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Five Indian Soldiers Killed in Attack Along Pakistan Border

@A1Kaid What are you so happy about? You think this will go without any retaliation? Today some families in India lost their son, husband, father, brother, soon some families in Pakistan will suffer the same fate, while you will be safe behind your computer screen.
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Thats the thing, last time they didn't try to infiltrate because they knew that PA units were on alert and they would get hammered. They sniped their targets from stand off ranges, safely from the comfort of their bunkers. I believe that counter sniper units and CBF units should be in place to immediately fire back in case of a provocation.

Completely agreed. Personally I would like to see PA capture the infiltrators alive if possible, but of course soldiers on ground must take the best immediate course of action.
We deserve to die , Its happening since Gauri and Gaznabi...

Its called PrithviRaj Syndrom..

We need Shivajee who tear apart Terrorist...

Mulla Manmohan singh is coward,
A few days ago indian troops crossed into our border and kidnapped pakistani men.Also almost ten days ago they killed our one soldier.Well done Pakistan army and please maintain this 5 for one ratio.
5 terrorists send to the Hell fire, good for the humanity !
Any Pakistani/international source reporting this?
Any Pakistani/international source reporting this?

Euro news, I find their coverage on this situation fairly objective.

Al Jazeera English report

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In, other words India is accusing Pakistan again prematurely without any credible evidence.
In, other words India is accusing Pakistan again prematurely without any credible evidence.

Update: Well they claim the sixth soldier who is critically wounded in a hospital in Jammu as we speak stated the patrol unit was ambushed by personnel "dressed in Pakistani Army uniform" and "20" militants; that is their basis for this accusation.

So actually the Indian government has been careful not to explicitly blame Pakistan from what it seems instead they are saying personnel "wearing Pakistani army uniform" and "20 terrorists" were involved in the ambush.
NEW DELHI: The attack on Indian soldiers which left five dead couldn't have come at a worse time for both India and Pakistan which had recently proposed dates for resumption of dialogue that remained stalled since the January ceasefire violations. It left many red-faced in India, too, as New Delhi had responded positively not only to Pakistan's proposal for a meeting between PM Manmohan Singh and his counterpart Nawaz Sharif - on the sidelines of UNGA in New York in September — but also for talks on Tulbul Navigation Project/ Wullar Barrage and Sir Creek issues.

The government here said that both sides were finalizing "mutually convenient dates" in late August and September for these talks. Indian sources said on Tuesday that the latest incident of ceasefire violation has brought the proposed talks under a cloud even though they refused to spell out what action New Delhi could take diplomatically.

One option, of course, is to harden India's position on 26/11 attacks, asking Pakistan to expedite the trial that continues to move at glacial pace. As former foreign secretary Kanwal Sibal said, India should not be in any hurry to announce dialogue with Pakistan before the two PMs meet. He felt India should make grant of MFN status and speedy trial of Mumbai accused pre-conditions for any talks with Pakistan.

"Both these issues have been discussed for a long time and there is no reason to delay this. And when the meeting takes place in New York, our PM should be able to gauge what response India is likely to get on these issues," reasoned Sibal, adding that Sharif can create right conditions for resuming dialogue by responding positively on these two issues.

Former Indian ambassador to Pakistan and strategic affairs expert G Parthasarathy said before exercising any diplomatic option, India should actually allow the Army to respond. "The Army should be allowed to respond at a time and and place of its choosing. This attack can't be ignored," he said.

While Sharif has indicated that dialogue should be taken up from where it was left off in 1999, Parthasarathy said India must make it clear to him that there is no question of return to that stage until the time Pakistan ensures that the territory controlled by it is not used for terrorism against India and that infiltration is brought to an end.

"We should also make it clear that we expect firm action against the perpetrators of Mumbai attacks. Pakistan has to respond constructively and we must await their response before we finalize dates," he added.

Attack on soldiers puts India-Pakistan talks under cloud - The Times of India

Mission accomplished for those who where behind yesterday's attack
So if the attackers were wearing the US Army uniform, they would have been taken for US Army attackers?

Military uniforms unfortunately are widely available, and easily accessible even the US Spec ops uniform.

Rest in peace to the Indian soldiers.
So if the attackers were wearing the US Army uniform, they would have been taken for US Army attackers?

Military uniforms unfortunately are widely available, and easily accessible even the US Spec ops uniform.

Rest in peace to the Indian soldiers.

Thanks.... But did you listen to the video posted by aIkaid?
tragic...and to be honest a bit humiliating.....Just for the sake of argument let's assume that they were pak soldiers....now can anyone explain me how they managed to get-in to our territory undetected and managed to kill our Petrol party and then fled??

we can cry a river on this issue but at the end of the day i can smell lot of complacency...I hope i am wrong and desperate to be corrected on this issue...so anybody who even has an iota of knowledge on this subject kindly pitch in...Another thing that i am desperate to hear now is what will IA do...
If the 400 meters report is correct, job well done by the PA, the Army has really studied the environment well infiltration into enemy held ground is quite astounding, months ago PA had managed 300 meters into Indian held territory--that too in a spectacular operation killing roughly 7 Indian army soldiers.

Infiltrating a couple of meters in no big deal as there are no clear boundaries. Just days before, soldiers believed to be from Indian Special forces too barged 450 meters into pakistan and brought back with them 4 jeehadi guides whom pakistan was referring as to "herb collectors". This is a vicious cycle. Today IA suffered casualities and tomorrow it will be PA.
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