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Flatten Gaza: Gilad Sharon

Whether they have taken up the cause of Kashmir or not. Palestine is the issue of everyone who believes in humanity. Not everyone is a materialistic, delusional fool like you.

Looks like Malala issue has taken a toll on you. Grow up.

A country defending its own people seems to be a totally alien concept to you. No wonder, if you keep looking up to the spineless pak army who refuse to eliminate terrorists who kill their own people, you will be confused when a country actually takes action.

Palestine attacked israel and unlike pak, Israel retaliates. Simple.

Edit: And the malala issue just showed how cowardly and pathetic our army, leaders and people as a whole really are, and thats as positive as criticism can get. Instead of getting defensive, improve yourselves. Give your people a safe home then talk.

Palestine should be humanitarian issue. Unfortunately its a religious and political issue mostly.

What about Israeli civilians getting fired upon daily? Oh wait, thats not a problem because Israel is always wrong and we are always right.
A country defending its own people seems to be a totally alien concept to you. No wonder, if you keep looking up to the spineless pak army who refuse to eliminate terrorists who kill their own people, you will be confused when a country actually takes action.

Palestine attacked israel and unlike pak, Israel retaliates. Simple.

What about Israeli civilians getting fired upon daily? Oh wait, thats not a problem because Israel is always wrong and we are always right.

Its a sign that we are still colonized mentally!
Thank God Pakistan is not Israel. And as for Malala, i don't think Pakistan is in a position to carry out offensive in N.Waziristan. Contrary to Israel having access to uninterrupted US aid.

So our army is nothing but a show piece then. Good to know.
Its a sign that we are still colonized mentally!

Its a sign that people need to look into their own collars before talking about something they have no idea about. Cannot protect their own women and girls and get mad when they see someone else doing it.
You can definately milk an ox..if the mullah says its good for consumption :D

You live more close to Mullahs, wanna try it out?

Which means PA is not doing its job - time to court marshal Kayani!

Job of an army is to protect its citizen. May be we should call in IDF!

The operation is a trap and a failure in making. Army has conducted ops that even the US army haven't attempted in Afghanistan with all its resources. Those who plan these ops are much more qualified than you will ever be.

Millions of IDPs would have to be catered for, it will cost a hell of a lot of cash, bone and limb. The result would be TTP retreating to its sanctuaries in Afghanistan because ISAF has refused any participation in the operation. Army has lost thousands of its men, protection you, only that you can call them a failure on your keyboard.
Engaging in debates with people holding preconceived notions is as useless as trying to milk an ox.

You need to squeeze the right portion for the milk to come out, if you know what i mean :chilli::sniper:

What Israel is doing is disproportionate use of force but its, sort of, justified. The guys in Hamas do not look that much different from FSA (in terms of tactics, using human shields and shouting God's name as soon as they see a foreign journalist), safe to assume that they are committing similar atrocities as well. Israel has the right to protect itself like any other nation, just because we dont do it, doesnt mean anybody else shouldnt either. Being said that, the use of force from Israeli side is way out of proportion. They can easily do the job of taking out Hamas using kill-squads... Well, you cant expect your enemy to play by your rules or international rules for that matter, can you now?. :sniper:
You live more close to Mullahs, wanna try it out?

The operation is a trap and a failure in making. Army has conducted ops that even the US army haven't attempted in Afghanistan with all its resources. Those who plan these ops are much more qualified than you will ever be.

Millions of IDPs would have to be catered for, it will cost a hell of a lot of cash, bone and limb. The result would be TTP retreating to its sanctuaries in Afghanistan because ISAF has refused any participation in the operation. Army has lost thousands of its men, protection you, only that you can call them a failure on your keyboard.

This army doesnt have the balls to fight a bunch of farmers with ak47s. What good are our jf-17s and f16s? What good is our feared ISI that we cant even protect our females and young. Ghairat kidhar hai? Himmat kidhar hai?

Failure on all levels compounded by the fact that people actually accept it. Do you think hamas would get away with shooting a 15 year old Israeli girl? Gaza's population would go down a couple of hundred people the next week.

Violent? Yes, but sadly terrorists only understand that language.
This army doesnt have the balls to fight a bunch of farmers with ak47s..

They have a little more than just AK-47s, but the right question is where are they getting all these weapons from (those mighty AK47s)? The answer to that question can be found by comparing the data of bomb-blasts and target killings all over Pakistan during the time NATO supplies were blocked to after they were reopened. Civilian government is not to blame, Army should have taken the stand but they failed to do so, thus the FLAK is rightly-deserved... :sniper:
This army doesnt have the balls to fight a bunch of farmers with ak47s.

Wrong- They are not farmers nor they are armed with Ak-47s only as you would have us believe. TTP has a full scale support infrastructure being funded by powers bigger than us.

What good are our jf-17s and f16s?

They are meant for air defense not fighting a COIN war.

What good is our feared ISI that we cant even protect our females and young.

They are doing what they can...
Ghairat kidhar hai? Himmat kidhar hai?

The appropriate question would be if we can fund more military operations or not. Ghairat and himmat won't get you too far, it takes money, resources, and a potent f.policy to support your military ops.

Failure on all levels compounded by the fact that people actually accept it. Do you think hamas would get away with shooting a 15 year old Israeli girl? Gaza's population would go down a couple of hundred people the next week.

and the violence goes on.. it never ends, is this what you want?

Violent? Yes, but sadly terrorists only understand that language.

There is NO justification for violence , People like you, have supported military ops all around, which resulted in 45,000 deaths. Gaza, Israel conflict is a conflict between two countries. On the other hand we are fighting a full blown COIN war.
So where is the promised land of Bani Israel located? On Mars!

Obviously you did not research and have no knowledge. [not religious debate or Thread but i will let you know a few things]

bani isra'il means children of Israel/Israelites. As explained Palestine always existed in ancient times with people of many religions, many of the Jews reverted to Islam as the Message came, being Jews but Muslims [understand Jews follow Judaism], many people lived marriges took place Arab language became stronger apart from hebrew. Your claim that current israel is the promised land is false and wrong, Palestine is the actual land promised and fulfilled people settled after that whatever happened we all know. [everyone invaded this land]
Those mullahs only approve fresh milk from female camel.

You should share your "enlightenment" with them.

The job of PA is to get rid of terrorist and make the life of Pak citizen more secure.

By bombing TTP and having what we have had for last 10 years? - 45k dead, $80 billion in economic loss and a crippled economy?

Excuse and conspiracy theories not being part of their job description.

Their job description is to act upon realism. Pakistan doesn't have the resources to fight this war any longer.
There is NO justification for violence , People like you, have supported military ops all around, which resulted in 45,000 deaths. Gaza, Israel conflict is a conflict between two countries. On the other hand we are fighting a full blown COIN war.

Sometimes violence is the only answer. When someones fires at innocents, they need to be taught a lesson in the same language.
This army doesnt have the balls to fight a bunch of farmers with ak47s. What good are our jf-17s and f16s? What good is our feared ISI that we cant even protect our females and young.?

if i remember correctly,USA along with other nato countries have been in afghanistan since 2001,
heck even now talibans hold 70% of terriority of total afghanistan...

these are NOT merely bunch of farmer with AK-47s..they are native of that area..they know each and every tactical point,and safe hiding in caves..and they are being funded well by some means...

what good are their strike eagles,hornets...?
as for CIA..oh well,they found osama...but that does not change the fact that their offence has been repulsed back by talibans,and they will continue to resist unless USA gets out

and now USA is actually finding the ways to have a narrow escape through afghanistan...
as for why we cant protect our families,

simple is that this war on terror is actually a waste of money,time,soldiers....

how many people died on account of suicide attacks before this damn war on terror was started?
huh ?
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