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Football Worldcup Russia-2018

Tough luck. Penalties deciding Russia's fate. Russia played to the best of its ability and couldn't do anything else. Croatia was simply the better team and won deservedly.

England vs Croatia. England will have a tough time. This Croatia under Modric is monstrous. What a beast Modric is.

Belgium vs France is a 50 50 affair.

After first failed prediction I will change it to Croatia vs France.
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Hard Luck to Russia and Heart broken RUSSIAN people today I was cheering 100% for Russia even when I do support modric

Respect to the Pure ..effort on field tremendous pressing and tactics

Won my heart with their Amazing Football play

Your team will be remembered as the Dark horse for Tournament


And my favourite find of Tournament the 6'5 Dzyuba


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Come on England!!!!!

Two goals, we are going forward.

We won’t today, and who are you supporting?
Neutral now with a caveat.
Always support germany or argentina.
Always enjoy england losing and the subsequent spin and whinging.

Anyone except the english should win.
Neutral now with a caveat.
Always support germany or argentina.
Always enjoy england losing and the subsequent spin and whinging.

Anyone except the english should win.

No spin this time, just talent.
Hopefully we should get to the final.
Croatian squad have impressive technical skills and some good strikers.
Have to return my new 75” TV.
Picture is nice, but not the contents :-(.

Not with a big hole in the middle of the screen loooool! :D

Congratulation to the English team, especially to the goalkeeper which made some really good saves in the second half.
Our only complaint is vs the English defense players which unexpectedly did not change the direction of the ball as our players were shooting within reach of the goalie.

Also congratulation to the Swedish team which made it to the quarter final considering all the players have two left feet and barely can make a single pass to another player of the team.
Best result since 1994.

Indeed, spoken like a sprotsman.

And yes, FRA vs BEL would be a good game, but I think Belgium form is too good for France. My guess is Belgium vs England for the cup.


Congrats to the Napkin Nation, Entertaining match.

I'm starting to really like this Croatian team.

Good to see the dopers tossed. An embarrassment for FIFA and the game.

Oh ma goodness lol. They were exhausted, though. If they were dopping, wouldn't they have been running full steam after 110 minutes?

Tough luck. Penalties deciding Russia's fate.

But how do you miss the net entirely from penalty distance? That was bad, especially for the guy who scored that incredible header.

Croatian squad have impressive technical skills and some good strikers.

They've surprised me for sure. That was a very entertaining match.
After that spy row, Russia VS England would had been the match to watch for. I would had bet, Putin to be at the stadium as well. Well nevermind.
After that spy row, Russia VS England would had been the match to watch for. I would had bet, Putin to be at the stadium as well. Well nevermind.
It said that "Truth Prevail upon Falsehood"...Maybe it's a sign...
Not with a big hole in the middle of the screen loooool! :D

Indeed, spoken like a sprotsman.


I'm starting to really like this Croatian team.

Oh ma goodness lol. They were exhausted, though. If they were dopping, wouldn't they have been running full steam after 110 minutes?

But how do you miss the net entirely from penalty distance? That was bad, especially for the guy who scored that incredible header.

They've surprised me for sure. That was a very entertaining match.

Pressure. If you can handle pressure you won't likely miss the penalty.

Modric was lucky though. He almost missed the penalty as Akinfejev almost had it.

Scoring from a set piece or during routine play is something entirely different to scoring from a penalty kick.
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Yeah,let's hope the final will be France vs England so we can settle our hundreds years rivalry. :nana:


All 4 teams left are actually very likeable to me, but that would probably be the best matchup for the final, without question!

Pressure. If you can handle pressure you won't likely miss the penalty.

Modric was lucky though. He almost missed the penalty as Akinfejev almost had it.

Scoring from a set piece or during routine play is something entirely different to scoring from a penalty kick.

Very true. It's easy to forget, that despite being members of their country's world cup team, on arguably the largest stage in the world (imagine how many eyes are watching you kick that ball), they're still just regular guys like you and me.

The pressure is much more on the kicker than on the gaolie. But you're right, Modric was extremely lucky and the Croatian goalie toughed it out like a super man after pulling that hamstring!
Yeah,let's hope the final will be France vs England so we can settle our hundreds years rivalry. :nana:


Bloody hell I knew it was just a matter of time before you turned up brother. You no doubt have the finest squad in the game, and I hope we face you, that's going to be epic beyond belief.
We hope to settle it once and for all as well with you Frenchies.

All the unpredictable matches so far, I hope Semi-finals will not disappoint either.

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