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Fish farming in Pakistan


Mar 21, 2007
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Fish farming in Pakistan

National Aquaculture Sector Overview

Catla catla ), rohu (Labeo rohita ), mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala ) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio ). More recently, two fast growing species, the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus ) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix ), have been introduced for culture under modern polyculture systems to increase the fish yield per unit area. These two species have good economic values; have gained a reputation and became popular amongst the producers as well as consumers. Two species of trout namely brown trout (Salmo trutta ) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss ) are cultured in NWFP, AJK and NA.

Practices/systems of culture

The organisation of the Provincial Fisheries Departments was very poor at the beginning of aquaculture activities during 1980s and to some extent is still in a similar position in Balochistan and KP provinces. With the exception of a pilot shrimp farm in Sindh and one pilot trout culture facility in KP, virtually all aquaculture in Pakistan consists of pond culture of various carp species.

The quality of carp pond design and construction is highly variable, some commercial farms are well built and managed, however, many more are in need of technical and management assistance.

Carp are cultured in earthen ponds utilising extensive polyculture farming systems with very little inputs; in some farms semi-intensive culture has also been adopted. A combination of five or six of the three indigenous species of major Indian carps as well as 3 exotic species of Chinese carps are cultivated in the ponds. On a typical farm in Pakistan, the ratio of the warm water species stocked on the farm is as follows: catla (10-20 percent), rohu (30-35 percent), mrigal (15-20 percent), grass carp (15-20 percent) and silver carp (15-20 percent).

The intensive culture of these species has not yet been adopted so far, the major impediment to this development being the non-availability of low cost feed and to some extent the non-availability of intensive fish farming technology. The productivity of carp farms show marked differences across the various provinces with Punjab having the highest per unit production followed by Sindh and KP.

Cold water aquaculture provides a unique opportunity in the mountainous areas of KP, Balochistan, AJK and GB. Presently two species, brown trout and rainbow trout, are being produced and cultured successfully for use in sport fishing activities. The intensive rearing of trout is practiced in commercial raceways in Swat, Dir, Chitral and Hazara in KP and in AJK and GB.

How much Profit can you make in Fish Farming Business? |
Production and culture of trout . A review.


The paper gives the history of the introductions of brown trout and culture of rainbow trout in KP and GB. There are 738 km of rivers with trout, 8 state run hatcheries, 18 private hatcheries and 28 private trout farms, the estimated production of which is 162 120 tons per year.


Pakistan is a country of a great variety of landscapes and environmental conditions. This variety of habitats is especially remarkable in the KP. In addition, there is a critical contrast between winter and summer seasons. The rivers and streams are deep or shallow, clear or muddy, cold or warm, fast or slow and may have stony, sandy or muddy bottom and rich or scanty vegetation along the banks. Suitable species were designed by nature itself for this region.

The trout fishery of Pakistan prevails particularly in the KP and GB, where two species of trout, though exotic in origin, have established themselves in rivers of this province. They are brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).

2. BROWN TROUT (Salmo trutta)


گلگت بلتستان میں ٹراو ٹ مچھلئ انس سو چھ 1906 میں Iنگریز پو لیٹیکل ایجنٹ اے ایف بروس ںے سر ی نگر اور یو رپ سے منگوا ئے تھے ۔ ٹرواٹ مچھلی کے انڈے ڈ بو ں میں پیک کر کے گلگت بلتسان پہنچا ئے گئے ۔ جہاں صا ف اور ٹھنڈے پا نی کے ندئوں کا انتخاب کیا گیا ۔ اور ان انڈوں کی افزا ئش پھنڈر ۔ گا ر گہ نالہ ۔ سئی نا لہ ۔ سنگل نا لہ ۔ گلمتی نا لہ ۔ بتھر یت نالہ اوردلنا ٹی نا لہ میں کی گئی ۔ یہ سلسلہ ا نس سو سترہ 1917 کےپو لیتیکل ا یجنٹ سی ۔ اے سمیتھ تک جار ی رھا ۔ س دس سال کے عر صے میں اس مچھلی کی افزا ی ئیش میں ز بر دست کا میا بی ہو ئی ۔ ٹراو ٹ مچھلی کی خا صئیت یہ ہے کہ یہ ٹھنڈے او شفاف پا نی میں رہنے کو تر جیح دیتی ہے ۔ا س لئے یہ گر میو ں میں دریا کے رخ کے مخا لف سمت میں سفر کر تی ہے ۔ اور ا نچا ئی کی طر ف سفر کر تی ہے ۔ گلگت بلتستان میں براون یا بھورا اور رینبو یا ست رنگی ٹراو ٹ کی نسل پا ئی جا تی ہے ۔ اس کا شمار مز یدار مچھلئیوں میں ہو تا ہے ۔ بد قستی سے ہمارے کچھ نا دان دوست اس مچھلی کی بے در یغ شکار سے ا کی نسل کشی پہ تلے ہوے ہیں ۔ شکار ضرور کر یں مگر با رود یا نیٹ کا استعما ل کرکے قتل عام اور نسل کشی نہ کر یں ۔ بشکر یہ ڈا کٹر اسد رحمان

The species was introduced in Gilgit from Europe by political officers in 1906. It has large scales, thickly spotted dark and red spots on the sides. The body is short but stout, suitable altitude for its culture is about 1 000 m above sea level. The fish becomes adult after two years and breeds in natural waters. In hatcheries it can be made to spawn by stripping which is quite successful. Its fecundity is about 1 500 eggs. Due to low temperature, its incubation period extends from 40 to 70 days. In Saif-ul-Maluk Lake (Kaghan Valley) the fish has reached 7 kg. Trout is a tasty fish, sometimes considered a delicacy. It is also a game fish caught with zeal by anglers. It usually reaches a total length of about 45 cm. Being carnivorous, the fish feeds upon a variety of aquatic animals including small fish.

The major districts in Gilgit and Skardu. The major fishery of this area is brown trout. It was introduced there in 1908. Now it is established, mainly supporting sport fishing. Trout in Gilgit was first introduced in 1906 and has been established there since then. In 1963 more eyed ova were introduced from the Shinu hatchery, Kaghan Valley, hatched and also established a fish stock.

Trout culture began in KP in 1928, when brown trout was first brought from Kashmir and kept in a nursery tank in the Shinu hatchery. In 1930 it was introduced in Swat and Chitral by H.R. Hay, Political Agent, Malakand, and by Captain B. Woods Ballard, Assistant Political Agent, Chitral, respectively, but did not succeed as the total stock died. Later some efforts were made again in both areas but could not achieve the objectives. Thereafter the matter was dropped for seven years. In 1946 Maj. B. H. Cobb, Political Agent, Gilgit, initiated more introductions with about 120 adult brown trout stocked directly in the Lutkoh River, Chitral. They self-reproduced and established a good population. At present this valley is unique for trout angling. Introductions elsewhere, including Swat, were unsuccessful. Interest in trout was revived in 1960 when a fully fledged project was approved and implemented by the Fisheries Department of the KP. In 1961, a trout hatchery was constructed at Madyan, Swat, and trout were imported from Kaghan. The first breeding was conducted in January 1962 and the resultant fry were stocked in the upper reaches of the Swat River, which proved successful.

There are brown trout hatcheries at Hosho, Kargah and Chilas in Gilgit and Skardu areas.


Trout was introduced to Quetta from Kaghan in 1953. Since then the nearby Karez reservoir and other waters have been regularly stocked with fry and fingerling obtained from the local hatchery at Urruk. It has been suggested to introduce trout culture in Ziarat Valley.


Based upon the observation made at the Madyan Trout Hatchery, Swat, rainbow trout have a better potential than brown trout. It is better growing, tolerates crowding and water temperature fluctuations well.
Tilapia Fish Farming

Tilapia has taken an important role in the commercial fish farming business sector. Almost all types of people like tilapia recipes like baked tilapia to eat and there are no man who does not like tilapia. The weather and environment of our Asian countries is very favorable for tilapia fish farming. As the tilapia is one of the very testy and fast growing fish species, so it has a great demand to the fish farmer and consumers. It has made a revolution in the field of fish farming. By farming the tilapia fish in modern ways using up to date technology and techniques, desired income can be made within a very short time. Tilapia fish farming is also a suitable way of earnings for the unemployed people. Due to the high rate and demand of tilapia in local and foreign markets, the farmers are being more interested in this fish farming. Efficiency of taking natural feed, interests in supplementary feed, surviving in averse natural condition and for disease resistance power of tilapia the popularity of it is increasing to the farmer. As well as the demand of tilapia fish is increasing in international market day by day. Tilapia fish can survive in 12-40 degree centigrade temperature and grows well in 16-35 degree centigrade temperature. Tilapia can be produced twice a year. If modern farming methods and technology can be used in tilapia fish farming, then it would generate more income. And it has a bright chance to contribute to our economy. Scientific classification, farming method, feed, breeding and other management of tilapia fish are described below.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Cichlidae
Sub-family: Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe: Tilapiini
Genus: Tilapia

Tilapia Fish Farming Method

Well management is very important to get highest benefit from tilapia fish farming. Tilapia grows rapidly. The female tilapia can produce minnow for numerous times in a year. So different sized tilapia can be seen in the pond. As a result of it the farmers do not get desired production.

Naturally, the growth rate of male tilapia is more than the female. The farmer can cultivate only the male tilapia which will generate more production. This types of cultivation is called mono-sex tilapia fish farming. This types of tilapia consume supplementary feed and can survive in adverse natural condition even it can be cultivate in high density.

Pond Selection

Select a pond with a depth of 1.5-4 feet for tilapia farming. Bush and unnecessary thing must have to removed from pond, it will ensure the entrance and availability of sunlight inside the pond. Proper pond management helps better production.

Nursing Pond

The minnow of tilapia fish should kept in a nursing pond after bringing them from tilapia hatchery. Before keeping the minnow to the pond you have to be sure about the condition of the pond. First of all make the pond dry and apply rotenon medicine to remove unwanted and cannibalistic fish insects and animals. After that, apply 100 kg lime, 500-700 kg dung, 10-15 g nitrogen, 5-7 g TSP and 2 g MOP per acres. Keep a net around the pond to prevent the fish from predators like frogs and snakes. After 5-7 days of applying fertilizer, stock 21-28 day old minnow in the pond. Serve 10-15% feed to the fish according to the weight of the minnow. After 40-60 days of caring and nursing move them to another pond.


Breeding process of tilapia fish is not so difficult and the setup of breeding process is very simple. For breeding purpose the brood-stocks can be placed in a small sized tank and after that transfer the fry to a larger tank or pond for further farming. It is very difficult to identify male or female tilapia fish when they are very young. Which is a very big problem for commercial tilapia fish farming. For this reason the large commercial tilapia producers use hormones or genetically chosen fish to produce only male tilapia for profitable farming.


Tilapia is generally an omnivorous fish species. They generally consume everything including algae and various types of aquatic plants. For small or large scale commercial tilapia fish farming the producers can use commercial tilapia fish feed which are available to the nearest market. Organic fish feeds are also available for tilapia fish and home made feed can also be used. Commercial feeds are very healthy and effective for the fish and it provide the highest growth.


First of all remove different types of unwanted and cannibalistic fish from the pond by using a net or applying rotenone or other medicine. Apply dung and compost fertilizer every week for producing natural feed in the pond. In accordance with natural feed serve them sufficient supplementary fish feed. If you provide supplementary feed according to the demand of fish then there is no necessity of providing natural feed. When the weight of fish will be more than 100 g, then it will be better if you change the water of the pond at the rate of 5% daily. When the average weight of tilapia would 300-500 g then it will be suitable for sale. Collect all the fish and stock again.

Nowadays the market of tilapia is speeding worldwide. Our environment and weather is very suitable for tilapia fish farming. It takes low time in farming and give a great income within a short time. As the demand and price is high so the farmers are becoming more interested in tilapia fish farming. Tilapia farming can meet up our demand of protein and make our economy strong.
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Pond Management

Before discussing about pond management we have to know what is a pond? Generally a pond means a small collection of still water. The pond is seen almost all areas of the world. It is mostly seen in the village area. Some are also found in city area. People use the pond for different purposes. Most of those pond are used for fish cultivation. Almost all types of freshwater and saltwater fish for ponds are cultivated in the ponds. Successful fish farming depends on the pond ecosystem. The source of water can be a river, lake or other natural way like rain water and underground water.

Water source can be different but it have to have the facilities of changing weekly or monthly. It would be better if it has the facilities of replacing after every two to three months. For highest fish production the pond water should change or replace only when it would lost from evaporation or seepage. If the farmer change the whole water of the pond more and more it will reduce his production. The pond can be different sized. It can be a small one or a pond of numerous hectares. Small pond design are made for meet up family animal protein supply or consumption. On the other hand the larger pond are made for commercial purposes. But a pond of giant size is not suitable for well maintenance. Before pond construction you should keep in mind about the pond culture, pond design, pond management and the pond supplies system.


Natural resources, condition, weather and available equipment are the main thing to look before build a pond. The farmer should build a pond where the land is situated with a gentle slope. The pond may be square or rectangular but you have to make sure that it will be free from entering water from other source and the water will never go out. The water label of the pond will always be same according to the species of the fish and it will be better if there is a resource of water where sufficient water is available all time. The pond also have to be well drained to remove all water while collecting the fish. The shore of the pond should wide enough for reducing the erosion problem.

For preventing your pond fish from the thief, you should construct the pond near your residence as much as possible. The another way to keep your fish free from being theft, keep bamboo poles or tree branches with thorns in the pond, it will make impossible to collect fish with net. The bamboo poles and tree branches will not only prevent the fish from being theft but also it will serve the fish some extra natural foods. This system is generally known as periphyton based fish cultivation.

Do not build a pond where the minnow is rare. The pond plants must have to be maximum. Pond plants reduces the food cost of fish cultivation. The pond ecosystem will be fish cultivation friendly. It will be free from all types of ammonia gas and full supply of oxygen. Different types of ducks can be raised in the pond and it will make sufficient oxygen supply for the fish.

Before build a pond you have to give attention in some subject. What should you do before contracting a pond are described below.

Size of the Pond

The size of the pond depends on your farming type. If you want to cultivate fish to meet up your family needs, you can start in a small pond design. If you want to cultivate fish commercially you have to make a large one. The pond can be both square and rectangular sized. Square and rectangular sized pond are easy to build. A pond with an area of 250-300 square meter is best for family used fish pond. In commercial purposes the pond size can be any. The size of the pond should be right that which you can easily maintain.


The water depth will be 30% in one corner and 100% in another corner. Depth of the water depends on the species of fish you are cultivating. The depth of the pond can be more if you want to use it for reserving water for the dry season. What ever the depth of the pond can be but it have to have the well facilities of draining. A well drained pond is suitable for collecting fish.

Pond constructing process is the most difficult and expensive way of fish farming. A pond should construct well because it is a long deposit and a pond can be used for several years. So, think more and more before building a pond.

  • Select a suitable place for making the pond.
  • Determine the appropriate area of the pond.
  • Make the shore of the pond strong.
  • It would be better if there are no big tree near the pond.
  • Make an inlet and outlet path.
  • Make the pond fertilized before releasing minnow there.
  • Build the pond near your residence.
  • Stock minnow according to the area of your pond.
  • Make the pond where at least one natural water source is available around the year.
  • Determine the area of pond which you can easily maintain.
This is Madyan. Trout fish hotel.





Rainbow trout




More than 12,000 fish farms have been established across Pakistan. The average size of farm ranges form 6-9 ha. About 50,000 people are employed in the sector. In Sindh, the majority of farms are located in Thatta, Badin and Dadu, the three districts through which the River Indus passes.


More than 12,000 fish farms have been established across Pakistan. The average size of farm ranges form 6-9 ha. About 50,000 people are employed in the sector. In Sindh, the majority of farms are located in Thatta, Badin and Dadu, the three districts through which the River Indus passes.


Thank you!. Amazing posts as always.

I saw that youtube i think it was gujaranwala. If you can provide which kind of fish is being done. On it I did see a catfish which was surprising; most likely just native catfish
I love your posts regarding sustainable agriculture in Pakistan bro. It's a big interest of mine. Keep them up. I read and even pass on the information.
@waz . I really commend our friend for providing real insight.

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