an independent court and are able to challenge their detention," said Catherine Baber, Acting Director of the Asia-Pacific Programme.

"China must allow full and unimpeded access to Tibet and other Tibetan areas to journalists and other independent observers as well as allowing independent UN investigation into the events of the last week."
USA: Amnesty International Condemns Harsh Crackdown on Peaceful Tibetan Protesters

Amnesty International Condemns Harsh Crackdown on Peaceful Tibetan Protesters
(Washington, DC)--Today, Amnesty International condemned the harsh crackdown on peaceful protesters in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa. According to eyewitness reports, on March 11, Chinese police used teargas and electric prods to disperse 500 demonstrators, who were seeking the release of fellow monks held after the previous day's protests.

On March 10, it was reported that 11 protesters, including nine monks, were severely beaten and detained outside Tsuklakhang cathedral in central Lhasa. Their demonstrations marked the 49th anniversary of the Dalai Lama's flight from Tibet after his failed rebellion against Chinese rule. Some 50 monks have also been detained across the capital.

"Demonstrators have a right to protest peacefully. China violates international human rights standards in denying their freedom of assembly and freedom of expression," said Amnesty International's Asia-Pacific deputy program director Tim Parritt.

"Amnesty International condemns human rights abuses wherever they occur--on the streets of Beijing or the mountains of Tibet."

Amnesty International calls on China to release immediately all those detained for peacefully exercising their rights.

For more information, contact the AIUSA media office at 202-544-0200 x302.
Tibetans ke liye Indian members ki aakhnon mein itna aasu dekhke toh mere akhon meinhi aasu aa gaya yaar.... :cry:

kitna dhukh ki baat hain, oh... poor Tibetans are suffering:cry:

Well good news for them, one indian member of this PDF, whose name is peaceful indian, is going to rescue those poor Tibetans and take them back to his residence...

Oye peaceful indian, are you sure, you have that much money to feed them?
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