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Florida Pulse gay club attacked in Orlando - 50 dead and 53 injured

You said...

Now prove it. Show the readers where I use those words, liar.

What you did was dishonest and despicable, but fully expected based on my yrs of being in this forum. When it comes to the American members here, I do not expect intellectual honesty from any camp, and you just further confirmed the nature of this forum.

Was it not you who brought Gang violence into the argument? And you used the word overwhelmingly. Here

But the statistics do not bear this out.

For starter, gun related violence are overwhelmingly gang related. Then there is suicide by guns,

And then you brought suicide and all sorts of nonsensical argument and when i challenged it now you call me a liar? I never said you said that all i said was you made it look as it is? The above does make it look like when you use the word overwhelmingly to describe something. You are just nitpicking on my post and beating around the bush. Everything else you deliberately chose to ignore.
As for your time here If you are so pissed off from this forum why are you here? Why dont you quit see if anybody gives a damn. Why being a hypocrite and continue to clinch on to here? And yeah dont let the door hit you on your way out.
Seriously i believed you are an intellectual individual but you proved me wrong and i have lost all respect for you. You are nothing more than a delusional old fool who glorifies on copy pasting articles and calls himself an expert.
That is a lie. I never said such thing. What you did is dishonest and is fully expected. What I said was the operation of semi-auto between the pistol and the AR-15 is the same. That is not saying a pistol and a rifle are the same thing. But I fully expect such dishonest debating tactic with people like you. I had yrs of that on this forum.

Really ?

In a crowd and when the people in this crowd is in close proximity to each other, like a nightclub/bar setting, an amateur can do the same damage with a pistol as he could with a semi-auto like an AR-15.

Who is the "intellectually dishonest" now ?

Am asking if you agree with the UK doctors who now want to ban certain kitchen knives base on design. Do you agree ?

They are saying based on what ? If some certain kitchen knives do more damage to humans when stabbed...and if other kitchen knives would still do the cooking job....Yes, i see nothing wrong. They can ban.

And you are wrong. Simple as that.

I'm wrong from your point of view.
The guy was gay.....Bill Maher once said that many of these home grown terrorists do it out of guilt...remember how the 911 fuckers ordered prostitutes in their hotel room...they do the things that they find in the free world...and then they feel guilty because the big guy in the sky is watching and then they go on holy war. Fuckwits!
That's why its very hard to catch these people because one day they are extremely liberal: they go partying/clubbing, dating girls, drinking alcohol, sleeping around and then the next day they feel guilty about it and become extremely religious overnight and become extremists.

This is a pattern observed in most of the Islamic terrorists in the West.

This is why its hard to arrest these people because one can't just arrest someone over suspicion as that would be "racial profiling" and "institutional racism" etc.. The usual Liberal jargon.
The guy was gay.....Bill Maher once said that many of these home grown terrorists do it out of guilt...

So as a gay Muslim his only way to Paradise was to die in a battle to kill as many gay non-Muslims as possible?

But why would a gay Muslim be interested in seventy virgins?

So as a gay Muslim his only way to Paradise was to die in a battle to kill as many gay non-Muslims as possible?

But why would a gay Muslim be interested in seventy virgins?
This is what I was talking about earlier....monitor the mosques and madrasas...how is this guy not been picked up by the FBI??
Nowhere does it say that the 70 virgins will be women...imagine a terrorist going to heaven and finding out 70 catholic priests waiting or them.
This is what I was talking about earlier....monitor the mosques and madrasas...how is this guy not been picked up by the FBI??
Nowhere does it say that the 70 virgins will be women...imagine a terrorist going to heaven and finding out 70 catholic priests waiting or them.
catholic priests dont go to muslim heaven... :)

So as a gay Muslim his only way to Paradise was to die in a battle to kill as many gay non-Muslims as possible?

But why would a gay Muslim be interested in seventy virgins?
Seventy gay *** virgins?

I wonder how ISIS feels now that one of their fighters turned to be a homosexual. They quickly owned him as their own without realizing lol. But then again who knows how many gay men are fighting in their ranks already.
Wouldn't you think that in light of this massacre that Obama would stop letting in unknown Syrian 'refugees' ( a lot of military aged guys in those pics)? NAH !!!:usflag:
Was it not you who brought Gang violence into the argument?
Because people seems to think that mass shootings like this and the Sandy Hook school constitutes the bulk of gun related violence in America.

Gun violence is most common in poor urban areas and frequently associated with gang violence, often involving male juveniles or young adult males.[13][14] Although mass shootings have been covered extensively in the media, mass shootings account for a small fraction of gun-related deaths[9] and the frequency of these events steadily declined between 1994 and 2007, rising between 2007 and 2013.
This information is not new. And it is intellectually dishonest to ignore this when gang related violence, suicides, and mass shootings contributes to the overall figure.

And you used the word overwhelmingly.
So to you, 'overwhelmingly' = 'alone'.

Somebody contact the dictionary makers.

And then you brought suicide and all sorts of nonsensical argument and when i challenged it now you call me a liar?
I called you a liar because you cannot prove that I said gun related violence came from gang ALONE.

Seriously i believed you are an intellectual individual but you proved me wrong and i have lost all respect for you.
Your respect is meaningless to me. You are nothing but an anonymous handle on the Internet. As such, it is the CONTENTS of your posts that matters. But when YOU have to resort to putting words into my (virtual) mouth, that reveals more of your intelligence than of mine.

You are nothing more than a delusional old fool who glorifies on copy pasting articles and calls himself an expert.
For all the yrs I have been on this forum, it is an extreme that I would comment about anything Pakistani outside of the military. I may touch a little on the religious aspects of Pakistani society, but even that is rare, and forum old timers know that. On the other hand, people like you who have very little or no experience about America and Americans have no problems injecting your ignorant 'opinions' and it is YOU who copied/pasted his way into being an 'expert' on America.

You want to see delusional ? Go look in the mirror.
. .
On the other hand, people like you who have very little or no experience about America and Americans have no problems injecting your ignorant 'opinions' and it is YOU who copied/pasted his way into being an 'expert' on America.

I agree with you 200% on the above. There is a LOT of that on this forum. Folks have no understanding about our system. But they write like their generations have lived, worked and done strategy for our institutions. Its actually gets pretty hilarious at times :lol:
Really ?

Who is the "intellectually dishonest" now ?
YOU are. Still.

The highlighted is nothing like what you claimed I said. For someone who claimed to have military service with a weapon that is fully automatic, if you had to strain what I said...

" an amateur can do the same damage with a pistol as he could with a semi-auto like an AR-15. "

...To mean that pistol = rifle, either you have never shoot that G3 like you claimed, or that you have a dishonest agenda about my posts in this discussion.

They are saying based on what ? If some certain kitchen knives do more damage to humans when stabbed...and if other kitchen knives would still do the cooking job....Yes, i see nothing wrong. They can ban.
Good, then we should ban some cars next. What useful purpose does a Ferrari have ?

I do not believe you are serious about banning some designs of knives. You said the above because what the UK doctors wanted put you into a philosophical bind. You have consistently argued that banning a tool would solve a problem, and said very little about the human factor of the problem. You did not know what the UK doctors want so now you are in the proverbial 'slippery slope' dilemma. Knives, cars, what next ?

I'm wrong from your point of view.
You might want to consider the possibility that my point of view is the correct one.
. .
Here is a 'guide' to weapons to make life simple for everyone...


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