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Flight MH17 - What You're Not Being Told


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation

Flight MH17 - What You're Not Being Told | SCG News link

Right after Russia challenged the U.S. government to produce the satellite imagery to back up their accusations, this is what Washington released to CNN:


This isn't a recent map at all, in fact the map itself has a date written right on it: 2010. This is just an outdated screen shot from google maps with an amateurish drawing layered on top.

Why don't they want to show us the real images?

Russia, on the other hand, has released satellite images. These first two images (see below) are dated July 14, and according to Russia they show Buk missile launch systems located about 8 kilometers northwest of the city of Lugansk (an area under the control of the Ukrainian military).



The next two images were taken on July 17th. The first one shows that the Ukrainian military's Buk systems are no longer in their previous position, and the last image shows them in a new position 5 kilometers north of Donetsk.



Washington has not responded to this information, and interestingly has lowered it's tone since.

On July 21 Russia also released a radar image showing what they claimed to be an SU-27 fighter jet in close proximity to flight MH17. Ukraine had previously denied that there were any military aircraft near MH17, but they then reversed their story and said that the SU-27 was "escorting" the flight.

Eastern Ukraine has been watched like a hawk for months now. We've seen the U.S. government hyping their satellite images every time there is a change of Russian troop concentrations anywhere near the border. You're telling me that now, when it really counts, the worlds most sophisticated spy machine can't provide us with satellite pictures of a massive missile battery as it was positioned right after the downing of an aircraft? You're telling me they can't provide snapshots of the area following the missile battery as it was moved to its current location? You're telling me that they don't know where this missile battery is right now? Or that they actually do have these images, but they're just refraining from spreading this juicy tidbit all over the mainstream media like they usually do as soon as they have something that helps their case?
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I dont know who perpetrated this act, I just jump to a logical conclusion, it may be right it may not be but logically it was probably the rebels. Evidence from either side is usually shit though, its never REAL proof and then it normally changes a week later to another piece of evidence, both sides have done this several times already which you cant deny. Neither side has any real evidence of what happened so until then without jumping to conspiracy theories about Putins plane or random SU-25s flying at 30,000 feet I will look at the most likely scenario. It probably was the CIA though targeting the HIV people so that they can continue spread aids through the ghettos of America.

I saw the entire video. It raises some valid questions. But lets use common sense. Planes were regularly being shot down by rebel forces days and weeks before the downing of MH17. And rebel forces do not have any airforce flying over eastern Ukraine and there were no Russian planes flying there either. So my simple question:

Why would Ukraine govt. missiles fire towards the sky? To bring down whose planes? And Ukraine govt. air traffic controllers fully aware that passenger planes were flying above eastern Ukraine.

So the entire premise of this moronic argument by Russia and rebel forces is that Ukraine govt. deliberately shot down MH17 with their own Buk missiles, as a false flag, so they could pin the blame on rebel forces and in turn Russia, who is supporting and arming them. I do not buy it and I think the rest of the world is not buying it. Most people in the world concluded with their common sense logic that the rebels got supplied by Buk missiles which they were using to down quite few Ukrainian fighter and military planes. In case of MH17, they simply thought that this was just another Ukrainian plane and decided to blow it out of the sky. Only when the plane came down they realized that they have just downed a commercial passenger plane and murdered 298 foreign passengers who had nothing to do with Ukraine conflict.

Having said that, let more evidences come out from black boxes, I think we will have a better picture after that. But I seriously doubt that this will change the only logical explanation that is obvious to most people in the world.
Naturally, you need to see who was beneficial to make this terrorist attack. Ukrainian government, which increasingly difficult to explain to the people and to the world why it commits genocide of the Russian population of Novorossia needed something to show the world that the noble knights who fight for independence and freedom of Novorossia - actually are terrorists like Syrian insurgents or Al-Qaeda. Surely, West blamed fighters for independence, having no proofs.
Ukrainian military has shot down a civilian plane by mistake a few years ago. But this time they did it deliberately to discredit New Russian antifascists in the eyes of the world community.
I heard from someone that all passports were found in a pit, so I thought that the plane was hijacked.
The Video Report Censored by BBC. In search of the "Buk"
Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov

Preamble: Why did the BBC delete this report by Olga Ivshina? Is it because the BBC team was unable to find any evidence that a rocket was launched in the area that the Ukrainian Security Service (“SBU”) alleges to be the place from which the Novorossiya Militia launched a “BUK” missile?

Or is it because every eyewitness interviewed by the BBC team specifically indicated the presence of Ukrainian military aircraft right beside the Malaysian Airlines Boeing MH17 at the time that it was shot down?

Or is it because of eyewitness accounts (like the one posted following the transcript of the BBC report) confirming that the Ukrainian air force regularly used civilian aircraft flying over Novorossiya as human shields to protect its military aircraft conducting strikes against civilian population from the Militia’s anti-aircraft units?

I reserve the final judgment to the readers of this. This entry is broken down into:
  1. introductory paragraphs to the BBC video report;
  2. English-language transcript of the BBC video report; and,
  3. a video interview with Elena, a Militia fighter, recorded in Slavyansk on or about June 18, 2014, or one month prior to the MH17 catastrophe, wherein she states that, even then, the Ukrainian military aircraft would customarily hide behind civilian aircraft to bomb civilian targets on the ground.
In the last part of this entry Elena predicts that the Ukrainian military will stage the horrible catastrophe like the MH17 crash - she makes this prediction one whole month prior to the disaster.
Video: The Catastrophe of #MH17: #BBC in the Search of the “#BUK”

Original BBC Video Report: Preserved by Google Web-cache
Introductory Paragraphs to the BBC Video Report

The “black boxes” of the crashed Malaysian Boeing have finally been transferred into the hands of the experts. However, how much can they tell us?

The recorders logged the coordinates and the heading of the aircraft at the time of the incident and may have recorded the sound of the explosion. However, they will not tell us what exactly caused the explosion.

The inhabitants of the nearby villages are certain that they saw military aircraft in the sky shortly prior to the catastrophe. According to them, it actually was the jet fighters that brought down the Boeing.

The Ukrainian government rejects this version of events. They believe that the Boeing was shot down using a missile from a “BUK” complex that came in from Russia.

The Ukrainian Security Service has published photographs and a video, which, in its opinion, prove that the Boeing was shot down with a “BUK” missile.

BBC reporter Olga Ivshina and producer Oksana Vozhdayeva decided to find the place from which the missile was allegedly launched.
Transcript of the BBC Video Report

DPR Representative: Here it is.

Olga Ivshina, BBC: The black boxes from the crashed Boeing are finally being transferred into the hands of the experts. However, how much can they tell us?

The recorders logged the coordinates and the heading of the aircraft at the time of the incident and may have recorded the sound of the explosion. However, they will not tell us what exactly caused the explosion.

The inhabitants of the nearby villages are certain that they saw military aircraft in the sky shortly prior to the catastrophe. According to them, it actually was the jet fighters that brought down the Boeing.

Eyewitness #1: There were two explosions in the air. And this is how it broke apart. And [the fragments] blew apart like this, to the sides. And when …

Eyewitness #2: … And there was another aircraft, a military one, beside it. Everybody saw it.

Eyewitness #1: Yes, yes. It was flying under it, because it could be seen. It was proceeding underneath, below the civilian one.

Eyewitness #3: There were sounds of an explosion. But they were in the sky. They came from the sky. Then this plane made a sharp turn-around like this. It changed its trajectory and headed in that direction [indicating the direction with her hands].

Olga Ivshina, BBC: The Ukrainian government rejects this version of events. They believe that the Boeing was shot down using a missile from a “BUK” complex that came in from the direction of Russia.

Vitaliy Naida, Department of Counterintelligence of SBU [Ukrainian Security Service]: This was a BUK M1 system from which the aircraft was shot down. It came to Ukraine early in the morning on the 17th of July. It was delivered by a tow truck to the city of Donetsk. After that, it was redeployed from Donetsk, as part of a column of military equipment, to the area of the city of Torez, to the area of Snezhnoye, to the area of Pervomaisk.

Olga Ivshina, BBC: The Ukrainian Security Service has published photographs and a video, which, in its opinion, prove that the Boeing was shot down with a “BUK” missile. We attempted to verify these photographs and information at the location.

One of the photographs showed a landscape not far from the city of Torez, on which smoke could be seen coming from the presumed location of the missile’s launch. We attempted to find this location, and it appears that we were successful.

We are now on the outskirts of the city of Torez. Behind me, approximately five kilometres away, is the city of Snezhnoye. And the landscape here matches the landscape that we can see on the photograph published by the Ukrainian Security Service.

To find the place from which the smoke was allegedly coming from, we adopted as markers these three poplars and the group of trees. Presumably, this is the place that can be seen on the photograph published by the SBU. And here are our markers: the three solitary poplars and the small group of trees in the distance.

The smoke that can be seen on the photograph came from somewhere over there [pointing behind her], behind my back. The SBU believes that this is a trace coming from the launch of a “BUK” missile.

However, it must be noted that there are here, approximately in the same place, the Saur-Mogila memorial, near which the fighting continues almost unabated, and a coalmine. It turns out that the smoke with the same degree of probability could have been coming from any of these locations.

Having circled around the nearby fields, we were unable to find any traces of a missile launch. Nor did the local inhabitants that we encountered see any “BUK” either.

At the ruins of an apartment building in the city of Snezhnoye, the topic of the jet fighters that may have been escorting civilian aircraft comes up again. A bomb dropped from above took away the lives of eleven civilians here.

Sergey Godovanets, Commander of the Militia of the city of Snezhnoye: They use these civilian aircraft to hide behind them. It is only now that they stopped flying over us – but, usually, civilian aircraft would always fly above us. And they hide [behind them]. [The experience in] Slavyansk had demonstrated that they would fly out from behind a civilian aircraft, bomb away, and then hide, once again, behind the civilian aircraft and fly away.

Olga Ivshina, BBC: The commander of the local militia emphasizes that they have no weaponry capable of shooting down a jet fighter [flying] at a significant height. However, he says that if such weaponry were to appear, they would have tried to.

Sergey Godovanets: If we know that it is not a civilian aircraft, but a military one, then – yes.

Olga Ivshina, BBC: So, could the Boeing have been shot down by the militias that had mistaken it for a military aircraft? There is as yet no unequivocal confirmation of either this or any other version [of what took place]. The international experts are just beginning their work with the information obtained from the crashed airliner. It now appears that it is difficult to overstate the importance of this investigation. Olga Ivshina, BBC.
Militia Elena: Ukrainian Military Planes Hide Behind Civilian Airliners

Video: Recorded at least one month prior to MH17 Crash, published with ENG subs on June 18, 2014
Note: Pay close attention starting at 01:10

I saw the entire video. It raises some valid questions. But lets use common sense. Planes were regularly being shot down by rebel forces days and weeks before the downing of MH17. And rebel forces do not have any airforce flying over eastern Ukraine and there were no Russian planes flying there either. So my simple question:

Why would Ukraine govt. missiles fire towards the sky? To bring down whose planes? And Ukraine govt. air traffic controllers fully aware that passenger planes were flying above eastern Ukraine.

So the entire premise of this moronic argument by Russia and rebel forces is that Ukraine govt. deliberately shot down MH17 with their own Buk missiles, as a false flag, so they could pin the blame on rebel forces and in turn Russia, who is supporting and arming them. I do not buy it and I think the rest of the world is not buying it. Most people in the world concluded with their common sense logic that the rebels got supplied by Buk missiles which they were using to down quite few Ukrainian fighter and military planes. In case of MH17, they simply thought that this was just another Ukrainian plane and decided to blow it out of the sky. Only when the plane came down they realized that they have just downed a commercial passenger plane and murdered 298 foreign passengers who had nothing to do with Ukraine conflict.

Having said that, let more evidences come out from black boxes, I think we will have a better picture after that. But I seriously doubt that this will change the only logical explanation that is obvious to most people in the world.
the video says that ukraine guided the plane in that direction and second why should ukraine not bloe the plane to blame it on russia? Its not russia or the rebels who profit from it. Russia showed evedence as you can see in the pictures ukraine was one having moved its buk systems, america cant prove anything despite that they could show russian troops on the ukrainian border everyday, and now all of the sudden they cant prove the most critical moment in this conflict? The proof that would cripple russia but they dont show any pictures of the rebels buk or russias?
Youre full of sh@t.
the video says that ukraine guided the plane in that direction and second why should ukraine not bloe the plane to blame it on russia? Its not russia or the rebels who profit from it. Russia showed evedence as you can see in the pictures ukraine was one having moved its buk systems, america cant prove anything despite that they could show russian troops on the ukrainian border everyday, and now all of the sudden they cant prove the most critical moment in this conflict? The proof that would cripple russia but they dont show any pictures of the rebels buk or russias?
Youre full of sh@t.

Let me explain.

Ukraine air traffic control send the plane over the rebel territor because noone cares for Ukrainian airspace security anymore. Ukraine is a fucked up country. And your beloved President Putin fucked them up. He seized Crimea, than he armed russian insurgents to fight Ukrainian regime.

Ukrainians wanted to be more western standard of live. Russia said NJET! and fucked them deep throat.

World knows that Putin raped Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia no more friends. In 10 years Ukraine will be part of NATO and baltic states will arm themselfs with Anti Balistic Rocket shield to block trajectory for russian ICBM s towards USA.

Putin fucked Russias future. China will consume whats left of Russia
Let me explain.

Ukraine air traffic control send the plane over the rebel territor because noone cares for Ukrainian airspace security anymore. Ukraine is a fucked up country. And your beloved President Putin fucked them up. He seized Crimea, than he armed russian insurgents to fight Ukrainian regime.

Ukrainians wanted to be more western standard of live. Russia said NJET! and fucked them deep throat.

World knows that Putin raped Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia no more friends. In 10 years Ukraine will be part of NATO and baltic states will arm themselfs with Anti Balistic Rocket shield to block trajectory for russian ICBM s towards USA.

Putin fucked Russias future. China will consume whats left of Russia
The Chinese 'Invasion' Of Siberia Is A Myth

In a decade China will have no orders left from western world. USA is luring them into a conflict with Vietnam, exactly like they did lure Russia into conflict with Ukraine.

China will face embargos and their workers will have no food to eat. Than china will eye on Siberia and all russian energy fields. They will arm some 50 million soldiers with their actual Gold reserves. Russian defence forces will be in a two front war. Against west and against China.

China is arming up quickly with nuclear weapons. in 20 years they will surpass russian nuclear arsenal. They aim for +200 billion of defence budget.

USN will sink all their public liberation navy vessels on the ground of the oceans. Than the chinese communist regime will have no other choice than march into siberia.

Siberia has very little russian population. Putin will be broke and he will give CCP a good BJ.
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