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Football Worldcup Russia-2018

No doubt Messi missed that obvious penality goal but that Icelandic goal keeper also did a fine job.
I still have faith in Messi that he will perform.
Iceland knows this is the only time in next 100 years they will ever qualify for world cup so they want to make it count tough being around Germany/France/Spain/Holland/Sweeden/Norway
I'm watching the match between Sweden and South Korea yesterday and it was like watching parents playing the kids lol. The Swedes look like their average age was somewhere in the mid-30's and the South Koreans didn't look like they were even 20 years old! Their goalie looked like the South Korean version of Justin Bieber.
I'm watching the match between Sweden and South Korea yesterday and it was like watching parents playing the kids lol. The Swedes look like their average age was somewhere in the mid-30's and the South Koreans didn't look like they were even 20 years old! Their goalie looked like the South Korean version of Justin Bieber.
Haha. Don't let the Koreans' faces fool you about their age. These guys look a lot younger than their real age. For example, that goal keeper is 26 years old.
I'm watching the match between Sweden and South Korea yesterday and it was like watching parents playing the kids lol. The Swedes look like their average age was somewhere in the mid-30's and the South Koreans didn't look like they were even 20 years old! Their goalie looked like the South Korean version of Justin Bieber.

The average age of all participants is 28 years.
The average age of the Swedish team is 28,4 years, close to the average.
The Youngest average is around 26 years and it is not South Korea.
It is shared between England, Nigeria and France

Next is Germany and Mexico. We have to play a lot better than this.
The average age of all participants is 28 years.
The average age of the Swedish team is 28,4 years, close to the average.
The Youngest average is around 26 years and it is not South Korea.
It is shared between England, Nigeria and France

Yeah it just seemed this was the complete end of the spectrum that showed up for that game! The older guys for Sweden played pretty well, physically, that is, and actually kept up with the South Korean younglings

Next is Germany and Mexico. We have to play a lot better than this.

Well today in about 4 hours from now, Egypt vs Russia. Hopefully Salah playing makes a big difference for Egypt offensively.
Germany lost to mexico :D

Mistakes Germany made:
1) Too attacking, too high defense line. Leaves the side open to counterattack
2) Did not use the wings enough. Tried to play down the middle with long balls and through balls.
3) Not enough touches before shooting, not clinical finishing.

What Mexico did right:
1) Did counterattack, taking advantage of high defending line of Germany
2) Got enough touches before shooting. Runner doing counterattack made a beeline for the goal, and did a nice deflection to the left. About 80% of the players in the WC would have tried to shoot from this position instead of passing. The shooter did a nice feint and struck strongly with a power shot.
3) Played good attacking football, keeping possession high in the midfield
4) Defended well when on top. However, could have parked the bus better
5) Kept their defence down their goal end for most of the time after they scored; did not get too greedy, played it safe.
6) Goalkeeper was a good choice; he saved many balls well
7) Kept up the intensity throughout the 90 minutes; manager rotated the stable of players frequently so that the team was always fresh
8) Weren't in a rush to score; concentrated on keeping high posessession
9) Played safely; always passed to safety, even allowing themselves to be pressed all to their third of the field; goalkeeper was an important player in this.
10) Played cohesively as a team
11) Played cleanly
12) Played cooly; did not get flustered and break ranks when Germany pressed hard or when Germany was threatening them at their goal.
13) Kept displays of selfishness down - eg the goal they shot was the result of COOPERATIVE work. As the underdogs, players knew they couldn't mess it up with silly selfish playing. Each player did their job well.
14) Used the right strategy: clinical finishing, patience to score, do counterattack when the defence is wide-open, didn't get greedy after scoring first goal, played it safe after scoring, kept up their defending throughout the game
Mexico ate spicy tacos and ran alot on field

Germans at 4 plates of biryani and their bulky defenders and midfield could not run

Stop with the Saudi bashing already, will ya, lol. I think everyone gets the picture and hey, how about actually giving Russia some well deserved credit? Everyone is mocking Saudiya and now Egypt (deservedly so) but up to a point and at the same time, must give Russia A TON of credit for performing the way it did in such dominating fashion against both teams.

Russia was ranked anywhere from 60th to 70th coming into this tournament and I'm not sure where Saudiya ranked, but Egypt ranked anywhere from 14th to 25th depending on which ranking you looked at and Russia scores 8 goals while only giving up 1 on a penalty kick to both of those teams combined.

Egypt played very decent in the first half and then once it gave up that first goal in the beginning of the 2nd half, it lost momentum and fell apart but credit Russia for an incredible effort and causing that breakdown. That team is no joke like many people said it was.

Right now Morocco is outplaying Portugal completely in the first half yet it's down 1-0.

See You later Egypt . Hope You will do better in the next worldcup.
Iran lost Spain won. Sorry Iran I think it was your goal that offside was given wrong
Good game between spain and iran.
Teams seem to be finding their feet now.
Spain is such a pleasure to watch. So precise . Only thing lacking is a really muscular forward who can make things happen when playing a packed defense.
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