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Five Hindu children abducted in Pakistan

Indian backed BLA terrorists can kidnap anyone.
BTW seems this time now BLA will train Hindu children for spreading terrorism in Balochistan province of Pakistan
Exactly my point...capture and kill every Hindu in Pakistan...The do the same with Christians...Then Parsis...and then Shias....when you are done with everyone Not Muslim...start killing the lesser Muslims.
Exactly my point...capture and kill every Hindu in Pakistan...The do the same with Christians...Then Parsis...and then Shias....when you are done with everyone Not Muslim...start killing the lesser Muslims.

just like you are doing in India?

hmmm NO thanks :)

Now back to topic since your comment has NOTHING to do with Kidnapping by Indian backed and Indian trained BLA terrorists

YES pakistani Hindus are at the forefront of terrorist activities in pakistan. Eradicate them fast !!

when you get some brain cells then come back and post logically i will be glade to reply you.

In the meanwhile you should eradicate saffron terrorism in India.
@Rahul9090 Well these hindu children's are kidnapped by Indias rented terrorist group, so why don't you go & complain to them, to your NA MALUM AFRAD whom you call unidentified men in English.
just like you are doing in India?

How many from Minorities have been kidnapped by Terrorists in India???

Now back to topic since your comment has NOTHING to do with Kidnapping by Indian backed and Indian trained BLA terrorists
Your country your army...get your army to kill those terrorists..who is stopping you...We kill every rabid dog that crosses border towards our side.

May be there is a GOOD TALIBAN and then a BAD TALIBAN.

In the meanwhile you should eradicate saffron terrorism in India.
The usual Cheap shot... but how many Saffron terrorists do you see across the globe with AK47 in their hands...Calling for Jihad against other countries.

Like this :Hafiz Saeed calls followers to wage jihad against India : India, News - India Today

and How many Saffron terrorists do you see kidnapping Girls and doing this: BBC News - Boko Haram 'to sell' Nigeria girls abducted from Chibok
BLA will use these hindus for suicide attack i guess and brain wash them that they will going to meet RAM and SITA after doing suicide attack...

no offence but i am fed up of hearing 72 virgins logic by TTP members and by our indian members ...and i dont know about hinduism whom they meet after doing suicide attack plz can anyone tell me ?
Insurgents kidnap Hindus on a regular basis using them as chips to extract support from a specific country that champions the Hindu cause.

Yes exactly, 5 Hindu kids get kidnapped in Pakistan and it is India's and Hindus' fault.
Exactly my point...capture and kill every Hindu in Pakistan...The do the same with Christians...Then Parsis...and then Shias....when you are done with everyone Not Muslim...start killing the lesser Muslims.

Bareilvis also have became the part of target list because of their Sufism.
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Are the families of these kids wealthy ? Does BLA like the TTP believe in wiping out the infidels or was the kidnapping just a random act against possibly wealthy families ? Is this a BLA modus operandi or a recently acquired talent by that group? @Aeronaut , will the Pakistani authorities regard these kids as Pakistani citizens worthy of an investigation or would they adopt your attitude and suggest that the Indian authorities negotiate the release of these Hindu kids with the BLA ?
just like you are doing in India?

hmmm NO thanks :)

Now back to topic since your comment has NOTHING to do with Kidnapping by Indian backed and Indian trained BLA terrorists

when you get some brain cells then come back and post logically i will be glade to reply you.

In the meanwhile you should eradicate saffron terrorism in India.

why so angry .. it was an advise for ur own good !!
Insurgents kidnap Hindus on a regular basis using them as chips to extract support from a specific country that champions the Hindu cause.
FYI India doesn't give a f**k about Hindus in Pakistan or Bangladesh. If they did they would provide refugee status to Hindus who have fled to India from this country. In case of Bangladeshi Muslims they just hand-out citizenships.

Good to see the same people who cry crocodile tears for Indian Muslims, justify violent acts against their own Hindus.
@Rahul9090 Well these hindu children's are kidnapped by Indias rented terrorist group, so why don't you go & complain to them, to your NA MALUM AFRAD whom you call unidentified men in English.

ya of course India is backing these terrorist to kill al hindus shias and Christians
How many from Minorities have been kidnapped by Terrorists in India???

Your country your army...get your army to kill those terrorists..who is stopping you...We kill every rabid dog that crosses border towards our side.

May be there is a GOOD TALIBAN and then a BAD TALIBAN.

The usual Cheap shot... but how many Saffron terrorists do you see across the globe with AK47 in their hands...Calling for Jihad against other countries.

Like this :Hafiz Saeed calls followers to wage jihad against India : India, News - India Today

and How many Saffron terrorists do you see kidnapping Girls and doing this: BBC News - Boko Haram 'to sell' Nigeria girls abducted from Chibok

none of the BS you have posted make any sense viz a viz this topic.

Your Indian funded BLA terrorists have kidnapped the Pakistani Hindu kids so go ask your terrorists to release them otherwise you Indian Hindus will wage a war against these BLA rabid dogs.
In one of the forum threads there are talks about Indian terrorists bombing Pakistan and people like Bal Thakery causing ethnic violence in Pakistan. How is it that one is suppose to feel apologetic for this happening? I am a Pakistani and I don't understand how we can sit back and relax when so many muslims have been killed. If people like Modi can become Prime Ministers ... than I believe we need to make sure that Indian / Hindus or any foreigner in Pakistan must not stand! We are to make sure that we as Pakistani's form our own country!! A country free from destroyers.
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