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Five stabbed to death in latest Chinese knife attack

The incidents started off not racially motivated but out of commercial dispute
Lets wait until more info

haha censorship in China? There are - against wilful dispatch of separatism, terrorists movement, immoral or fake, or plots to create social upheavals
Yeah, kinda puts paid to that whole "Uma" thing they rattle on about. On another note.....hope the Chinese put every one of them in a dirty ditch.
Uma never support terrorism and we dont need any american to tell us about how uma works. Yes chinese should put everyone of them in a dirty ditch and thats the way terrorists should be treated.
How can Ughur killed all the Chinese in China? billions Chinese and only 10 millions Ughur, shaked my head nutjob don't think before they act.
After this crime, the Ughur man can run anywhere, now Ughurs are like a bunch of annoying rats hanging out everywhere in China. You can find them in every cities, the most jobs they are doing is robbing, stealing, cheating and killing :omghaha::omghaha:. Their destiny is to end up in jails.
Stupid CCPs, Han and some ethnics cannot carry weapons, but Ugyres can, oh also thanks to stupid Hu Yaobang the idealist that make it official policy that ethnic minorities should get lenient penalties in crimes, gee. Grow some balls, oil faced CCP officials, are you descendants of Manchu eunuchs?

If either the CCP government is not toppled or its stupid policies not changed, I expect more such violence would turn China into a terror zone.
会哭的孩子有奶喝.I don't think CPC would give a **** to some han people bitching all day long.As long as people do nothing,the ethnic policy won't change,or maybe uyghurs would get more profit from these terrorism incidents.
This was an internal dispute between some people and what it has to do with uyghurs ?? @Modertors please change the misinforming title of this thread.


It is a commercial dispute which got violent.

But some people have a habit to shout "terrorism" every time.

Four stabbed to death, 11 injured in rampage on bus in Chengdu | South China Morning Post

Four people were stabbed to death and 11 were injured when a 41-year-old man suddenly attacked fellow passengers on a bus in Chengdu on Sunday night
Chengdu police said Li was originally from Jintang county and he may have launched the attacks because of financial problems that resulted from "family discord" and the stress of working away from his hometown.
Sunday's incident is the latest in a series of stabbing attacks across the mainland. On August 19, a man from Anyang in Henan province stabbed and killed three children, including a three-month-old baby, and wounded 12 passengers aboard a bus before fleeing. He was arrested the next day.

The assailant, who police said had a criminal record, reportedly launched his attack in anger over a family dispute.

In late July, a 40-year-old man, said to be mentally ill, stabbed three diners to death and wounded five others at a small restaurant in Louhu, Shenzhen.

Another butt hurt hypocrite two faced indian got a chance to troll :lol:

The usual suspects will never miss an opportunity to troll whenever any Muslim is involved.
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The incidents started off not racially motivated but out of commercial dispute
Lets wait until more info

haha censorship in China? There are - against wilful dispatch of separatism, terrorists movement, immoral or fake, or plots to create social upheavals
You are telling the truth. Changsha is where I am. You can search many pics and videos through the internet. The dispute lead to an Uyghur killed another Uyghur cruelty and the insane killer also called persons for help and ran out and killed 3 innocent people.
Five people were stabbed to death Friday morning at a market in the capital of Hunan Province in central China. Local media report that several Uighur “naan peddlers”suddenly went on a knifing rampage after a disagreement among food stall owners escalated into violence.

Police shot dead one of the knife-wielding assailants and arrested another, the AP reports.

The killings recalled a Chinese massacre from earlier this month when 29 people were knifed to death — and another 140 injured — at a train station in southern China. Authorities quickly pinned the “terrorist attack” on “Xinjiang separatist forces.” Xinjiang is a far northwestern province of China populated by the predominantly Muslim Uighur ethnic group.

Early Friday morning it wasn’t clear whether the attack was an act of terror. The South China Morning Post reported that the assailants owned a local baked naan shop, and at 10 a.m. an argument they had with several local residents ignited.

Xinhua says five attackers slashed passersby. Early photos uploaded to the Chinese social media website Weibo show several bodies laying in the middle of the street or on stairs, soaked in blood. Another shows a mustachioed man in handcuffs. The authenticity of the photographs could not be immediately confirmed.

One of the dead, AP reports, was an elderly vendor and another man who “was slashed and stabbed repeatedly as he lay bleeding on the ground.”

This most recent attack is likely to exacerbate tension in a nation already rattled by the knife attacks two weeks ago. Unrest in Xinjiang has killed at least 100 people last year, and Beijing has moved to clamp down on the ethnic group, which has often opposed the cultural and religious restrictions shackling them.

Five stabbed to death in latest Chinese knife attack
Use the word ‘criminals’ for the title is rational at current stage. But why Uyghurs again?

Policemen guard around the site of a deadly stabbing incident in a residential block in Changsha, Hunan province, China, 14 March 2014. It’s said by witnesses several Uygur-like people started stabbing passers-by after a quarrel. At least three people were killed by the assailants, and one of attackers got shot by the police.

A body is pictured lying on the ground at a crime scene on a street, in Changsha, Hunan Province March 14, 2014. A group of knife-wielding assailants attacked civilians in Changsha on Friday morning, leaving at least one person dead, according to Xinhua News Agency.


Where can these Ughur run after their killing of the innocent people? Better for these killer to take a bullet then be caught and torture in black jail and in 1 month they will end up in execution by firing squat.

unfortunately the ccp dropped the bullet to the head. it's all crappy lethal injections now. probably the next form of humane execution going to be adopted by ccp is bore the criminals to death.
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