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Five Sikh families leave for India

good for them be happy dear where you go . my best wishes with them

Best wishes won't do much brother
You should visit India and see how well the minorities are treated maybe you people will feel a bit of shame then .
Citing economic reasons. Leaving your land for silver coins.

Oh well, never mind.

Well come to your Mother Land.
punjab is the motherland of sikhs… and punjab is in pakistan… at least most of it and the best parts of it….

welcome, the only non muslim of pakistan army who also happens to be a sikh should also leave pakistan for good along his family and settle in India.

he's not the only non muslim you jackass…. there are thousands of non-muslims in our army… he is just the first sikh "officer"
punjab is the motherland of sikhs… and punjab is in pakistan… at least most of it and the best parts of it….

he's not the only non muslim you jackass…. there are thousands of non-muslims in our army… he is just the first sikh "officer"

and who are those thousands of non-muslims ''jackass''? and punjab means the land of khalsa and not the land of muslims.

Why do you get mad when Bangladeshis Muslims migrate to India?

Pakistani Sikhs and Hindus shouldn't be allowed to enter India.

its simply because unlike b'deshis they are not terrorists, thieves and criminals
Later! They all will be branded as Pakistani ISI spies......
Now, they are being persecuted for what they are - Non Muslims in a Muslim nation.
Pakistan has reached nadir of its Timeline - We all Pakitani members unanimously trumpeting that theme and every-time we were forced to say this again & again
few months back when i was new recruit i used to explain every point in detail but now i have lost my interest and soon i will quit for good ...Inshallah
“I don’t like going to India as our Guru was born and buried in Pakistan. The Indian government is always suspicious of our presence,” he said, expressing displeasure over their decision.

No need to get all starry-eyed. If they left because of economic reasons, what is the guarantee they won't go back when things improve? Better off emigrating to Canada (same population as the state of Kerala). We have enough people to care for rather than becoming a magnet for sundry people looking for jobs.
This migration would be their biggest mistake they would be experiencing a lot of dismay.Even applying for immigration to India they are being given the visa for month or week and they have to assure that they would not obtain asylum over there.There would be a lot awful that they are going encounter over there. So instead of being asyrayed they should be living where their forthfathers were living and where they are being treated supportively.
That's in the past.

Many muslims from neighbhouring want to migrate to India? What's the problem now

Not possible.Views and Perspectives of foreign muslims are quite different than the Indian Muslims.Besides they opted for their Islamic emirates during partition minorities didnt do that.
So there is no place for foreign muslim asylum seekers in India.
This migration would be their biggest mistake they would be experiencing a lot of dismay.Even applying for immigration to India they are being given the visa for month or week and they have to assure that they would not obtain asylum over there.There would be a lot awful that they are going encounter over there. So instead of being asyrayed they should be living where their forthfathers were living and where they are being treated supportively.
Imagine how prosecuted they must be feeling in Pakistan that they are willing to take all this immigration cr@p.
That's in the past.

Many muslims from neighbhouring want to migrate to India? What's the problem now

We are already over populated and have problem with resources. We should not open the flood gates for economic migrants be it hindu, muslim or christian. If people are being prosecuted because of their religion then we should consider case by case.
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